Huge Craft Room Transformation! I Was a Hoarder & Collector of Craft Items, Not Anymore!!!!🤦‍♀️ 🥳

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Huge Craft Room Transformation! I Was a Hoarder & Collector of Craft Items, Not Anymore!!!!🤦‍♀️ 🥳

Hi Everyone!
I hope you enjoy this video!
It was definitely a labor of love and 6 days in the making!!
I finally felt ready to let go of some very sentimental items that once belonged to my mom that I have been storing for a very long time! I also was able to purge many crafting items that I have collected over the years and have not been using! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am posting this in hopes that I might encourage others who are holding onto sentimental items to finally feel free to say good bye to them! I know my mom would not have wanted me to feel burdened for keeping and storing these items and she sure wouldn’t have wanted me to feel guilty for letting them go!
I will always cherish the memories I have of her and those only take up space in my heart & mind!!❤️❤️❤️

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I so relate to you being a collector of craft supplies and then being to overwhelmed to actually craft.


Wow! Sher, you did such a great job! I shed a few tears with you. I’m so sorry for the loss of your Mom! I’m headed in to my craft room to do a massive purge. I just keep buying more. Most of my stuff has never been used. It’s ridiculous. I have too many choices and I get up and just walk out. It’s sad. I would rather have someone enjoy the stuff I don’t use. You should be so proud of yourself. Be well. Enjoy your new space😻


The guilt of my craft "hoard" has just incapacitated me. I never dreamed there were so many in similar situation. Thank you for sharing your journey through. I actually feel hope for getting through mine👍🙏💕


I inherited a bunch of sewing tools/notions from both of my grandmothers, with whom I was very close, when they passed. They were both seamstresses and had some interesting tools from "back in the day". I created a couple of shadow boxes with some vintage fabric at the back and made a collage of sorts with some old pattern pieces and then placed some different tools and notions (i.e. stork scissors, needles/cases, wooden spools of thread, scalloped seam markers, etc.) in the foreground. They turned out beautiful and I get to see them every day and remember when they each took a turn at teaching me to sew through the years.


I lost my mom in April, so I know somewhat how you feel. I left all my mom's craft stuff, even things I made for a craft room setup for her. I did take her container of crocheted snowflakes she was in the process of creating. I can feel your love and sadness for your loss.

I don't want to leave all my crafts for someone to have to figure out. I also hoard crafts stuff. I have tried many crafting hobbies. Some I still love, but now I am sewing a lot again, so my craft stuff sits more than not. I also watercolor and want to get better and do more. But I have so much attachment to my stamps, stickers and other paper crafting supplies, they are all in the original cases and many work together. I have tried to sell them and wind up buying them back. I am motivated very much by your tenacity and creative work to find homes for your craft items.

I took all the furniture out of one of my spare bedrooms and created a lot of great storage, on the walls and in those wonderful 12 x 12 file drawers and boxes Michaels sells. That space helps me to use my crafting things without messing up my sewing room.

Great job purging. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I certainly know how difficult parting with anything that was hers can be. Thanks for sharing.


What a beautiful way to remember your Mom... bringing others joy with her supplies. 🥰


I can so relate being a craft supply hoarder and not crafting, just collecting.


You have the right idea to donate! I’ve found that while yes, my things may be new or even cost me more than a few $, just giving it away frees my space and gives me more time to enjoy what I keep rather than it would to sell it. And for what? So I could buy more stuff I won’t use🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️👍🏻☺️


You did a great job, super idea of donating the stamps. We need to think of collecting craft supplies and actual crafting as two different hobbies. That is where the hoarding takes over, if you don't use it why keep it? I have found getting rid of packaging helps. All of my ribbons and laces were taken off the spools and wound around cards; they filed nicely in a small drawer instead of a big tote full.


