U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy: Efforts & Challenges in Promoting Public Health

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Vivek Murthy, M.D., the acting U.S. Surgeon General who earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard and his M.D. from Yale School of Medicine. We discuss nutrition, food additives, social media and mental health, public health initiatives to combat the crisis of social isolation, the obesity crisis, addiction and other pressing issues in public health. Dr. Murthy explains the role of the U.S. government in promoting specific public health issues and the steps needed to rebuild public trust in scientific and medical information. We also discuss health care accessibility, insurance barriers and individual versus team-based medical care. We also discuss topics gleaned from listener questions, such as the facts and myths about “Big Pharma” and “Big Food” industries, scientific research and public health policies.

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00:00:00 Dr. Vivek Murthy
00:01:53 Sponsors: Maui Nui & ROKA
00:04:35 Surgeon General Roles
00:07:44 Illness Framework, Enhancing Wellbeing
00:12:42 Priorities as Surgeon General
00:19:50 Public Health Message Distribution
00:28:24 Diagnosis vs. Optimizing Health
00:33:04 Sponsor: AG1
00:34:01 Food Additives, Highly Processed Foods, Food Availability
00:39:11 Difficulties Addressing Health Issues & Highly Processed Foods
00:49:53 Retribution, Integrity & Public Trust
00:54:41 Company Opposition
00:58:32 Sponsor: LMNT
00:59:50 Public Health Communication, Masks & COVID-19, Public Trust
01:07:01 Masks, Humility; Building Public Trust
01:10:45 Rebuilding Relationship to Public, Vaccines
01:17:41 Community Core & Diversity; Federal Funding
01:24:55 Big Pharma, “Pill for Every Problem” Society
01:31:48 Interdisciplinary Medical Teams, Individualized & Value-Based Medical Models
01:38:44 Insurance Barriers, Mental Health Care, Drug Prices
01:44:40 Isolation Crisis, Social Disconnection, Health Risks
01:49:15 Community Organizations & Modern Life, Social Media
01:56:36 Youth & Social Media, Parents, Policy Change
02:06:45 Real Life vs. Social Media, Kids & Playtime
02:11:56 Social Media Advice for Parents
02:20:43 Society & Disconnection, Human Connection & Service
02:31:20 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

The Huberman Lab podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
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The fact that people can lose their licenses and or jobs if they stand up for the necessary improvement in our food is shameful.


I've been a nurse x 30 years. I've never been more distrusting of public health and the medical profession as I am now. If I wasn't depended on my job/salary I'd leave the medical field and never look back. "First do no harm", no longer applies.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS INTERVIEW...I was both saddened as well as not shocked by this conversation.
The fact that our leader ( not limited to the surgeon General) accepts the fact that we are doping American food leads citizens to addiction. Knowing that these foods contain no nutrients leads to a weakened immune system.
These leaders are educated yet concern is not focused on what is best for the health of the citizens, but the focus is "not to upset " the status quo. I have been watching this nightmare unfold since the late sixties foolishly thinking our government would NEVER let it get this far.


Very grateful Huberman brought up why we Americans have to eat foods with ingredients that are illegal abroad. My kid and I moved back to the States after living in Asia for 11 years and she had the worst GI issues, missed a ton of school, went to specialists had numerous scans/tests and everything came out "normal" or "healthy". They gave her 5 different meds, that did nothing but offer a new side effect. It's more than just making better choices if all the choices have forever chemicals, and synthetics. Thanks for speaking on behalf of us tax-paying citizens, not everyone can afford to shop at Whole Foods.


One hour in and it's nothing but dodging questions and shifting blame. Gonna have to call it quits.


Thank you for exposing (/confirming) how truly useless the government is and exactly why nobody trusts them anymore. The “surgeon general” talked for nearly two hours and provided absolutely nothing substantive for listeners to glean. Andrew, this further supports and reinforces the benefit and need for the service you provide to us all. Thank you immensely for being a trustworthy public facing source of knowledge that improves the lives of millions.


Trust starts with a simple statement: "We were wrong."


What a safe and effective podcast! Really flattened the curve of my morning.


Within 15 seconds of him talking I’m already violently cringing at slimey doublespeak. I’m sorry Andrew, have to sit this one out. The naive public need an interpreter for amoral puppets like this.


I was just checking age of Andrew sir and I saw that today is his birthday.
Wish you very very Happy birthday and thanks a lot for giving most valuable knowledge to us.


1:26:49 Literally dodging the question about the connection between Pharma influence in public health initiatives


The best place to start with health and fitness education would be by improving it at the grade school level drastically. Then actually practicing it. Most mental health issues I’m willing to bet correlate with our issues of sedentary lifestyles and never truly exerting themselves physically, which is very challenging mentally to do.


People getting their news from anywhere other than traditional media ia great thing! If i wanted to get health advice from traditional media, every ad break would be showing me junk food and medications. Those sponsors have a real impact on what is shown on those news channels. Thankfully we have people like Huberman who can give descriptive and prescriptive advice on how to put in real work towards living a healthy life. Forever grateful for the knowledge this channel brings. Quite frankly, this YouTube channel has a bigger impact than the platform of the surgeon general, and that's a good thing!


If trust is to be established, CHOICE and HEALTH FREEDOM must be re-established. NEVER have I ever felt so UNSAFE in my own country. People will use what WORKS not what they are told to use for health. The government authorities had better realize that many citizens are already educated in biology and not dumb consumers.


Tough to listen through this guy dodge every one of Andrews direct questions about vaccines, or the government being wrong in any way.


The Surgeon General seems to doing an amazing job, Americans seem so incredibly fit and healthy


This was a great podcast, however, I really felt like the surgeon general completely sidestepped any accountability on COVID.


My fifteen year old son got myocarditis from his first Pfizer vaccine and has permanent symptoms of fatigue and angina now. I will never forgive myself for blindly trusting my government. I now can only fight for the truth to come out and for some sort of retribution and justice. Very disappointed you chose this man over so many true patriots.


"Public Health" has little to do with actual health unfortunately, like most things its just politics and money


This guy truly knows how to talk a lot without saying anything of value. 2:22:20 and beyond is a prime example. Sounds like he just likes to hear himself say words
