Which PVC cement is better? Oatey or Christy's?

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Testing Oatey Regular Clear PVC cement, Oatey Hot Medium Blue Lava, & Christy's Red Hot Blue Glue PVC cement for solvent weld bond strength on schedule 40 PVC pipe using a hydraulic hand pump to create very high levels of pressure after curing 24hrs. Enjoy!

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Very helpful and informative! Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put into the videos!


Straight to the point. Note that the cements were allowed 24 hours to fully cured and all three showed good strength. Great video.


It is difficult to say what it means but it is interesting to note that in the first test all three had fitting failures and in this test all three incurred pipe failures. Hmmm . . . In any event your testing is well done and deserves applause.


Very good approach. Appreciate you pointing out that it is not possible to compare glues when the pipe is the weakest point.


If you read the instructions for the Christy's, you need to go back and repaint the first fitting you did before fitting.
Thats probably why you had the leak, which they also mention is the primary reason they instruct you to go back and repaint the first part. Agree with another poster, cut the length down to 6", and try using the Christy's With and WithOut the primer.
After all, thats supposedly the benefit of the Christy's.


A lot of guys in the 90's were stuck on Christy's but Oatey gives a cleaner look since it's clear and I never noticed any difference between the two really.


Interesting that this time the PVC pipes failed, rather than the cemented joints. However, I'm reassured that the different PVC pipes all greatly exceeded their ratings, and thus the water pressure I have here at home. And I learned proper PVC joining technique to boot.


Hey, I am starting to like your work. I can't stop watching!


Because of videos like this i know a little bit about the most random of things!
Great intro. I was weirdly excited once you started working haha 😅🙊


So I'm a plumber and I do have one thing to say that the clear glue it a long period of time of having pressure going through it not ment for the pressure it is ment for serwer pipe but the blue glues are ment to hold against constant pressure the clear in not


Very good video, although I knew the pipe would fail before the fittings would. I've been using solvent welding with PVC pipes for >40 years. I'm a HUGE fan of Christy"s because you DON' T need to use primer if the pipe is < 4 inches. Look it up. 120 grit sandpaper and your good. Much faster than Oatey's cement


Good video . . . having to watch the first PVC pipe as you were pumping the hydraulic pump it scared the hell out of me because I was not expecting it to happen like that ( lol )


Great video, very clear and thoughtful.


1. Primer isn't required for blue glue
2. Scuff the fittings and pipe with sandpaper first it'll never come apart! Pipefitter


Interesting, I have seen PVC used for air supply lines, never tried it my self. Good presentation


No pressure in house water comes to this.
Very good cement.


I really liked your methodology, great video!


Good job, GREAT presentation. I too experienced a bit of explosion anticipation. Thanks


thank you very much for the engineering test!!


Good Info Sir !
I never EVER waist my time with the Primer. Just a money sponge. You simply don't need the stuff. They have everyone thinking it's required. Well it's NOT. A quick rub with 260 grit sand paper cleans and preps the joints more then fine. If you feel you need to clean the materials more, use cheap azz Acetone. The sand paper rub works magic. Hell in a Pinch I've used nothing but Acetone alone . I have water pipes 30 years old still working here I did that with. Well pressure 45lb . NO ISSUES. NO LEAKS!
