Eviction day for Oakland's Wood Street homeless encampment | KTVU

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After months of delays and legal battles, eviction day arrived on Monday for Oakland's Wood Street homeless encampment. The city is clearing the way for a new affordable housing project. Some housing advocates say what the city will provide in the interim is not adequate, calling conditions a "glorified prison."

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"They can't get rid of us. We're dug in like ticks." Spoken like a person who doesn't have any intentions of getting off the streets.


When we lived in Germany, the city literally hunted the homeless to provide them with the food and housing, especially in winter. Within a few days, they were back on the streets because, as they said to us, they didn't like the rules. You can bring the horse to the river but you can't force it to drink


I served 19 consecutive years in the Alabama Department of Corrections (2002-2021). Around ten days after release, I took a Greyhound from Montgomery, Alabama to Spokane, Washington, where I have been living here since release. When I first arrived in Spokane on 09/01/21, I sought shelter at House of Charity. They took me straight in, not once was I forced to sleep in the streets. There were (and always will be) places across Spokane to get a free meal, not just a bag of snacks. The VA, Goodwill, plus other agencies got me stable shelter, and I have not been homeless since. The point is, to get blessed with what I got, the person wanting to escape the streets MUST go all out to make the f***ing difference. No more excuse-making, smoking that fentapoison, casinos, and other BS. Keep all of your appointments with the VA, Goodwill, the Salvation Army——whomever!! You can’t give up on yourself!! Your victory off the streets encourages others to go for it.


That woman is a prime example of a homeless person whom no matter how much money or oppurtunity you give her, she has no intention of leaving the street. Stop giving them free food and d.ope and they will leave.


"They can't get rid of us. We're dug in like ticks, " says an unhoused resident. Wow, that self-description speaks volumes, doesn't it?


It’s the city’s fault for letting it get this out of control to begin with, disgusting


As a person in recovery, you can’t help someone, who doesn’t want to participate in their own recovery or improving their life.


The woman who said, “Glorified prisons they’re inadequate to feed the basic human needs and rights of a person” might not understand what being homeless means! The transition homes are a step up from sleeping on the sidewalk or living in a tent.


That Homeless lady saying that we are very deeply invested in our neighborhood was hilarious


It’s so horrible that people feel entitled to “live off the land” aka steal stuff from your porch when you’re at work.


In my 67 years, I have been poor at times but there was never trash or litter allowed in my living area. This is what disturbs me about the homeless, everything about them becomes filthy filthy filthy. There’s something disgusting about a person who won’t stay clean. You may not have water or soap but you can pick up your trash and keep your area clean.


"We're very deeply invested in our neighborhood" lmao, how she said that with a straight face knowing that placed could have been mistaken for a landfill is beyond me.


When that lady said, "They can't get rid of us, were DUG IN like TICKS." I spit my drink out 😂. "We're part of the spine of tree of Oakland." "We're deeply invested in the community." Oh boy...😂😂


Why don't the advocates house them at their own homes?


I was homeless as a kid growing up for a time because of my parents choices. I prayed to God to get out. Anything to get away from their BS. I was able to leave them at 15yo and made it on my own. I now have family of my own and I wish for my children to NEVER have to experience those hardships that I endured.


Wow. They are dug in like ticks and so invested in their neighborhood that they have completely trashed. What a joke.


even ticks leave the carcass when there's nothing left


I volunteer at a shelter. We always have open beds available but most of the homeless don't come here because we have an 11:00pm curfew, no drugs or alcohol, and no cohabitating with someone who they're not married to. They say they'd rather live on the streets where they can be 'free'.


Currently homeless and living out of my pickup while I wait on my new apartment to open up. I've been homeless a few times from living in a storm drain to staying in a shelter and I can 100% vouch that these people 9/10 times don't want help or a way out, they want a handout and get mad when you wont give them one. I have risen out of the hole each time through hard work and frugal spending until I can reach a place of stability. You gotta want it, you gotta earn it


The problem is that shelters don't allow the crime and filth they want to live in. It is not about housing or basic human needs; it comes down to antisocial behavior.
