Game of Thrones: Season 7 Finale Preview (HBO)

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"There's only one war that matters. And it is here."

Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9.
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Bran knows everything but he doesn't spoil anything.

A man must have patience like Bran.


The soundtrack in this preview is really beautiful...


"When the snows fall, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

His name was Benjen Stark, the first Ranger, a watcher on the walls, a sword in the darkness, a shield that guarded the realms of men. *And now his watch is ended.*


After so much waiting, I'm so sad this season is already almost over! It felt like it went so quickly!


They basically traded a wight for a dragon...this has been the worst trade in the history of any trades, we will blame night king for this, and build a second wall. A tall beautiful wall, and the night king will pay for it.


People who don't watch this, don't think you're special, just bugs me that people miss out on one of the greatest entertainment that has ever been shown in television


Does anyone know how to train your dragon?


Uncle BenJen not getting on that horse is the new Jack not getting on the door with Rose.


When Gendry was running back to the wall to send the raven i thought we would never see him again. I could just picture the memes.


Tonight's forecast, 8 inches of snow


This trailer was better than the entirety of Season 8


I miss the old comment sections, they were used to be funny


If the night king can't talk then he can't say dracarys


Tormund is now officially my favorite character.


When you think about it, assuming Bran does know everything, he also knows what Pod did to those girls in season 3.
A flashback would do us some good.


To be honest, I was disappointed after watching this episode. But then I started thinking about it and even though there are some plotholes, some of them can be explained:

1) How could Gendry be that fast? - The group was moving slowly, carrying heavy weapons and supplies. Gendry was alone and without any weight, he could reach Eastwatch in a few hours at that speed.
2) How many days did the group spend on that island? - At least 3 days. The ice got thick while they stayed on the island, so it must have been a long time.
3) Why didn't the wights attack immediately? Why did they wait even though the ice was frozen? - The Night King needed them to wait. He knew that if they wait enough Dany will come with her dragons. And he wanted a dragon. It's obvious that he has powers similar to Bran's, so he knew what would happen.
4) How could Dany travel that fast? - She might have been flying for a whole day, we don't know. Theoretically she could reach Eastwatch in 7-8 hours.
5) Why did the Night King kill Viserion instead of aiming at Drogo? - I think he likes showing off what he can do. At Hardhome he could have easily killed Jon and the others but instead of doing that he showed how he can raise the dead. He knows it's only one battle, it doesn't really matters to him.
6) Why did the Knight King have spears and chains? - He planned everything. But I have no idea how he got the chains, maybe they made them before the attack.
7) Why did Jon kill wights instead of getting on Drogon? - They were too close, they would have grabbed his legs.
8) Why is Arya acting like total bitch? - She's convinced that Sansa is a traitor and that she's plotting against Jon. It was Littlefinger's plan to make them fight so he can manipulate Sansa. You know, chaos is a ladder. By the way Sansa is kind of shady, she doesn't always have good intentions. She would be capable of betraying Jon if she needed to. And Arya is extremely loyal to Jon, their relationship was very strong and very loving (maybe it's not that obvious since the show didn't really show us their bond, but they truly loved and understood each other.)
9) Why didn't everyone of the group bring dragonglass weapons? Most of them had dragonglass weapons, but Gendry can't fight with swords. Plus, dragonglass kills white walkers, not wights. But they should have brought more of those swords and knifes.
10) Why did they need that stupid plan anyways? Wouldn't it have been easier to bring a random suicidal person beyond the wall, kill him and bring that to Cersei? And why did they have to persuade Cersei? Wouldn't it be easier to kill her? - If you die beyond the wall, you won't be immediately a wight. You need a white walker to raise you. Without one, you wouldn't be able to get a wight. At first, I didn't really understand the "masterplan", I thought it was the stupidest thing ever, but after thinking about it, it makes sense. They need Cersei to fight the others. A lot of people in Westeros think she's a good ruler and Dany is the mad queen, so there would be a chaos without Cersei. The Lannisters have a great army and they need every single person to fight. So it kind of makes sense to try convincing her.

So it's what I personally think. And please remember the most important thing: Game of Thrones is a drama-series. They need to create drama and this is how you create drama. I miss George R. R. Martin too. We have too much expectations, since we all know that GoT is a masterpiece.


if you merge Jon Snow and White Walker, will it be Johnny Walker or Snow White?


Valar Morguleak: All episodes must leak


They built the wall to protect the white walkers from Tywin Lannister


Thanks for the dragon guys, I was looking for a new ride
