Stihl History

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In this video I talk about Stihl's history from where they started to where they are now!

Where I got my history:

#stihl #stihlchainsaw
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They are PIONEERS in many things. Not firsts in many things


I just wanted to mention the power to weight ratio is how many horsepower the saw is divided by its weight…. I love my 261 it’s my go to… but I also love the oldies… my son has an 009L and I have a 08 and two 08S’s thanks for the video


I have owned several different makes of chainsaws. By far the stihls that I have owned are far more superior than any other


I've used all matters of saws and now have a 440 mag and a 261. Before that I had a Super 45 that was the toughest saw I have EVER seen, a screamer and ran for at lest 25 years before my neighbor got hold of it. I never lent my wife or my saw and in this case I should've kept the saw. The 440 is a good saw but I need a really adjustable carb for it because it runs rich. The 261 is SWEET for a light saw and screams right well too but I miss the power of the 45. Thanks for the history!


I did not like the deal with the twist tightener..chain tensioner


Their first bar oiling system was called oilomatic and still is


Looks like the current heated handle saws and other tools are not available in the USA, also not available is their extra-long weedwhacker for really tall people. The same is true with the similar tools by Husquarna, so I guess this is because some goofy Government overreach regulation??? As it similar with both companies, that is what I suspect... Regards from Alaska! (where heated handle stuff would be so great)
