I Made a HUGE Mistake!

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I'm gonna be honest, I was sure that once you had a baby, you will understandably neglect youtube a little bit. You not only stuck to your intense every-other-day schedule, you've started your garden, took on pantry challenge and decided to paint a house. I am starting to suspect you are the next level of human evolution when it comes to productivity. It's insane.


Oh my, the first time I have read all the comments. My goodness, some need to get a grip. Although I'm older than Becky's mom and hate to cook, have no family to take care of, dislike yard work, don't have a garden (air plants die in my house) I enjoy the videos. So much joy and wanting to share, so don't be nit picking and just enjoy.


What a blessing Josh is! He is patient and supportive, everything a person who is looking for a partner wants and needs. You, Baby Acre and Josh are a blessed family. So wonderful to see such a great family dynamic.


Another tip…if you are painting your whole house one color, only paint one room. Live with that room for a bit before painting the rest of the house. I’m about to paint the inside of mine and still can’t decide a color.


I’m so proud of you for painting over the color you didn’t like sooner than later. I painted my living room and hated the color but waited 4 years to fix it. You’ll be so happy you did this.


Long ago, I had a painter give me a tip. Use an offset drywall knife when cutting in. It gives you a great line and protects from getting paint where you don’t want it! My mom had some rental properties and I worked for her. I painted every house! Using the knife went so much faster because I didn’t have to take time to tape.


I've said this before, but I have to say it again. I'm always SO hard on myself whenever I make "mistakes." Especially when they cost us money, but also time as well. And I SO appreciate the way you handle any mistakes or accidents that happen in the course of your life. You just acknowledge it, make peace with it, clean it up and move on without beating yourself up over it. Of course that's the only thing you can and should do, but I've always really struggled (and mostly failed) to do that. As I said, instead I have all sorts of major anxiety and either settle for what I don't want or mercilessly beat myself up over it. You're really helping me see that it's just not worth doing that. Life's too short to do that. Just need to clean up any messes I make and move on with joy and a light heart. You go girl!


Can I just say, it makes me so happy when I hear Little Mr. Acre making his baby coos in the background of your videos and voice overs. Baby noises are just precious. I hope you don't ever feel the need to cut them out. I also love hearing Josh in the kitchen when you are in there working, it's his home.


Ok we just moved and I was going to hire a painter but after seeing you do this with a newborn I just know my hubby and I can tackle the job ourselves! You are an inspiration!

It would be fun to have a “relaxing with Becky” video so we can make sure you actually do indeed relax 😂


I love that both you & Josh are so polite to each other no matter what goes on. If Josh does something for you, you always thank Josh. When you book or bake something & Josh does a taste test, he always thanks you for your efforts. So kind and so very loving.


Ah painting….my expertise. I owned a few painting companies when I lived up North. We did high end residential and Commercial painting. This is amazing to watch you paint. A girl after my own heart.😁 Great job Becky.🎉 Tfs🤗


I love that you recognized your husband's contributions to your family. You make a beautiful team!! I also love hearing your bundle of joy in the background 😍 💕 ❤️


Hi Becky! As someone whose been following you for a year and a half, I've picked up so much knowcledge about gardening and cooking... and if you can believe it I've now been blessed with the land and and the man! What was a little fire in my heart is now manifested and its such a beautiful blessing to witness. I have two suggestions/questions for videos: 1. As someone whose getting started in gardening, can you share a list of the influential books you've read that have guided you? Youve shared a few, but maybe a put together list/explanation video would steer me in the right direction if thats something you think others would be interested in. 2. I love the look of your nails, but I can't keep up with doing my nails all the time (im not good at it, i dont have the money for the salon, and I don't want something super time consuming). What do you do to your nails? I feel like your efficiency and economy conscious like me, so I'm wondering how your nails are always looking so $$$. Thanks!


My husband and I moved into our new house in 2020 while I was pregnant. Skim coating and painting these walls changed the whole home. You made the right choice to repaint. Not because your first choice was bad but because your 2nd choice made it feel like home. I'm glad Josh supported you with grace.


You should always cover your floor when painting, I think. I prefer a painter’s paper which is thick and stiff and stays in place… It’s just nice to be sure you get no tiny spots from the roller or bigger spills from accidents… 🤗


I really enjoy the variety on this channel. Cooking, gardening, painting, decorating, thrifting, grocery shopping, baby stuff etc etc.


I LOVE the new color! It looks fabulous. It's funny how a slight color change makes a huge difference. It has a calm refreshing feeling.


“It is only paint, ” is my motto.
One year, back in the 1990’s, the day after Christmas, when I had a week off, I started sponge painting my living room. I had two colors done and ready to begin the third color. As my husband left for work about 6 am, I said, “I don’t think I like this.” By the time he got home, I had the living room back to a soft white. I eventually found the perfect color but, it became a joke among our family that the LR walls had “10 coats of paint.” It was only about 8 before I sold it last year. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm so glad Josh said "It's just paint"!! That's so true and one of the easiest things to do to change the whole look / atmosphere!! Although it can be hard work to do. So just take it one wall, one room at a time. Living room is a great place to start so you can decorate and make it cozy. Then do whatever room is next highest on your "want to get it done list". Love you Becky!!!


I LOVE the original color your painted your home, but I totally understand when it is not what sparks joy for YOU! Hubs and I are about to start a remodeling project and he sounds so much like Josh in paying attention to detail! I am like you and am not as 'picky', but the outcome is always so much better when we let them take that lead. (Hubs is also a retired computer programmer so I think that is where the heightened attention to detail comes from.)
