Invocation of Sitri and My Experience

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I've said for years that SITRI'S Greatest Ability is He Can Teach the Individual to Learn How to Love themselves and in Turn that same Love will attract Others.


Hi great video 👍 I invoked Prince Sitri tonight to re-introduce myself to get to know him and invite him into my life, and wow his presence felt amazing, the moment I lite the candles I immediately felt his presence, it was a tingling sensation starting at the top of my head then felt it going down then throughout my body and then felt this refreshing feeling of my aura, before ritual I was feeling a bit tired and off prob from daily stress, after ritual I felt this sense of love in me and this love song from a movie soundtrack began playing in my head, I sensed he has a young and very well dressed look about him, very friendly and so cool to be around, felt this sense of love and understanding around me. I found him to be very vitalizing and felt rejuvenated. I felt his messages to me are “be loving towards yourself, don’t compare yourself to others, find things you love to do and forget all the unimportant stuff” I gave offerings of red wine, dark chocolate and rose incense.


This is my public gratitude and appreciation to Prince Sitri for bring my desire women to me. All praise Prince Sitri work with him give blood and respect. Learn about Prince Sitri amazing spirit to work with.


This is my Public Gratitute to R R R Helped You Thank You Thank You🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😊


Pretty cool vid brotha I gotta say my experiences with the goetic daemons are usually pretty intense


Public gratitude to prince sitri ❤ thank you sitri ❤ you helped a lot ❤


Who made up the enns though? Someone made them up around the time S Connolly printed her books, and maybe she did. Are we contacting that exact spirit using those "enns" or just summoning imposter spirits since anything can intercept the call and will show activity for attention. I've just been observing the demonolatry crowd for several years, and havent seen familiar faces document anything significant other than several people developing some psychosis thinking they're talking to demons like an imaginary friend. I just like to analyze everything from the smallest detail because this is a science. Where did the enns come from and do they summon the specific spirit? Are they just audio sigils that summon an egregore?


Sitri's enn chant is LIRACH ALORA VEFA SITRI. When I performed the evocation of Sitri, I felt her energy and presence. My body started shaking and trembling. Then I stated my reason for calling her and made my request. I believe she will grant it, and that's why I promised to spread her goodness and kindness. Thank you, Oh Great Royal Demon Sitri. I will be forever grateful to you.


This is my gratitude to spirit sitri thank you thak you thank you so much for giving me my dream partner he is obsessed with me in love with me and I'm very much grateful for thatt thank you spirit sitri ILY thank you ❤


Great video! Question, how long did it take for you to summon him and experiences did you have in terms of sexual encounters?


I am very much a beginner, i have tried to invoke Sitri, the sensations that i felt was a light tingling sensation on my brain, but i didn`t notice anything else.
I used a combination of decans(from Jason Miller`s consorting with spirits i simply repeat the decans, ) and i have a music version of Sitri`s enn playing in the backround. I am not skilled enough jet to see or hear the Daimon`s jet, so i mainly notice differences in where my brain appear to react, any help or advice would be very much appriciated necessary because i would very much like to work with the Goetics
when i tried to invoke Sitri i got some sense, that a thought that didn`t quite feel like my own about a desire to listen to pop\dance music.
as the only music was an enn version of Sitir.


Serious question…can semen as a potent energy source offering in a ritual be as effective or almost as a blood offering to a demon/entity?


See now i feel bad because i didnt get any real guidance and im burning and sitri candle and i legit chanted but on a hi this is what i want approach. Im still burning the candle but want to do it right while being respectful. Can anyone help?


Very good presentation. I totally agree with everything you said. However, due to something I noticed, and I hope you agree with me and pass it on to your new practitioners, any distraction, such as phone ringing, dog barking, etc., is anathema during a magical invocation.


Do you call upon the watcher before Goetic evocations?


Shalom. How do we proceed to evocation of the Spirit Sitri and what are the dangers?


Hlo sir
I want to know there is a situation where my desired partner is in relationship with someone else right now but i love him alot and his feelings are also there but because he is already in relationship he is restricted to give me commitment so if i want to take help of sitrinin this thing to make out things in my favour so itls it right or its not a good thing to do ? I have never worked with any demonic spirit please help


I would like to invoke Sitri zepar and beleth 👍


heyyy what do i offer sitri on the first try
