when film critics clearly just do not get the movie

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Critics and audiences do not agree on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, to say the least. I get why critics were critical. But it's also extraordinary the degree to which Walter Mitty is so many people's favorite, or near-favorite film. It's sweet, atmospheric, has a killer soundtrack, gorgeous cinematography, and just generally great vibes. Ben Stiller can direct a movie. No question. So today, I just want to celebrate the movie a bit, and compare it briefly to the original Secret Life of Walter Mitty from 1947. This one is definitely for the fans.

Written & edited by Danny Boyd

#waltermitty #benstiller #videoessay
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that scene with him skating down the mountains is one of the best moments ever


When my now husband and I first met 10 years go at 19 we went to see this movie for our first date. It really set the stage for our relationship and I still think about it often. When I need to be reminded about what is important in life I will listen to “Quintessence” from the soundtrack and think back to when we were broke and aimless and only had each other. The future was scary and we didn’t know if we would be together for very long. Now we live in our house we built together with our own four hands and I turn 30 next week. Life is so much better than I thought it would be back then, all because of him.
The first movie we watched on our thrifted couch in our empty living room the night we moved in was “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”.


Finally, some recognition this film deserves


This movie and Big Fish are both movies that will always make me cry. One reminds you to appreciate the world in your head, the other reminds you that there's a whole world out there and all the excitement doesn't have to stay a dream. They remind you to appreciate the fiction of life, and the reality just outside your door when so many of us cant see anything but whats in front of us anymore


In the end credits, which are insanely long and contain things such as "lead shark technician" and "assistant shark technicians", there is a message: "This movie has helped to support around 15, 000 jobs and involved thousands of hours of hard work to make." At that point it did make me cry.

I really do appreciate Ben Stiller a lot, he’s an incredible director who knows who to ask for photography and takes the time to develop and produce these crazy-assed stories. You can see from every film he makes all the care that is put in the craft and the people involved with it. You can feel it back from Zoolander up until Severance. "Beautiful things don’t attract attention on themselves", that’s quite how I feel about his work in general. His films always manage to earn the affection of the public through a lot of work, and somehow always feel modest and fresh even with multimillion budget.


This movie has always been special to me. Over ten years ago my family was going to see frozen in theaters with my kid cousin. As they walked into the theater my dad tapped me on the shoulder and said lets go see this instead. After the movie my dad told me that his mom had the exact same job as Walter Mitty has in the movie, a photo developer at Life magazine(when it was still around). At a bookstore I found a big anthology collection of the photos of LIFE magazine, after she passed in 2018 I found myself looking through those old photos everything from nature to politics to weird art pieces and wondering if they'd ever been the ones that crossed my grandmothers desk. If she'd been one of the first ones to ever see these pieces of history. I am glad to see this movie getting some love, everytime I remember it I can't help but feel that connection to that part of my family. Thanks for the video, I got chills in that into!


This movie quite literally changed my life. After watching it I got the courage to apply for a job in a country where I could not speak the language nor read the alphabet (it is Cyrillic and no it is not Russia). From my small town, I had never even travelled outside my state, to a whole different continent. It was a big adventure and I loved my time living in that country 😊


This movie, is what made me fall in love with movies in a completely new way. Suddenly I stopped just consuming movie after movie, show after show, and started to really appreciate people who take their time and energy to make something as powerful as a "simple" movie... It changed me and it has a very special place in my heart and in a way, it is one of my most favorite movies of all time.


Ben Stiller is a fucking monster as a director. The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty, Tropic Thunder, Severance. Just pefection!


When I was 13 I saw this movie with some friends, and I walked out the theater amazed. I was a kid with undiagnosed ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Not only was it beautiful, it spoke to me on a very deep and emotional level. Years later, I would occasionally bring it up in conversation and look it up online. Either way, the conversations would tend to veer in the direction of people just shrugging their shoulders saying "it looked neat, " but nothing ever deeper than that.
Recently, I was sitting at a friend's fire pit and her brother asked me what my favorite movie was. A fairly loaded question, but after a moment and years of saying The Dark Knight or Iron Man or other movies I thought I was supposed to answer, I simply stated The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

This video was incredibly validating to both me now, and the 13 year old who came out of that theater having felt like he could do anything. Cheers!