I needed to see this! I don't craft because I have too much as a collector and hoarder of craft items. I have been working on it this summer. I have lots to donate. I have no emotional attachment to anything. I just want to make sure things go to people who will use them because I spent lots on them. I am proud of you for giving away your mom's things. That is hard. My mom passed away 30 yrs ago. I think of her daily and miss her very much. Those feelings don't go away. So give yourself a big hug for a job well done. Thank you for sharing your hard work.


As a fellow craft hoarder, I can tell you that purging what you don;t use every 2 years has worked for me. As a teacher, I can tell you that before/after school programs, Senior centers, nursing homes, Girl Scouts, art teachers are GREAT places to contact...along with homeless or abuse shelters where kids may be. Good luck with your process, emotional and hoarder-wise!


I have not started watching this video yet, but according to your introduction, THIS VIDEO IS FOR ME!


Oh my, I just found you with this video. I'm crying and don't know if I can watch this one. But I can binge watch everything else!! I love paper crafting, and I crochet. I actually have a shop in which I crochet and make this beanie. I am messaging because I have some of my mom's stuff from when she passed. I'm not there yet. My mom passed in 2016. The one thing I did get was a bag of trash, her paper trash. It is not a nice story, but my sister and sister-in-law took 95% of her crafting stuff and gave it to my nieces. They don't really craft, not like I do. I got trash. I also got her cricut cartridges. I do have a cricut, so that was ok. I've kept the trash, and it shows me how the cancer progressed. Some other miscellaneous things that I have not used. Just can't bring myself to get rid of it. I really understand what it takes and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank you for sharing this, I do appreciate it. It will take me days to watch this one, but now I'm onto binge watching the rest while I make a beanie!!


This popped up in my YouTube suggestions today and it was perfect timing. I can soooo relate! I’ve been buying and hoarding supplies for years and I’ve reached the point where I’m feeling so overwhelmed and weighed down by it all. I have to work in my dining room so I have stuff stored EVERYWHERE! I decide last month that I need to do some major purging in order to be able to organize. I’ve finally found my niche where I know what crafts I enjoy now so that has helped me figure out what I need and what can go. I’m very much into all kinds of paper crafts and have taken some art classes for marker and coloured pencil colouring as well as watercolours and I do that for card making. I could go on and on but in a nutshell I started purging and have donated so much stuff and trashed some other things. I still have a lot to do as I have an Etsy Shop where I sell my crafts now so I’m busy doing Fall and Christmas items right now but I schedule 1 hour everyday for purging. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just one hour. Anyway, it seems I’m writing a book so I’ll end this by saying thank you for not having the perfect matchy matchy craft room but instead a realistic one that most of us can really relate too. I know your mom would be so happy knowing that you’re finding good homes for her things.


Wow! I need to do this also! Years accumulating stuff! I am a card maker, I m
Am now at the clean and simple stage. Need to get rid of things I haven’t used in years! Thank you for the inspiration.


I noticed that it took me several rounds going through my things to more fully declutter. The first time, I just took out the really obvious stuff and left a lot of stuff I wanted to think longer on. Later, I’d go through the things again and a bunch of items I wanted more time to think about, made their way into the discard pile. It looks like you did a lot, but may have a few more rounds to go, if you sit a bit on those items you kept and think about how much use they will really get.

It took me years to declutter items I got from my grandma. I finally decided that objects are not to be worshipped and have no value. Having made several moves in which previous items were broken, helped me get to that realization.


It’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of collecting/needing crafting material if one has a creative mind that is bursting with ideas. It’s so very kind of you to donate your Mom’s collection of supplies to a worthwhile cause, the kids will certainly love it and fun memories will be made for sure. Spreading joy…..❤️


I've volunteered with several organizations that did activities/classes for children and donated supplies are so appreciated! The programs generally have limited to no funding so to receive boxes and boxes of supplies was always amazing!


Thank you for this. I'm glad I'm not the only one holding on to my mother's craft supplies into the second decade after losing her. And I love that it's not "pinterest perfect". I've just gone through the halloween things. I'll start another bin soon.


Sher I am sorry for the loss of your mom, I know the pain after I lost my mom, for me it will always be there. I hope you have lots of love and support.
