My Experience With Azazel (500 Day Ritual)

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In this Video I will be breaking down my experience of working with the demon Azazel. Azazel is a well known ancient god that is mentioned across many different antique writings. The evocation, invocation and summoning of Azazel is what is here described as the 500 day ritual working with the "scapegoat god". Azazel is said to have delivered the knowledge of the angels to the humans. From my personal experience Azazel is. a higher vibrating multi-dimensional being / conscious that correlates with the planet Saturn and offers countless blessings. His powers reach far beyond the imaginable and he is a master of all arts (money, fame, love, power, spirituality - you name it).

Steps to summon Azazel:
1) Meditate for 5-25 minutes to clear your mind
2) Prepare and dedicate all offerings
3) Draw and connect with the Sigil
4) ENN-Chant : "EYA ONCA AZAZEL AKEN" for 6,9,13,16,19,33 etc. times
5) Start communicating and state your goal as well as what you will do in return
6) Make offerings of food, drinks, blood or service
7) Thank the spirit for coming and leave with a nice goodbye (let the candles burn for another 30min. - 3 hours)

Planet: Saturn
Color: Red / Black
Element: Air

Blood from pricked finger, black candles, incense, dragons blood, rum, vodka, whiskey, food, sweets, red/black items

Long-term offerings:
Regular evocation routine, regular offerings, public appreciation (like this video) etc.

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Рекомендации по теме

Im in the stage of havoc with azazel but i will overcome. All blessings are coming through


Great!!!! I M Happy for you, yes lord AZAZEL IS VERY POWERFULL!!!HAIL AZAZEL


I Love the way you explain your experience


Fantástico! All hail Azazel!! 🙏🧙🏽‍♂️🐍🍎


Have you ever worked with king Clauneck? I’m curious.


Hello and thank you for this video n channel - I would like to make a testimonial on Lord Azazel- he is helping me become more cool under stressful situations - in fact all the negativity that surrounds me is affecting me less n less - I am learning how to think more for myself n beginning ti care less what other people think - I highly recommend a Pact with him - he is great to work with as long as your a serious student n willing to bust your ass - I guarantee he will help you in ways you never thought possible- Hail Lord Azazel!


Ja zostane ze swojimi Aniolkem ktory zawsze pomaga mi w zyciu jest przymnie czuje jego obecnosc nazywa sie Raphael's


Is there possibilities of him wanting a human sacrifice?am so scared but I really want to work with him


Hey what is Azazels zodiac sign? In one video u said Saturn indication Capricorn? And one other site said Aquarius. So which is it? Plllzzz reply, really need to know! 👏🙏


Oh wow... I've had Astral vision only once... I was wide awake when it happened, and so I tried to rationalize it. It's a long story that I can't go into now.
Tell me, how did you raise your vibration so that you are no longer experiencing Astral visions with low level entities?
This is how people lose their mind. They open their third eye, and see beyond the veil terrible things. To an outsider looking in, the person is hallucinating.


How did you do 500 days straight? how much time per ritual? offerings? I’m interested in possibly doing this. Any input greatly appreciated!


How exactly you gave your blood to Azazel ? Like a pour a little bit on his sigil or another method ?


Which day can be good to start evoking Azazel? I mean, I'm in a desperate need of good fortune and the sooner I can overcome this situation the better and for some reason that I do not understand I came accross the videos of this channel regarding specially Azazel; maybe Azazel's been looking for me..who knows but it's by no means coincidence. If someone can give me feedback on this I'd appreciate it.


I thought he was bound to a rock, ig I don't understand lol


6:00 perhaps look into Super Soldier talk Chanel. Mars slavery, Nazis, reptilians, giant spiders, negative mental training, insectoids.... Galactic story of humanity really. Perhaps u were part of the program, and then cloned and sent back to this timeline.


It burns it burns it burns haha good luck with that.


Sorry I love your video, but that sigil Is the sigil of Saturn not azazel, satans and sons have some working sigil of azazel if you want one


Can i ask u why you didnt choose jesua as your leader? You trading good life for hell


Very helpfull all your videos
Thank you a lots
Hail Azazel ❤️🩷
