Heroes 3 Faction Tier List - HOTA JC/Jebus Cross edition

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This is a town tier list video for Jebus Cross and other simmilar templates.

I use the online lobby for multiplayer games.
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I am really glad there is a YouTube community to help teach me this game. I loved playing it at my friends house as a kid. Lol also love that my 1500 dollar PC is being used most often to play a game from 1998


You're really good at this, Lexi! Very entertaining watching you talk. Keep em coming!


It's really cool to see tier lists from a competitive multiplayer perspective.


Lexi : "basic Galthran"
Youtube subtitles : bAsIc gIrlFrIeNd
Not to mention the girls for "heroes", and granddaughters for "grand elves"


I think to be fair, a tier list like this have to take in consideration the map size, like the expensive towns needs big maps with a lot of resources, and some other factions will do better in a quick and scarse environment


fortress should be S+ tier for its town BGM


Eminem: finally, our battle will be legendary


Quite agree with Stronhold and Fortress, they are two very strange faction, and very difficult to play, but even my favourite. They are like B faction, but if you move good on the map they became S faction! The Stronhold rush with Behemoth and Thunderbird is Insane, Crack hagh skills are awesome, in few weeks you can easy destroy other heroes in small and medium maps. Fortress with a good pack of gorgongs and a good strategy with the magic skills can destroy other top tier units like nothing.


Yaaaass please! And thanks for all your awesome content Lexi! Thanks for all the editing Ruffy! You guys promote the community in the best way.. 🍻


I always say there is 2 types of gamers: The one who likes to play, and the one who knows to play.
Unfortunately I'm the 1st type, and i was really surprised by this tier list.This was 1 of my childhood favorite games (well not HOTA, as it was none existent than, but mostly H3 and WoG) Nice video! Subbed! ;)


I think Tower would be waaaay cooler of town progression would be connected to mage guild. Like if studying the spells help wizards and alchemists to create and handle more tough creatures. That would immediately make tower heroes very spellcastish and give the Tower feeling of true mage fraction


I would say that for jebus templates your ranking is right on the mark. Cool vid.


Lexi, can you make a tutorial for how to play Necropolis and can you make a tutorial for new people just picking up Heroes 3 or returning to the game after 20 years. Would be awesome if you have beginner, intermediate and expert tutorials on mechanics, tips&tricks. Been watching your content for a few weeks now and decided to download Horn of the Abyss but it's overwhelming - so many changes compared to when I played Heroes 3 when I was a child. Thanks for your content, subscribed to your channel, keep it up :)


Great job with the videos man! Keep'em coming! Shout-out from Hungary!


Have never watched any of your gameplay but these rankings are lit


When I started off with Heroes 3, one of my criteria to whether or not a town was good was whether it was self-sufficient, basically. - So presuming I was stuck in an area with nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait for a while, how would that town handle it?

So one of the things I'd look for was how the resource income of that town balanced out to the cost of their units. - For example Castle I always recognized as having good units, but I also found them to be some of the most expensive. And similarly to Inferno where although the units are weaker, they've got special abilities that make them quite valuable.

The strongest towns in my books, though, were Conflux and Necropolis tied for 1st and 2nd place, and Rampart for 3rd. - Conflux particularly for the phoenixes, them being very fast and damaging, but also numerous, because you make double the number of phoenixes compared to any other tier 7 unit. And Necropolis for how its units are cheap and you can easily get them in massive numbers, with lots of immunities and benefits. And very easy to get huge numbers of units. And the usefulness of Animate Dead.

And Rampart mainly for the Fountain of Fortune and Dwarven Treasury that make it have the best economy of any single town, by far. - Any time I play random maps by myself I look to capture a Rampart just to use the dwarven treasury, then I'll hoard some months worth of units in my castles while I adventure and delay recruiting them as much as possible.

But this is all singleplayer perspective, really, or at most playing hot-seat with friends and family.


2:51 😂😂😂 I actually tried to play with the Jebus Cross Map Template as Cove and got the same issue. As soon as I heard with this accent "They are STUCK IN A SWAMP" I smiled a lot😂😂😂. I like Cove as a Faction, but they simply aren't going fast enough on the Swamp terrain. I tried to mitigate it by only allowing Stone Roads (no Dirt roads) but then it becomes a Railway😢😢😢


Finally a town tier list video where Fortress is appreciated. It's weird seeing Stronghold being it's own tier, but the overall ranking wouldn't change I guess. I'd be okay with an empty C tier though to be fair. Stronghold still feels levels above Inferno.


Hey Lexiav! Could we get a video on strategy rankings? Like Luna, Dracogeddon etc.? Im an older player returning and would like to know what strategies are worth it in HOTA.

Thanks in advance


Glad my country's on HoMM train! Great explanational video : )
