Do I Regret Buying this Plane? - RV12 Review After 1 Year

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In this video, I talk about some of my thoughts about the Vans RV12 Experimental Light Sport Airplane after owning it for about a year and a half. I love it, but I also have some regrets about going with this airplane.

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00:00 Intro
01:12 Why I chose this airplane
01:28 What does it do well?
03:22 What does it do Poorly?
05:00 Traveling airplane
06:28 My Regrets
08:00 Am I selling the airplane
08:25 What airplane do I actually want?
09:58 Conclusion
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Come out to Oregon and fly the RV-10 with us. And the 14/14A while you’re at it. :)


"I'm 6.1 I have about 3 inches" Has to be one of my favorite Pedro lines.


Really like your natural, 'non-ego' style. Keep it up sir. Great content!


My buddy loves his 10. Says its exactly what he expected: 85percent of a Cirrus at one third the cost.


I'm about to buy an RV12is here in NZ. Sounds like I am in a very similar place as you when you bought this plane. Thanks for sharing. I have a lot to look forward to.


I have RV-10 tastes but an RV-12 budget. Doh! That's a gorgeous plane btw :)


Great Job on the video! You got a super nice machine there; the RV-12 is hard to beat in the "Bang for the Buck" category.


Given the turmoil in Vans and the drastic price increase, buying a RV10 may become more expensive at the moment than buying a Beech and having it maintained for a few years. I also own a RV12 and I generally like it (we cannot use it for IFR flights in Europe anyways). Therefore, I also just bought a Beech Debonair to replace it. I guess the increase in cost will show and be painful


Excellent, I'm on the same path : RV-10 and in the future a DA62


Mosaic will definitely change light sport aircraft, especially is the speed and weight is kept intact


Looks like a man ready to buy a new airplane


I'm in a similar position (and location.. Florida). Bought a PA-28-181 about 18 months ago. Enjoy it, fly a lot of places around FL, but I'm also feeling the need for more speed and also some improved IFR capabilities.


If I do get my license, my goal is to be able to fly from LA to the little airport near my home town to visit family, and take family and friends around. It’s about a 7 hour drive up the state give or take traffic and weather conditions. Home is around 450 miles north. Is a little plane like this good for that kind of trip? How would it handle a trip from LA to Salt Lake City or Denver? Salt Lake is a 15 hour drive.


Very educational content here. Can you please make a video explaining why pilots still buy old certified airplanes instead of newer experimental planes. What benefits comes with certified airplane if they old and expensive to maintain. Thank you


Faster Airplanes often get *Flown Less Hours per Year, giving a result of Less "Currency" as per your flight requirements, however, for two reasons: Operating Costs usually go up, more than Performance goes up, and that reduces hiw many "Trips" a set budget can sustain!

However, if you are seeing a solid increase in "Discretionary Income" after Living Expenses, Savings & Investing, then, sure: Go for the Upgrade!

But remember, "Insurance Costs" are Not "Fixed" just like Loan Interest Rates, in many Loans! And Faster Aircraft, require "Faster Thinking Pilots" to keep "Ahead of the Airplane!"


I hope you take a look at a Velocity VL. Nice and fast 200kt and roomy 4 seater. Then someday when you get rich and famous you can get a Velocity twin, closest thing to a Beechcraft Starship


Thank you for the video. Performance in anything (car, motorcycle, airplane) needs light weight. You want short field? Light weight. All airplanes are a compromise of many things. I have time in a RV-6 and loved it, but for going places, the Bonanza has been the tool for the job. I was asked what plane I would want regardless of cost, F33 Bonanza came out of my mouth so fast I was surprised. Good for you on having any plane. Smooth ride in the afternoon is not going to be there at the same time as good short field performance.


I had to switch to this airplane to finish my commercial training in another flight school. I met all the requirements now I only need to get familiar with the airplane to present the commercial checkride. Still haven’t flown it looks quite different than a cessna 172 😂


Since you have your Light-Sport Repair cert, have you thought about doing anything to the -12 for it to "grow" a little bit for you?
Speaking to the fuel burn and speed, is something like the Edge Performance EP912i upgrade on your metaphorical radar? Supposed to be a ULS engine upgrade, with ~8 more horsepower (not a lot, but something) as well as reduced fuel burn and slightly lighter weight overall.
Also heard good things about the E-Props propellors, which is definitely something I'd be looking at myself.
That said, I'm a nobody who has no plane, though I'm really trying to save up to build a -12 and the changes above are on my interest list.


Hi i'm from Aruba, and like youre videos..keep up!!
