Nintendo Switch - Respawn Dev Laughs at Prospect of Titanfall on Switch

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What Nintendo says

"Home console you take on the go"

What I see

"Portable beast you plug into your TV"


One thing I know is that the developer pretty much destroyed future collaborations chances with Nintendo by dissing them.
Should have been more professional, even if he was drunk. No excuse there.


Wow actual unbiased reporting! Gave the information he said, gave why he might be wrong, gave why he might be right. A rare sight these days.


Hes saying what everyone is to scared to say, that the switch is just the wii u all over again.


as long as it gets resident evil 7 i dont fucken care fuk titangay too


If they put games like dark souls dragons dogma or borderlands that be awesome . Play em anywhere


Let's See :
- Drunk out of his mind
- Most definitely doesn't have a dev kit
- Is part of a company that hasn't made profit on their title which flopped on both Playstation 4 and Xbox One, and they(Respawn) probably don't want to spend the money on their failed game porting it to a slightly underpowered system.
- Doesn't keep an open mind.

Wow...he seems super reliable.


For those saying that being drunk makes you truthful, being drunk also makes you reckless. Being truthful in drunkenness doesn't make what you say reliable. The man has never seen the Switch before, much less played around with it, and he's making assumptions based on his first impressions of the Switch trailer. I wouldn't call that a source of reliable information. Now, at the same time, I get what he's saying. The Switch is underpowered compared to the competition and Nintendo has yet to show any significant strides towards improved third party support. Those are valid concerns, that's his honest opinion, and he has a right to express his honest opinions. But in his drunk, reckless state, I wouldn't take what he says about the Switch as reliable or official fact, especially when he hasn't gotten his hands on it yet.


Didn't Titanfall 2 sell like shit???


And yet they put Titanfall on older hardware that are weaker than the Switch. I don't understand that kind of logic, I'm sure it would be fine on the Switch but not up par with other consoles.


Here's the question that nobody in the games media seems to have the guts to ask 3rd party developers: "Are Nintendo's quality control standards too high for you?"

For the past 11 years, it has been a convenient excuse to blame Nintendo's 'underpowered' hardware on the reason more AAA 3rd parties don't put their games on Nintendo's systems. But the fact of the matter is, most of the companies who scream about this the loudest are also the same ones who screw over their customers the most in the way of:

-games full of bugs
-games requiring day one patches
-rushing out unfinished games, requiring the customer to download the rest
-fraudulent advertisement of game content (No Man's Sky)
-nickle-and-dime In-game purchases
...etc., etc., etc.

Occam's Razor: which is more plausible? That Nintendo is incapable of building a system like the Scorpio, or that 3rd party devs are unwilling to change their tactics to adhere Nintendo's business model?


Ever heard the phrase "A drunk man's talk is a somber man's thoughts"? Being drunk tends to make you lose your inhibitions depending on how drunk you are (it it varies person to person of course). Of course a drunk person is gonna end up saying some silly shit, but sometimes they do let their true thoughts and feelings slip because their inhibition to not say those things are not there.


so being drunk makes you a liar?...I'm no expert but getting someone drunk is a tactic people use to get the truth out of someone, He's not lying Titanfall 2 can't run on the Switch period, the Switch is weak....c'mon everyone knows that by now, it can't even run Skyrim HD remastered.


I'm laughing at all the people getting offended over his comment and bringing up Titan fall 2 sales (everyone always resorts to sales when they feel like their favorite gaming device or console is being attack). Chill he was drunk and in good fun. I think news outlets reporting on this are to blame because I'm sure they were just trying to chill and have a good time. people just blew it up.


Massive Nintendo fan here and I can't wait for the Switch.


I agree with what's his face. Switch won't get TF2 and other 3rd party games because it's underpowered.


Some are telling the truth when they drunk :)


Whoa, they're drinking liquid! liquid was in the death stranding trailers. does that mean that titanfall is norman reedus's baby?!?!?


I'm 99.99% sure that Titanfall 2 is not coming to the Switch. Still getting the console exclusively for Nintendo shit, but in the case of that .1% that it does end up coming out on the switch. Holy shit that guy will be in a world of hurt from people at EA and Respawn. I'm still pretty sure though that the Switch can't handle it.


It shows what 3rd party thinks of another underpowered Nintendo console.
