TOEFL Writing Question 1 Tips | Practice with Answers

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Watch this TOEFL Writing video to learn tips and topics tested on the Integrated Question of TOEFL iBT Writing (Question 1). We'll give you a template followed by a sample question with answers to practice.

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I wish life were explained like this! THIS VIDEO IS GOLD!! Thank you so much!!


...I just hope the lecture isnt that freaking fast!! I cant take any notes xD


Really informative and helpful.
Thanks you guys are doing the best job in the world. :)


When the professor burst out her lecture like fast forwarding, I thought I was the one that was going crazy. 😁


Thanks for these very helpul information. Good job.


man! you talked super slow while explaining, but the lecture you read it super fast!!! there is no normal talking speed.


The lecture and the passage highlight an important scenario pertaining to today’s art culture which has been seeing an increase in private individuals collecting art forms. The passage accuses that it ruins the art for the artists and public, while the lecture provides counter arguments trying to prove that it is in fact beneficial.

According to the passage, private collection restrict the art form reaching out to the public and most importantly to the fellow artists, who want to get inspired from their peers and historical art forms. The lecture stresses on the point that the public museums are scattered all around the world, technically implying that public nor the artist have means to appreciate them. While, these individuals hold regular public ceremonies and even aid the artist to fly over to participate in such events, hence helping them garner new ideas and art forms.

Talking about the concerns raised by the passage about the carelessness shown by the individuals quoting an example of how exposed sunlight damages the paintings, the lecture mentions that, the benefits of helping artist create new pieces and spending adequate money on encouraging them, outweighs the concerns.

In the end, private art collection by wealthy influential people is beneficial for the art form and the artists along with the public despite the popular notion that it has severe detrimental impacts in general.


Good learning. The given tips, here, would help for a better structured answer to integrated writing test question type. Thank you!


In the lecture, the professor gives several points about the importance of having private collections to store artwork. She claims that there are many benefits of such private organizations. However, the article holds that this might be harmful to people who want to improve their competencies in art and also for individuals that enjoy watching paintings. As a result, the professor's lecture cast doubt on the reading by using some points that contrary to the idea given by the article.

To begin with, the instructor in the lecture holds that people can take advantage of such private collection in many ways. One example she gives is that although museums keep many artworks for visitors to behold, this might be a limitation for some people who can not get there because they can not afford to travel. Besides, in contrast to the reading, the professor holds that private collection can set exclusive events where they can exhibit paintings and other ways of artworks accessible for the public to see openly, events that most museum cannot set. On the other hand, the article holds that the most likely way for individuals to appreciate artwork are the museums because they remain artwork available for tourists but, this statement casts doubt on the information given by the lecturer. Hence, there is contraction between the lecture's and reading's point of view.

Furthermore, another way that the instructor uses to cast doubt on the article is by reducing the importance of the assumption that many private collectors do not know how to deal with artwork. From her point of view, although some collectors do not know how to treat artwork because they sometimes expose them to the sunlight, the most vital issue to highlight is that they want to encourage artists to keep working on creating new art. In other words, instead of believing that the remaining artwork could last forever, they know the best way to keep art alive is supporting artists in their projects. Nevertheless, this assumption contrasts with the statement made by the reading because it claims, there has been concern about the premise of dropping the interests of art among artists because the difficulty to see artwork that inspires them to create more pictures. Once again, there are points made in the reading that differs from the lecture.

To summarize, the information pointed out in the lecture contrast with the reading in several ways. The fact of having this private collection as an organization which can set up exclusive events to make artwork accessible to everyone is contrary to the idea in the article about the convenience of it. Along with that, the matter of supporting young people who love creating art, demonstrate that the disadvantage of private collections in art is in doubt.


