Blizzard ANNOUNCES NEW ERA OF WOW! What Does That Mean?

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There are some really BIG changes to World of Warcraft with the start of a third era!

Most recently we learned a lot of crazy information from PreachGaming visiting Blizzard directly. We have learned that Dragonflight is the start to a new third era of World of Warcraft, we know Blizzard is already working on the next expansion, the expansion after Dragonflight and that there will be some serious structural changes to both the lore and the gameplay.

Most importantly the story will be self contained without the big bads of each expansion and instead it will progress in a different manner. So what does this new, third era of WoW mean exactly?

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arthas is the best example of a biog villain done right, we had an entire game setting up his story, theen the base game of WOW and two expansions before we actually got to fight the guy and even then he was a ridiculous threat we were only able to win because the strongest paladin around was helping us equiped with what was basically his kryptonite, it got the build up and pay off such a world changing victory deserves


They could introduce old zone revamps this way; New base camps and cities at starting zones. Scenario/Expeditions towards older zones like Hillsbrad or Ashenvale to thward enemies there gaining ground in those zones, allowing the player to set up camps and settlements.

Let’s say you level an Orc this way and have campa in The Barrens and Ashenvale. Alts who level trough these zones would have a increase in xp gains and other benefits.

If a zone is left alone to long you will lose it and have to gain it back before you can set up camp again and start gaining ground again.

Horde and Alliance camps are build seperate and could be attacked by one or another to keep World PvP a thing. Maybe a new pvp system where you can gatter allies and try to conquer Horde/Alliance camps to gain more ground

New Faction Overhaul would really work with this.

Orcs: Warcamps & Settlements

Tauren: Druidism & Rituals

Forsaken: Poisoncrafting & Stitchcrafting (Implemented from Shadowlands). Maybe some objective to reconnect forsaken with their living relatives since Horde and Alliance are becoming more neutral to each other.

Bloodelf: Idk yet

Etc, etc. Just like the new faction system in DF

I think the By implementing a system like mentioned above, the world keeps to be ever-living and ever-evolving


I like how they're doing this, it only further immerses you which is good; having things connect also helps bring deeper meaning. I don't think this has a high chance of backfiring because the dev team do have some of the best lore telling minds so whatever failed today can be fixed for tomorrow and I believe all they need to do is not downplay the final patch.


After what they did to Arthas and what they didn't do to sylvanus, I will never play wow again.


Big villians needs to be there and both alliance and horde should lose battle too, like fighting some villians and then losing just like Thanos beating Avengers. Shadowlands had big opportunity making Jailers win and making us stuck in shadowlands also bringing back Arthas as good guy and he help us win against Jailers but whatever it's too late now.


Arthas actually wasnt a villian... he did nothing wrong


There are many loose ends in Warcraft lore that can be tied up in one or two content patches. It does not even need to be that. It can be the progression of a current story. How will relations between the Forsaken and Gilneas evolve? Restoration of Stratholm and the EP.


It's not like blizzard ever really really wrote anyone compelling past arthas.


i still use my garrison everytime i log into my main (casue i sunk a lot of gold into 100% when it was current content, looking at you auction house bot) but, i use its free resources to make a crap ton of goblin gliders and water walking potions and twink pots. also got some unique battle pets too.
And there are lot of transmogs from the bunker, farm tools, and the best yet the Laughing Skulls mask, from the horde trading post.

over all i like the garrison for the timesink. so many quests that add little refences like the darkiron drill that takes you to gorgrond(helps me get to the timeless isle faster), reps, mounts, and transmogs, and the arena makes you do an ungodly amount of grinding to get some titles. so much stuff to do that carries over, not for everyone but i enjoy it.


I kinda like this idea. No big bosses means more grounded adventures. Kinda heading back to the good old days but with a twist.


Certain elements of the garrison made sense and had good use such as combat companion so suit your class/spec weakness so you could could handle something that without, you just couldn't quite handle. The other being with crafting recipes that require something from another profession.


The only hope is a cata 2.0 with an entire azeroth/outland/northrend rework
But that's too much work for today's blizzard. It's much easier to make continent sized islands every expansion, nevermind the fact that the map looks fucking comedic at this point

I also suspect a cata 2.0 would destroy previously established characters and lore on EK and Kalimdor


more stories around factions like the scarlett crusade, twilight`s hammer, conflict between fel and void maybe. stuiff like that, work with old lore and expand on that.


Yeah we need peace and time for the Restoration of Azeroth. Maybe a Expansion where everyone is going back to his people and helps them. Like for example the Night Elf players help to plant the new World Tree and build their home or Tauren go back to Mulgore and so on


I think they just meant we won’t get a “villain of the week” when it comes to these expansions


I dont see dragon riding going for another expansion. How would standard mounts compete ?


Tbh I kinda want multiple "end game bosses" because it makes it more interesting


Arthas is damn man child villian. That damn muppet was evil the whole time. He got what he deserved in shadowlands


The writing is so bad now they can't make a good villain. The slow downhill slide started after they ran out of the wc3 material.


Yeah I call bull on the no more Big Bads. You know they're too creatively bankrupt and incompetent to not have a big bad.
