Joel Webbon joins the show to defend Nationalism?

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Is Christians Nationalism Right or Racist?
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Great example of a negative consequence due to mixing cultures -

I married a Mexican woman and now I’m gaining all this weight from eating these fire tacos everyday 😩😩🌮🌮


This title should be called is joel a racist. He kept focusing on joels comments about race rather than Christian nationalism. Thats a minus for corey here.


Thank you for having this discussion with Joel Webbon. You two have a lot you both disagree about but you were both decent and respectful towards each other. Two great guys!


This is purely anecdotal, but does anyone else notice that most of the deconstructing Christian’s come from a Calvinist/Baptist background? As a Christian growing up in a Calvinist church I has NO IDEA that God loved me as much as He does. I had no idea that he delighted in me and that His mercies were new each day. He was simply a judge who I feared and who had rules that I couldn’t follow and had to pretend I wasn’t breaking. I do worry that people like Joel are causing people to run like heck away from Jesus. Thank God He showed me his loving character and his unfailing love and forgiveness.


Thanks for having this conversation, Corey. It was much needed, and you did a great job pressing him on the relevant issues. There are so much of what was shared that worries me and it’s gratifying to know that they are people who are seeing some of the concerning things that I am as well and willing to speak on it.


Seems ironic that this entire chat is crying for him to stop falsely judging people, meanwhile almost every comment is the boy or girl who cried "racist!".


Joel did well and I was edified. Grateful you had him on


Thank you for not flinching Pastor Joel!


I didn't and still don't like Webbon's views but I appreciate he has the courage to express them and double down when challenged. Too many people today are quick to retract with a cooy and paste apology. God bless Pastor Webbon and Corey for having this conversation.


🌷please pray for salvation for, My husband Pete, and two sons, Chris and Nick.


I am inspired to be a Christian Nationalist. Thank you Joel.


Corey I appreciate the way you took this head on. The way you handle it was truly masterful! Thank you!


I'm a first-generation Mexican immigrant. I fly the American flag permanently in my front yard in respect for the country that allowed me to become a citizen. I am also the pastor of a predominantly Hispanic church. I can understand why Corey feels uneasy about these ideas. The race grifters have infected every area of our society, including the church. It will be difficult for some to get past the idea of a Christian Nation. "We don't have a Biblical mandate to advocate for a Christian Nation, Corey?" Acts 17 says, "These men have turned the world upside down..."
I don't want to misconstrue what you said Corey, but I heard the entire conversation, and it seems to me that your position for those first-passionate believers in the book of Acts would be that "you don't have a mandate to advocate for a Christian Roman empire" I am so incredibly frustrated with weak Christians who have relegated their faith to the confines of their churches and do not see a mandate to boldly challenge an ungodly culture with a robust, unapologetic message of the Gospel, because somehow that is racist!?
I'm a subscriber to your channel, Corey, and I have benefited greatly from your content, but you need to attempt to remove your race-tinted glasses and see through Joel's ideas. As a Hispanic leader in a minority community, I can tell you he is spot on. A poor view of the Gospel's transforming power has gravely diminished the church's influence in America, and the consequence is Pagan Nationalism. Are you comfortable with that?


He reminds me of being raised in Ga with people like him with the concept without saying it
"I like you because you are a good black"


As a black man I didn’t see anything wrong with what he said about the DEI thing….it puts unnecessary criticism on my abilities when it wasn’t necessary. Affirmative Action has done more to discredit black people than anything I can remember


Joel Webbon really surprises me here! I've listened to his podcasts and never got the idea he thought this way. This is a "wow" moment!


Jesus told us not to look back. Paul said to press forward. God has not given us the spirit of fear. Joel and his group want to go back because they are fearful of changing demographics and cultural changes. They are even fearful of the opinions of their wives and daughters, sisters and mothers. Very insightful and enlightened conversation. We are not going back.


You can tell someone losing the argument when they resort to slander and calling people a racist


I don't understand the point of this conversation. They both make good/fair points, but they should have gotten their definitions together first. It's like they were arguing two separate premises.


I do appreciate Joel’s willingness to state his case and expound on some of his public statements. That does take courage in our cancel culture. I understand there is a spectrum of Christian Nationalism ideas. Seemed like a good-faith discussion. Joel was pretty clear that he would like to see America filled with people VERY similar to himself. I understand the ways he tried to clarify that point, but it’s still a no for me. Call me crazy, but I enjoy a little diversity. If the number of Americans who claimed Christianity actually lived Christianity, we would likely be in a very different position today. Lord, help us love you and each other better!