Hi! Thank you so much for your help. I did not understand the part when you said that we can always pause and revise your outline. Does that mean that I will be able to have extra time to plan for my essay? I will have my exam next 6 of january


I have received the pdf TOELF score report. Is this document the TOELF official acreditation? Or we need another document? Im confused. I don't know if I can use it as a diploma for the application of a Master


Can we get pen or paper at the time of exam to write the notes


Omg, it's scaring me, a lecture is as fast as I pick some money from my grandmas pocket. This is supersonic fast. I can't even take any notes.


Hey! Thank you for sharing your knowledge... But I am a bit confused because for me, it sounds like you are giving your opinion sometimes... for example, you wrote smth about the passage and after you said: "but actually most artists can´t afford... " (I can not be su which one is right the passage or the audio... so it sounds like personal opinion when you say "actually it is like this") also in the conclusion you write: "Overall private collections are great both for art and for the people who love it" the same thing... it seems like personal opinion to me... is it not necessary to write something like according to the lecture overall private...?


I don't understand, some people seem to believe that exceeding the limited words is a good thing, and that you should never give your opinion on the first question


is there no lecture that supports the passage?


The reading and the lecture both discuss the effects of the increase in private art collections in the art market. The author of the reading believes that the increase of private art collections have been harmful to artists and to the public in general. However, the professor casts doubt on each of the author´s reasons and sates that the private art collections are not as bad as it is usually portrayed.
First of all, the author affirms that private art collections represent a setback to the general public interested in art, because these private expositions prevent the public from seeing the collections. Since the exhibition of these collections won´t be open anymore to the public in huge museums, but will rather be restricted to fewer people. The professor, however, refutes this point and states that many art collectors are able to organize public expositions and offer public access to the displays of their arts, in their private places. This fact can bring many benefits to the public in general, because many art collectors also have the funds to afford such art displays and share them also with the public, rather them hindering the viewers from appreciating art.
As a second point, the author argues that private art collections are harshly damaging to the artists, mostly because artist are usually not wealthy or hold the means or contacts to attend such private art displays. Then, it only causes a decline and hindrances for artists to being able to appreciate art and get inspiration for the development of their own artworks. The professor, again, rejects this point by stating that private art collections are, actually, beneficial to artists. That is because artists are able to see a whole art collection displayed in one place, rather than many pieces scattered in museums around the world. The private collections allow them to e able to attend the expositions, without having to spend lot of money to travel to many countries in order to look for art, which is frequently quite impossible for most artists to afford.
Finally, the reading passage states that few art collectors have the concerns and acts in order to preserve their pieces of art. Many art collectors are careless and display art in inappropriate places, causing the art pieces to be damaged. The professor, on the other hand, affirms that, although the insufficient lack of care exists sometimes, the art collectors are able to afford the acquisition of many pieces of art and support many new artworks. The increase and expanding in artwork outweighs the possible damage caused in some few pieces of art.


The reading passage and the lecturer both talk about the differences between privite and museums
art collections, where is better for those collections to be. However, in some ways the lecturer
disagrees with the passage.

First, the author refers that art paintings being on museums will have a better exposure to the public
view while in a privite collection the public would not be able to see it, but the lecturer opposites
to that statement. She believes that individuals with privite art collections will often open their
collection to the public and will also have the funds to promote a exhibition.

Second, the author suggests that privite collections will be worse for the artists itself because they
will no longer be able to see their fellow peers arts, therefore they will no be able to learn from
those arts and paintings, study them and so on. In contrast, the lecturer says the it'll actually
be easier for artists to see paintings in privite collections because they will be all in one place,
so artists no longer need to fly to museums and spend that amount of money. For example, they can just
be in one place where all the paintings from that specific artist is display with no need to travel
and go to a lot of museums.

Lastly, the lecturer says that even though individual art collections will not have the same amount
of care for the paint compare to museums, regarding exposure to light for instance, they can have some
kind of care for the art. In addition, they can help independent artists because they can fund them,
invest on them, on new art! The museums have no interest on doing that.


my TOEFL is tomorrow....will let you know how it went!


The girl in the video: 🐢🐢🐢
The lecturer: 🐇⏩⏩⏩
