Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 6: Inside the Episode (HBO)

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Get an inside look at Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6.

Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.
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Dany to Jon: "C'mon let's get outta here!"
Jon: "Wait I need 8 more kills for an achievement lol"


The whole series is about to end and we still have no idea what Podrick did to those girls.




rhaegal flying alone at the wall waiting for his brother to come back was so upsetting considering they've always been shown as a pair


So while Jon and his crew were waiting on that rock...
Gendry had time to run back all the way to Eastwatch (in subzero temp, running up and down snowy hills)
Send a raven all the way to Dragonstone (which is more than half a continent away)
and Dany had the time to ride all her dragons beyond the wall (a place she has never been to before ALL ALONE) ?

But the Night King is taking a good 2 seasons to march from Hardhome to Eastwatch? yeah....


Everyone is complaining about the dumb logic of this episode, when I still can't get over Stannis burning his daughter alive for BETTER FUCKING WEATHER !!! 😂


So Gendry runs all the way back to Eastwatch, sends a raven to Dragonstone. Dany decides to fly beyond the Wall and this all happens while Jon and the gang were sitting on a rock for what had to be a few days and don't free to death. All to go on an adventure they never had to go on in the first place.


I'm still wondering how Gendry traveled all that distance, sent a god speed raven, and Dany traveling all the way back assuming she knew exactly where Jon was.


*Kayne grabs the mic*

"Yo Night King, I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish...but the Lich King had one of the best dragon revivals of all time!"


They should've just replace all that Arya and Sansa drama with Bran Flashbacks


Tormund's character was at its best this


The time travel was powerful in this episode.


The plot between Sansa and Arya was absolute BS. What the fuck


I must admit there were some really stupid things in this episode, as someone who didn't many problems before.
 - The Army of the Dead can move as fast as an avalanche, yet suddenly they just slow down and completely refuse to even cross an icy lake for apparently hours. The expedition should never have been found by the 'full' army of the dead at all if it makes any sense.
- The Night King should not have been present because it's obvious that an efficient killer wouldn't simply try to starve out or wait until this random group of about 10 people simply freeze to death. If he or one of his officers attacked they would have ended it already. The idea he knew dragons would come or even existed doesn't make sense; unless he encountered them before thus why he had dragonglass prepared for later encounters.
- Suddenly a runner, a raven, and then flying dragons all the way to the north of the wall takes less than a single day. You can assume that if night had come they probably wouldn't have made it and temperatures would drop drastically anyway.
- The undead have their entire army surrounding a group and yet it's obvious that the only reason they didn't start closing in again earlier was to preserve the group's lives after a stupid script decision.
- Capturing something undead makes sense, but losing so many people and then having to make such obvious 'fixes' to the plot to make all of them survive showcased how nonsensical it was.
- Arya making more drama by playing the 'stupid' actor who doesn't tell her sister that Littlefinger is plotting something and instead threatens and alienates her sister, something that is unlike her character at all.
- LittleFinger and more drama coming your way that seemed highly avoidable even compared to the shit Cersei pulled all the time.


So is there like a fucking Home Depot north of the wall where the night king bought all of those huge ass chains.


It's such a shame because the visuals and the general scope of the show are still amazing, but this episode was one of those most lazily written pieces of television I've seen in a long time. Plot hole upon plot hole, and leaps in logic that could have all been fixed with such little imagination from the writers -

1) Gendry running back to warn Daenerys with a raven and were suppose to believe they've been on a frozen rock that whole time. INSTEAD, why not have Bran the all seeing tree wizard get a message to Daenerys after seeing Jon through a raven.

2) Then the fact that the Night King is able to instant kill a dragon but not Jon and company - people argue he knew the dragons were coming, HOW? Again, it could have been fixed by showing the night king to have powers like Bran, which is plausible because he was turned by the children of the forest who have connections to the three eyed raven etc.

3)Then the fact that the Night King went for a small flying dragon rather than Drogon who was right there! Just have Drogon land behind a rock or something! Or have Viserion going for the Night King himself.

4) Don't write Daenerys as caring more about Jon Snow than her own child dying.

5) Instead of having Jon Snow fighting like a complete idiot when he could have just got on the dragon, have him do something heroic like go for the Night King himself to prevent him throwing another spear at a dragon and that's why he didn't get on.

6) Have Rhaegal save Jon to establish their connection (Because honestly its obvious Jon is gonna be a dragon rider right?) Instead of random Uncle Benjen coming out of nowhere. It was almost comical.


This episode made zero sense. The logic went out the window faster than mace windu.


Among many mistakes, they managed to make Arya not only boring, but annyoing. goodies


This is what happens when you try to rush a show to completion. You skip out on a lot of plot points and in turn the rushed feeling of the show makes it seem incomplete at times. IDK why they couldn't have just made it a 10 episode season and add more depth to the story.


tormunds "last stand" sequence was what had me the most emotionally invested. probably because his talk with the hound sounded like a "a week away from retirement speech".
