The Node Concept #30 - Texture Coordinate

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The Texture Coordinate helps get the base UV layout done for your advance materials.
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Ctrl+b, Shift+z just blew my fucking mind


good page for node concept, are you add the concept of texture volumic with node?


You would make an excellent tutor if you broke this down into stages (Part one, Part two etc) and spoke slower with more exact explanation Other than this content is good but you need to reduce the speed of what your trying to project to others

You cant learn this in a day, no one can and for this reason you need to think about your audience a little more

It would be better to do this in three lessons perhaps rather than one and at high speed which no one learns from making this highly confusing Other wise you have the makings pf an excellent tutor Just break it down into better methodical well explained steps and you will win your audience over

The other point Ive noticed with a few presentations regards this subject is that the presenters automatically assume you have a very good graphics card and excellent machines Well that would be very nice if everyone could afford this but they cant and so where you dont mention the differences between V 2.9 and ver 2.8A and B this then becomes quite a problem for example you mention contrl , shift + LMB to automatically connect to viewer Question at this stage what do you do if you hardware doesent meet spec Now all of sudden you have a view who may not know this and is using ver2.9 as opposed to 2.8 and of course going through all the short cuts to menus suddenly he cant find viewer through your commands and of course thinks, " Hang on whats going on here I cant find this function whats this bloke on about "

I spent the last two days just trying to find out how you get round this one with v2.9 and having to watch what you do due to speed of presentation at least 4-5 times before I could even begin to understand all of what you were presenting

here is a sheet listing all shortcuts for blender 2.9 Please not your instruction wouldn't ever work with this stable version


THANK YOU so much but I am trying to understand how saperate xyz works...but still no idea exectly how. I want to know how to create procedural textures
