Continental Knitting Two Ways // Technique Tuesday

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This video demonstrates my method of the Continental knitting style, plus an alternate method. The video explains the variables that can make one Continental style different from another, such as how the needles are held, how the yarn is tensioned, and how the needles are brought together when forming stitches.
My Ravelry project page for the sweater I'm wearing:
0:00 Intro
0:37 What is Continental knitting?
2:22 Tensioning the yarn
4:01 Holding the needles
6:10 Bringing the needles together
7:42 Continental knit stitch open hands
9:09 Continental knit stitch closed hands
10:13 Continental purl open hands
11:54 Continental purl closed hands
13:01 Two minutes of slo-mo knit, purl, and k1p1
14:51 Outro
If you have questions about this video, or suggestions for future videos, please let me know down in the comments or on social media.
My Ravelry project page for the sweater I'm wearing:
0:00 Intro
0:37 What is Continental knitting?
2:22 Tensioning the yarn
4:01 Holding the needles
6:10 Bringing the needles together
7:42 Continental knit stitch open hands
9:09 Continental knit stitch closed hands
10:13 Continental purl open hands
11:54 Continental purl closed hands
13:01 Two minutes of slo-mo knit, purl, and k1p1
14:51 Outro
If you have questions about this video, or suggestions for future videos, please let me know down in the comments or on social media.
Continental Knitting Two Ways // Technique Tuesday
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