Heroes 3 TIER LIST (1-7 creatures)

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Tier 2:
Obsidian gargoyles id put weak. They have very weak dmg output, even though they have increased population (high pop, horde building). They are also unresurrectable. No way to use them efficiently, even with Piquedram. Marksmen id put strong since they are easy to guard because castle grants healthy units early and marksman deals a lot of damage if guarded correctly.
Tier 3:
Corsairs id put strong, since they have no retaliation and full strength in meele fight. They are also kinda strong by themselves and wins on meele fight with most of tier 2 units resourcewise. Similar story to marksmen id put grand elves to strong. Similarly to castle, Bastion grants strong health pool to units that usually are used to guard them. Cerberi from the other hand id pick to middle just because of their damage being 2-7. A few units can freely cast curse to them sending their strength potential being lower than even few tier 1 units. Furthermore bless is unobtainable for Inferno, none heroes begin with this spell from this proper faction. Lastly, water magic is ulikely to learn for Demoniacs and Heretics. So even if you learn bless later, its very unlikely you'd ever cast it because of lacking this proper skill.
Tier 4:
Everythings fine, but silver pegasi seems to be underapreciated. Speed 11 are making them awesome to be used in fights against shooting units. They have fairly strong stats to lure strongest units just to deal with them.
Tier 6:
Nix should be middle. They have unique ability to take less damage. They are also one hex units with similar fighting capabilities of unupgraded behemoths. They deal less damage, but are healthy and difficult to deal with. Enchanter being weak is also unnecesary mistake. They are top tier support for early game army and in hota obtainable from creature bank. Wyverns and Cyclops being weak is also strange. Giving appreciation to upgraded versions of them being middle. They are obtainable from banks too. Upgraded Nixes should be considered as strong. They are problematic to deal with - best counter is just casting damaging spells on them. Their size is also problematic, theyre difficult to block them and are extremely hard to deal with in meele fight. Also black knights being middle is also overappreciated. Their size is their biggest issue. They are healthy and have great stats, but also are easy to block and reasonably easy to slow them down because of that.
Tier 7:
Giant should be middle - obtainability via creature bank. Great to cast bless, via very high max damage output. Gold dragons should also be middle. Their immunity to tier 4 spells is great issue - because of that they are unresurrectable, but also can take damage from implosion. They are neither desirable because of base creature dwelling nor useful later on because they arent fastest or strongest on the battlefield. I also have an issue with angel, they aren't comparable with any other "very strong" unit, but also you usually have more of them and get them earlier from griffin conservatories.

The rest is fine ish...
Edit: forgot about demons being listed weak. Seriously, what a joke. Pit lords demon farm is just dominating this game as one of the main inferno strats. They have potential of spam similar to necromancy. Painful to see them in any other tier than strong.


T7: Behemoth/titan very strong
Crystal dragon weak(cost efficiency)
Rust dragon middle imo

T6 nyx strong
Enchanters middle

Btw, aren't the neutral dragons considered tier 10?


The stronges creature is the one at the top left of the screen: 3:14


Cool. Now remake that video with Factory included.


There should be a seperate evalutation for basis and upgraded creatures


Swordsman = middle
Basilisk with ~same stats as swordsman + petrify = weak



deje de mirar cuando puso en mid a los arqueros mejorados de castillos... son de las mejores unidades sin lugar a discusión


Ну прям кликбейт какой-то с выходом фабрики, а её и нет))) ждём апдейт с фабрикой)
