Women's Ordination and The Rebellion of Korah

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We are living in the anti-typical Day of Atonement, which means every item in the Most Holy Place represents Present Truth -- including Aaron's Rod, which was a "token against the rebels," that is, those who were rebelling against the priesthood.
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God’s word is crystal clear on this subject. Women are not to fill positions of authority which God deemed men should occupy. I am a female, btw. God’s will regarding this matter is so plain, a child could discern it. God’s word gives us His template, and by example it shows us His will. Thank you for this excellent study and reproof from God’s word. I failed miserably in my designated role and for this, I repent forevermore. The weight of this guilt is nearly more than I can bear. My children’s souls are lost because of my Laodicean mindset. I can only pray and trust the Lord to do what I did not for my children.


Thank you for this presentation it helps us all to study seeking God's approval thru his word.


Seems that God can decide upon whom to pour His Spirit: 

“And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
29 Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit. (Joel 2:28-29, ESV)


Wow!!! This is powerful! Thank you for bringing out the importance of Aaron"s rod .


There are those who are acting out in clear rebellion. Namely, choosing a female president for your conference when you know that females are not recognized in those positions. It is rebellion on behalf of the woman and the officials who chose her. This is a clear sign of rebellion. Others in our churches young history have also rebelled, that is they challenged the authority of the GC. Korah's rebellion is a lesson to all those who wish to challenge ecclesiastic authority.


That is amazing. Thank you. I think you are right on. This is Melba R.


Thank you for this clear, God-given explanation.


Very informative biblical video. Thank you Brother.


turn down the music. It is to be a background not drown out the speaker


"Women who are willing to consecrate some of their time to the service of the Lord should be appointed to visit the sick, look after the young, and minister to the necessities of the poor. They should be set apart to this work by prayer and laying on of hands. In some cases they will need to counsel with the church officers or the minister; but if they are devoted women, maintaining a vital connection with God, they will be a power for good in the church. This is another means of strengthening and building up the church. We need to branch out more in our methods of labor. Not a hand should be bound, not a soul discouraged, not a voice should be hushed; let every individual labor, privately or publicly, to help forward this grand work. Place the burdens upon men and women of the church, that they may grow by reason of the exercise, and thus become effective agents in the hand of the Lord for the enlightenment of those who sit in darkness." RH July 9, 1895


) It’s argument that women’s ordination is rebellion is largely based on Korah’s rebellion and the claim that Miriam desired the priesthood. There are 2 problems with this:
A) Paul and other New Testament writers very clearly set aside the Levitical priesthood that is the basis for their argument and replaced it with the priesthood of Jesus in places like Hebrews 7:11-18.

B) There is simply no evidence that Miriam desired the priesthood. The real sin that they Miriam and Aaron committed was criticizing Moses for marrying a Cushite woman (Numbers 12:1). Basically they were prejudiced against international marriages and jealous of Zipporah’s influence on Moses and this was their sin. They did say that God had spoken through them which was true (Numbers 12:2, Micah 6:4). But they are not rebuked for saying that. A few verses later in Numbers 12:8, what God rebukes them for is for criticizing Moses (for his interracial marriage), NOT because Miriam aspired to the priesthood. There is simply no evidence that Miriam was trying to be a priestess anywhere in the Bible. It’s assumed with no evidence.


I just watched a sincerely made documentary called "Women's Ordination and The Rebellion of Korah" which alleged that Miriam's sin was aspiring to the priesthood and comparing that to women's ordination. My cousin actually helped make it and they are sincere, godly people who love God. Unfortunately like Luther who understood the truth of righteousness by faith, but rejected Sabbath, this claim is just not true. And in fact, those who are against women as spiritual leaders and ordained are the ones reversing God's order unfortunately (confirming what EGW said that truth and falsehood lie in very close tracks).

In fact, both the Bible and Ellen White make it clear that women were top spiritual leaders in Israel.
"I rescued you from Egypt, where you were slaves. I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to be your leaders." Micah 6:4

Ellen White writes as well:
Aaron and Miriam had occupied a position of high honor and leadership in Israel. Both were endowed with the prophetic gift, and both had been divinely associated with Moses in the deliverance of the Hebrews. “I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam” (Micah 6:4), are the words of the Lord by the prophet Micah.

