AI mocap from Video (+ Blender workflow)

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Links from the video:
❖CGDive: The Vault (50% off with code: early50 )
❖Retarget Helper addon:
❖Better FBX addon

❖Rig Anything With Rigify (coupon code "cgdive" = 20% off)
Alive! Animation course in Blender
❖The art of effective rigging in Blender (coupon code "cgdive" = 10% off))
❖Hard Surface Rigging In Blender
❖Auto-Rig Pro
❖RBF Drivers


0:39 Quick-start guide
1:07 Basic Usage
1:51 Extracting AI Mocap with Plask
4:34 More Features
5:42 Limitations & Troubleshooting
6:14 Exporting from Plask (fbx, glb)
7:57 Importing Plask Motion into Blender
9:06 Rest Pose Issue
10:09 Fixing the Rest Pose
13:39 Quick & Dirty Mocap Clean-up
14:19 Technique 1: Smooth Keys
14:49 Technique 2: Stabilize Motion
17:34 Retargeting in Blender
18:34 Blender to Plask Workflow
21:24 Plask: Retargeting setup
24:03 The Vault!
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You’ve just dispelled the evil animation barrier cloud looming over all of us. This is insane. Thank you so much


The model from 1 minute onwards was a blast from the past! I remember years ago when I first started and was using this character in my ue4 games..What a throwback to memory lane! Awsome video as well


Holy damn man, the depth and thought behind the tutorials is incredible. Thank you so much 🔥


This is great what an amazing piece of ai software, this is all only going to get better!


I thought up an entire 3d animated short in my head yesterday, including camera movement and focus, lighting, and of course, character animation. It has some pretty complex sequences so without any sort of motion capture equipment I was unable to suck these plans from my head and into a scene without week(s) of work.

But now it looks like I'll be able to do it in a day! Raw mocap is messy, but will be absolutely perfect for previs purposes. Thanks a lot!


Thank you so much for your video. I was waiting for it impatiently


I knew this would be coming and I can't wait until there is a Blender addon that does AI animation automatically, using a "script" of stage directions that the user types in. I'm sure it'll be here one day. It seems like most of the necessary components for such an addon are already out there. They just need to be assembled together with a nice UI. Thanks for sharing! Exciting times!


That empty constraint foot locking to ground plane technique was boss. Will add that to my Mocap clean up techniques and credit your video here whenever I use it. Thanks a billion bro! I been working on the clean up process myself, and been getting great results however your techniques make it far more accurate I believe. Less time consuming as well I think. Oh and the actions thingy is awesome I never really cared to create them, I remember learning years back about them though. For the retargeting purposes I been using the glb file format when I export from Plask. It seems to correct the FBX issue of poor rig compatibility out on Blender.


Thank you for this, had a lot of problems with plask didn't think to smooth the key frames to fix the jitter, also adding the bone to an empty is a good work around as well I Was trying to do it manually, I may give it another chance now.


You are a life saver! I’m planning to make a demo of a sci fi game based on a novel I wrote to pitch it to publisher I thought I gave myself too little time because in novel there is a lot of action of lot of characters, you just saved my project!😀


Thank you so much bro It help very much


Thanks for sawing this, looking potentially interesting! :)


Thanks this will help me with my animations


Thanks for the review!! Your feedback means a lot to us 🙏🙏


Great video. For anyone having retargeting issues: I am not sure if you mentioned this anywhere, but I just figured out that Plask sets your rest pose to whatever frame you are on while exporting. So it has the first frame as the T-Pose but it might not use that as rest mode if you are on a different frame. I spent hours in blender trying to retarget and literally just discovered this by accident.


Thank bro I will successfully retarget animation to mixamo rig
And learn many things from your video


HI, thank you so much for explaining Plask ai to me! I have a question, I am using th eblender addon you gave us to out my mocap animation onto a model of my own choice, but when I select the two armatures in the right order and then hit "Constraint to Armature" it does nothing, am I doing anything wrong, or did I forget a step?


4:57 You didn't mention these filters. You select the bone and set the filter to maximum, it clears the motion and greatly reduces that Armature shaking


Awesome video (as usual!), I am checking out your cgdive_vault, nice alternative to patreon!


Thanks for covering this, bro. 👍 Also, for a providing a good example of why so many women prefer to dance with EACH OTHER. (My wife doesn’t even ask me anymore.) 🤔☕️🎩🎩🎩✌️