This movie unironically changed my life. I dream so much. Always in the day, daily in the night. This movie made me want to chase reality. My goal became to visit Iceland. When I finally did, it was like a dream. I'll never forget it.


Back in 2013 I had just graduated high school and had NO idea what I was going to do with my life. I had spent most of my teen years day dreaming about hopping on a plane after graduation to set off on a life-shaping adventure, yet when the time came… I stayed in my hometown, too scared to take the leap. Then I saw this movie and, after adding it to my favorite movie list, immediately started planning. The next year I moved across the globe alone and spent 4 years earning a degree, making friends, falling in love, and making the most of every moment. Now I’m back in my hometown, working a job I absolutely love and spending my days with my beloved partner I met while living abroad all those years ago. Taking the leap may seem scary, but keeping your dreams inside your head and never letting yourself meet your true potential is even scarier! Give yourself a chance to experience life and all it has to offer!!


Easily one of the most under appreciated films I’ve ever seen, one that holds a special place in my heart. Thank you for bringing more attention to it, Danny 🫡


I was always sceptical of Ben Stiller until I saw this movie. That's when I realized that he was an amazing actor, just because he could depict this flawed, worried, sensible person who just do something different with his life. He took a chance this one time and it changed everything.
This is actually one of my favorite movies from a spiritual standpoint because it gives hope that even if you're stuck in a seemingly unmovable position, your choices can move you places you couldn't even imagine.
The most grabbing parts is when Walter stops and notices things, thinking it through, just like we do. Sometimes you suddenly notice something that grabs you, and it hits you deep and hard, leading to a realization you knew you were looking for but couldn't form a solid understanding or standpoint about. The realization is the relatable movement, because once you've seen the movie you know that you hold the same power as Walter did. You are the deciding factor in your life.


Seeing people still talking about Walter Mitty brings me so much joy. This movie genuinely changed my life, and I show it off with pride to anyone I care about. The film is so in love with the magic of human connection. I resonate with Walter because I've always had trouble with connection, like I've had that moment at the beginning where he needs to find the courage to hit like on someone on a dating app. Contrasting with his growth at the end, and his resume now filled with adventure, is what I've begun to strive for before I die.

I absolutely adore this movie and I hope Stiller wasn't too hurt by the moronic critics when it came out, and now understands how much of an iconic, timeless piece of important filmmaking he created. I'm glad that now people are giving it a chance and seeing its true beauty and worthwhile lesson.


The only film I’ve ever thought, “there should be an Oscar for casting” . Every. Single. Character.


The entire "ghost cat" conversation in the film hit me. I was 16 at the time and had hit a crossroads in my life, and I could feel the pull of taking photos of everything and everyone at all times, living my life for the camera, and then Sean Penn's line of "Sometimes I don't take it, it's just for me" hit me.

I remember the first time I had a moment just for me, I wanted to take a photo, but I didn't. I've never forgotten that view, I could draw it from memory I loved it so much.


One of my favorite movies of all time. Legit changed my life. Also the soundtrack is perfect.


This movie’s sense of wanderlust is so powerfully instilled in anyone who’s open enough to engage with it. That sense of awe and scale you get when you travel to far away places you’ve maybe only ever dreamed of going to before is so palpable when you’re watching it. I love it to bits.


I remember it as one of the most pure cinematic experiences I'd had in a long time. No BIG BLOCKBUSTER ENERGY, no drive for a sequel or... any of that. It wasn't trying to redefine or BE anything. It was just incredible storytelling. It was taking us on a journey within a person - a journey we all are designed to take, but sometimes are afraid to risk for. It was a work where you weren't sure what to expect going in (I - like many - hadn't heard of the original), but it took you on such a profound process and evolution and didn't rush or apologize for any of it along the way. I hadn't thought about the movie in a long time, and I'm very grateful to have been reminded of it.
