Application of Derivatives | Maxima and Minima | 03-04 Marks | HSC(12th) Science, Commerce & Arts

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Heyy Guyzz!!! This is Amol Balekar. Here's the video on New Topic, APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES. In this video, I have covered MAXIMA & MINIMA SUMS, which surely come in boards exam for 03-04 MARKS. So, get it cleared by watching my video.
For Better understanding of this video,
You can go through "Basics of Derivatives" :
And after that, if you are having any DOUBTS, please COMMENT down in COMMENT SECTION.
Also, if you are having any DOUBTS in previous videos, then COMMENT down in respected video, I will surely try to clear it in UPCOMING VIDEO.
Introduction - 0:04
Maxima & Minima - 0:28
12th Ka MATHS he, #DekhogeNa_DarogeTohNahi
Sums For Practice :
Our Other Suggested Helpful Videos :
Vertical Circular Motion:
Conical Pendulum:
Capillarity - Surface Tension:
Wave Theory of Light :
Interference & Diffraction :
Banking of Roads :
Logtable for Calculations:
Derivatives Tricks :
Applications of Derivatives Tricks :
Inverse Of 2*2 Matrix Trick :
Value of Determinants:
Shortcut inverse of 3*3 Matrix :
Do Yo Know:
Ramanujan Summation:
Grandi's Series:
Derivative of Mod X:
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#Learn_O_pediA #Maxima #Minima #Application_Of_Derivatives #maximaminima #learnopedia #applicationofderivativesclass12 #applicationofderivatives #derivatives #derivativesclass12 #integration #integrationclass12 #calculus
For Better understanding of this video,
You can go through "Basics of Derivatives" :
And after that, if you are having any DOUBTS, please COMMENT down in COMMENT SECTION.
Also, if you are having any DOUBTS in previous videos, then COMMENT down in respected video, I will surely try to clear it in UPCOMING VIDEO.
Introduction - 0:04
Maxima & Minima - 0:28
12th Ka MATHS he, #DekhogeNa_DarogeTohNahi
Sums For Practice :
Our Other Suggested Helpful Videos :
Vertical Circular Motion:
Conical Pendulum:
Capillarity - Surface Tension:
Wave Theory of Light :
Interference & Diffraction :
Banking of Roads :
Logtable for Calculations:
Derivatives Tricks :
Applications of Derivatives Tricks :
Inverse Of 2*2 Matrix Trick :
Value of Determinants:
Shortcut inverse of 3*3 Matrix :
Do Yo Know:
Ramanujan Summation:
Grandi's Series:
Derivative of Mod X:
Also Don't Forget to CHECKOUT our
*Facebook Page:
*Instagram Page:
Please Like, Subscribe and Share.
#Learn_O_pediA #Maxima #Minima #Application_Of_Derivatives #maximaminima #learnopedia #applicationofderivativesclass12 #applicationofderivatives #derivatives #derivativesclass12 #integration #integrationclass12 #calculus