Richly endowed with the gifts of poetry and music, Miriam had led the women of Israel in song and dance on the shore of the Red Sea. In the affections of the people and the honor of Heaven she stood second only to Moses and Aaron.” Patriarchs and Prophets p. 384-5

Even if there had been no women in spiritual leadership in Old Testament times, which is simply not true as we can see from the cases of Miriam and Deborah just for starters, Paul clearly states that that system has been replaced by Jesus Christ as our High Priest who has broken down all walls of separation (Ephesians 2:11-16) and made everyone equal (Galatians 3:27-28, Matthew 23:8)
“Yes, the old requirement about the priesthood was set aside because it was weak and useless.” Hebrews 7:18

Those against women's ordination and especially those against women at top levels of spiritual authority are in fact the ones who are against the order that God has set up, even though I'm sure many of them sincerely believe they are correct, just like many who worship on Sunday think they are correct.

Last, if God has brought a man and woman together in love, is it better to live together or to have a ceremony to publicly declare that love?

Similarly, if God has called a man or woman to be pastors leading His church, why not have a ceremony to publicly declare and celebrate that calling to important service?

See much more on this here:

See also: 
2) Ordination: 7 Biblical Principles show Jesus is our Pattern, not Conservative or Liberal Traditions--If we mindlessly follow ancient patterns, instead of Jesus, then everyone should reject democracy for monarchies (by Bryan Bissell)

3) 7 Compelling Reasons to Vote Yes on Women's Ordination (by pastor David Bissell)

4) An Open Plea to Doug Bachelor and all who are opposed to Women's Ordination by pastor David Bissell

5) Precedents, Prejudice and a Deacon named Phoebe (decisive proof that deacons/pastors qualifications are general principles, not discriminatory against women) by Bryan Bissell

6) The Anti-Women's Ordination Bible by pastor David Bissell

7) Truth is Life--We must use consistent principles, check context and fair linguistics to find truth. by Bryan Bissell

God bless as we go forward in unity and do all we can for God even if we don't see 100% eye to eye due to seeing through a glass darkly on this earth.
Bryan Bissell


pleace, turn of the music its only disturbing the fact. Else i also belive the same. Blessings to all of u.


I must question your logic.
1. Korah's rebellion was against Moses and Aaron's authority.
2. In reality this is rebellion against God's election.
3. Moses was a prophet. Aaron held the priesthood.
4. Korah's group were levites.
5. Gender was never an issue but authority definitely was.
6. Pastors today are NOT a reflection of Moses and Aaron.
7. Jesus holds the priesthood not pastors. That means Jesus replaced Aaron. No one replaces Jesus.
8. The rebellion was against a prophet and the high priest.
9. We know that there were no female priests, but we do know of at least one female prophet.
10. The rebellion centers around rejecting God's election.
11. There are women today who claim God has called them into the ministry.
12. There are women today who claim they have a right to the ministry.
13. Those who argue women's rights are in rebellion.
14. Those who are serving God with or without ordination are being true to God's calling.
15. If at any time God made His election clear (prophet, pastor, high priest, or otherwise) then rejecting His election is rebellion.
16. Therefore, denying a woman who has been called by God can also be construed as rebellion.
17. Let Korah's rebellion be a lesson to those who claim they have a right to serve as pastors (men or women) but have NOT been chosen to serve.


Interestingly Ellen White was a woman. Why isn't she viewed as rebellious, for taking leadership and directing the church? She should have stayed home and looked after the children.


Two women in the home does not make it "a homosexual relationship." 30:32
A homosexual relationship is "exchanging natural sexual relations for unnatural ones." Romans 1:26-27.
It's absurd to make the leap to spiritual homosexuality in the church.
You are right to fear homosexuality in the church but it is wrong to equate female ministers with homosexuality. The head of the church is Christ not the GC President, not Pastor Bhor, and definitely not any man.


I honestly believe this is a message that applies to women ordination but to those independent atoms that believe they are the "priesthood "of God.


I commend you for bringing to light lessons from scripture. It's humbling to be reminded of how God dealt with rebellious hearts in the past. I recognize that you are coming from a peace loving and positive place with your advice. However, I must comment on some ideas that you present that are patronizing.
Women's highest value may very well be bearing and rearing children. That does not mean that is their only value. Are you forgetting the women who were more than mothers? Deborah, Anna, Priscilla, Phoebe, EGW. There's no question to the importance that there is in creating life and training a child, but there is also value in serving the Lord by evangelizing and guiding the Lord's people. If a woman who is a pastor is neglecting her motherly duties then the same can be said of a man neglecting fatherly duties.


Wasn't EG White appointed by God? By the way; she was a woman. Interesting.


Adventist teaching based partially on writings other than Holy Scripture.
