What is a Key on guitar? The EASY key of G | Beginners Music Theory
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How can I know the key of a song?
The best thing to keep in mind is- more often than not, the key of the song is;
The first chord in the chord sequence
The last chord in the chord sequence
The most common chord in the chord sequence
If 2 or more of the above applies, then that is usually the key (it doesn’t always need all 3!) At this Level, we’re looking at the ‘Key of G’. Practically, this means that G will likely be the first chord in the chord sequence, or the last, or crop up the most out of any chord in the song. However, it is the other chords in the song, the ‘family’ of chords, that tell us we are in the key of G.
Common chords in the Key of G
G – Am – Bm – C – D – Em
Put simply, if a song uses these chords in any order, it is in the key of G. If a song uses say, Dm, instead of D, that usually means the song isn’t in G (even though it could be- more detail on this at level 8)