Live Streaming On YouTube -- EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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Moving from Twitch to YouTube? Streaming on YouTube Gaming? Saw Dr Lupo and TimTheTatman move to greener pastures and you want in?? Here you go.



STREAMBEATS Copyright Free Music for Streamers (and YouTubers!)

On any other music service just search for Harris Heller



Other Videos:


00:00 - Intro
01:40 - Set up all the things
07:30 - Gettin that bag
10:16 - You might actually start growing
12:31 - Clean up your channel, you slob
13:34 - Twitch vs YouTube - one important difference

Description tags, yo: How To, Stream

Thanks For Watching!

#Streaming #Twitch #YouTube
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Last time I was this early, Harris was still on Twitch.


YouTube had said shorts do not go toward your watch hours. Thanks for clearing that up! I haven't wanted to do them on my new channel for that very reason. Guess I will now! :D


The "making them unlisted" tip was a freaking game changer on my channels cleanliness. You saved me making a separate channel for livestreams, so thank you!🤘(Also really appreciate the constant flow of free music 👌)


Tip, keep enable auto stop off, especially if you have bad WiFi like me 😭. This way, if your WiFi fails or obs crashes, your stream won’t immediately end, you can fix the problem and get back to your stream 😊


If you were to make an update, I think you should include three additional points: YouTube redirects, the ability to edit livestreams after they’ve ended, and the ability to “premier” content as that’s just one more way you can receive audience exposure.


A caveat on the "reuse settings" feature - if you want to change the thumbnail *sometimes* it bugs out and doesn't show to viewers waiting, even though the thumbnail shows everywhere else. The only way to then fix it is kill the scheduled stream and recreate it from scratch.

ALSO, if you make a mistake in your title after scheduling you can go back and fix it a million times, but it will still show the title as-created when you link the stream externally like on Facebook.

I have learned these things the hard way and just plain gave up on "reuse settings" for a while. It was working a little better at the end of our last season. I'll find out tonight if it's still working as advertised or borked again 😄


Regarding ads on livestreams: I'd recommend not putting them on there. When you're still building your channel, you might be best served by treating livestreams as what business people call "loss leaders"- you're not going to make mad moolah off of them, but you're going to attract viewers, who will then go on to watch your videos. Livestreams are where you can give potential subscribers the best, most personal interactions with you, and ads can only really get in the way of that.


Starting to love stream on YouTube ASAP! This video helped so much, thanks man!


I appreciate all the Knowledge. I’m just starting to get into streaming on YouTube and using it as a creator. Definitely gained a lot of information!!!! Good looking out !


Seriously, when i think on how much i learnt from you in those years and how much your music help me to make my videos, it blows my mind! Thanks so much!


you have no idea how useful this video is.. I've thought about streaming here, but i didnt knew anything about.. your best video so far.. thanks!


BLESS YOU. I have been trying to find everything I can on streaming on YouTube. A lot of what I have found hasn’t been updated or as straight-forward. I planned to move over in January after posting regularly starting this month so my YouTube channel was able to (hopefully) grow this last half of the year and hit those monetization goals, but with all the nonsense of Twitch, I am trying to shift by the beginning of October. Thank you! 🖤✨


I decided to start streaming on YouTube last night, (due to your advice) and I may go live for the first time at some time today! Thanks for the video!


Hey Harris great vid, but one thing I would point out. Keep the ads ON, just remove the option of the ones that you can't skip. Ads on Twitch suck, they are not directed to people, they have 30 seconds and you can't skip. Ads on Youtube people are used to it and they provide a great revenue overall. Specially if you are an English speaker


Who is here after hearing Ludwig switched and now is thinking of switching over too


I started my channel the beginning of this year. I always wanted to be a youtuber, but i watched your projections a long time ago about how you believed YT could compete easily if they put effort in Live and how 2021 was going to be a big change for YT Live. I started it and love that people are changing over, hopefully the more eyes can trickle down to us little guys!


Awesome video Harris! I Came over with my small stream after being on Twitch nearing 4 years and its fantastic here, I had a few things in place you mentioned but super keen to enable the rest of your suggestions. A side reason I wanted to come over was I only stream 2- times a week and wanted the videos to stay up to find later for myself, grab some clips etc having 3 kids/family full time job it doesn't feel like I'm required to put in stupid hours to progress on the platform when it's just for fun.


I'm so sick of twitch. Youtube isnt even considered a "serious" streaming platform by many but they already have so many more options. I currently restream at the moment and because im making quality vids on my channels thats only about 1 year old, im seeing more and more people pop in via youtube. It makes sense since the community im building on YT through my vids will watch me on the same site.

Once i hit 1k, i think i'll just stop using twitch. its just becoming more and more frustrating to use


I started live streaming on YouTube. I moved from twitch where I averaged 2-4 viewers to maybe getting 1 person tuning in. It’s a change but I’m hoping I get more people to tune in so the video is going to help me out!


Did anyone else conveniently have an advert when Harris was talking about ads on Twitch?🤣