What is the BEST WAY to learn a language? | Polyglot Secrets

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What is the best way to learn a new language? In this video, I dispel the myth of one absolute best way to learn a language and teach you how to create your own method.

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🔍 My name is Stefani Kostadinova and I am a language enthusiast and a polyglot that currently speaks 8 languages. I am a member of HYPIA, the International Association of Hyperpolyglots. On this channel, I share my tips and tricks with anyone interested in languages, and I upload new videos every week.

⌛ Timestamps
0:00 Intro
1:16 Why there is no best way to learn a language
5:33 What not to do when learning a new language
9:55 How to create the best method for you
12:33 How to make sure it works for you
16:54 Conclusion
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This is a very interesting topic. Personally, I have mixed positions. It is true that there are different learning styles, but at the same time I think that many people are accustomed to a way of studying that is not effective, and by this I mean: basing study on grammar, doing completion exercises, memorizing vocabulary, going to class two or three times a week and doing homework that the teacher sends. If there is someone who does that, I would dare to tell him/her that it doesn't work, regardless of his/her learning style. In general, I think the problem is using our analytical brain to study languages. It seems to me that it is not optimal. On the contrary, any activity that involves exposing yourself to the language constantly in such a way that the brain by itself, spontaneously and unconsciously gets used to the melody of the language and recognizes patterns, that works. It is true that you can do it in many ways and according to your specific conditions and preferences, but there is something basic that I think you have to tend to. Thank you for your videos, I really like your approach.


You too have a wonderful week and month.


This is great advice!! I just discovered your video since seeing your talk with Steve, so happy to have found you!! Merry Christmas🎄💞


That's why I make a distinction between language learning - grammar exercises, memorizing cases etc which is about passing a test - and language acquisition which is about using the language. I believe the comprehensible input literature uses 'language acquisition.' You can't learn a language like you learn chemistry.

People have been learning languages without grammar tables and spaced repetition for thousands of years! And literacy rates were really low until about 100 years ago and yet people were still learning languages.

When traders were sailing to trade in different countries I don't they were were memorizing cases.

When Roman officials had to communicate with the locals they were governing they weren't using spaced repetition.

It would be cool to find out about ancient language acquisition methods. How did you learn a foreign language in a non-literate society?


Well said! I’m new to language learning and your thoughts are insightful.Your approach can be used in anything you want to learn, its the same way I look at health and fitness when training people. Its funny how the skills you learn in one domain can be directly transferred to another. This is how I remind myself when I struggle and find language learning hard.. Thanks for your work, Arohanui from Australia via Aotearoa 🙂✌🏽


Spot on ! Thanks for this insightful digest of the best methods available out there !
I for one am not into linguistics or languages in general and I've never learnt a foreign language intensively, I just use English at a basic level like everybody does nowadays, so my favorite method simply is passive repetition, in other words just reading or listening to whatever I need to read or listen to, and hoping things will sink in in the long run without my putting much effort into it. 🙄
But of course, as you said, understanding is key, so getting puzzled by something I'm not sure to have fully understood and so feeling the need to look it up, is what works for me.
However, let's be real, at the end of the day, it's all about IQ right ? Hahaha Just like anything we do in life....


je viens d'inde sois mon ami parce que je veux en savoir plus sur les gens de ce pays


Thank you for sharing this useful video. When I watch your videos, I feel myself so confident. You are my idol❤❤🥰🥰


English is my second language. I used to speak with a perfect american accent and a decent british accent. But after speaking mostly with the british accent for 2 years to myself during the pandemic for the fun of it I now realise that I cannot speak with an american accent. My tongue hits the walls of my mouth. And after learning french for 1 year I now cannot properly speak in my own native either language and also cant speak in a british accent too. ( the same aforementioned tongue hitting the walls problem) . After having stopped studying french for some time now the same thing happened to my french. All of my verbal communication skills have been reduced to trash. Is there any possible solution ?


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