How I Finally Conqured Continental Knitting...

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This is no genius discovery I made up, this was learned from the amazing @ARNECARLOS videos. For a detailed explanation of the hows and why's just do a search for Norwegian Knitting by them and the "updated" or "revisited" video should come up.

The Norwegian Knit Explained

The Norwegian Purl Explained (recap is the first 4 minutes or so, purling starts around 4:55)

With that being said this style of knitting changed me forever!! The ease and the dance of Norwegian knitting is so cool, so methodic, and so relaxing. I hope you give it a try if you struggled with regular continental knitting, and let me know how it goes.

Excuse the quality of the video this is a repost from my TikTok and Instagram that seems to gain a lot of attention so I figured I'd share it here as well.
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I completely agree! Continental never felt right, but Norwegian knitting and purling especially for ribbing and making cardigans was a game changer. I still mostly do English style, but the Norwegian way is gaining traction for me.


Oh my goodness, I have been knitting for over 50 years and watching you video is the first time I have gotten an understanding of Norwegian purling. Not sayin' I am good at it yet! 😂 Thank you!


This is the absolute best explanation of how to knit the Norwegian way that I have ever seen. You have demonstrated it slowly enough that I can see exactly what you're doing. I've tried knitting continental and have given up several times. As you said, picking knit stitches is easy but those purls.... ugh. I'm going to try this way on my next project. Thank you.


Oh my god. I've been knitting for like 15 years and have never heard of Norwegian style knitting. I just knit a few stitches this way and it BLEW MY MIND. I started laughing and swearing😂 THANK YOU YARN ANGEL🙏🏻💖🧶


Great tutorial. I learned to knit about 10 years ago in my 40s. Since i knew how to crochet as a child, continental was easy to for me. I still can't " throw " . This method looks like it would with tension.


Very interesting. That’s why I wouldn’t continental knit. I can keep the tension the same when English knitting. But I will try the Norwegian way. Thank you.


I am Norwegian, and i have always done my purls like this 😊 My knitting also. I’m over 50 years old, and this is what my mom told me, and we also learned to do this in school 😊


I’m glad I’m not the only one who struggles with continental knitting!!


Beautifully explained 😊 I am knitting for 15 years and only learned the norwegian way of purling. When I learned how my friends did it (continental) I only thought "why are you doing this to yourselves?"😄 It's so hard!
One little tip: if you hold the finger with your working yarn further away (higher up) and don't just use the very tip of the needle but rather the first 2 centimeters to go around the yarn, into the loop picking up the working yarn and back, it will get even much easier because it's not so intricate!
Have a lovely day 😊


Oh … my … GOSH! I have never seen this style of doing purl stitches. Thank you so much for this video!!! Purl stitches are not not the bane of my existence anymore!


Thank You for teaching this.Ive been a crocheter forever but I picked up reg knitting a while back and started to see that its very slow going.Ive been TRYING to learn so called continental and I gave up from frustration.Until I saw this video which I guess YT put in my feed b/c I wasnt looking for another video.But here you are and Im going to try your way now.TY very much!


just started teaching my daughter and the Norweigan style is the only way she could wrap her head around doing purl stitches. once i learned Norwegian style years ago i very rarely use anything else. nice video to show the close up ease of the purl. gr8 work!


I learned English when I was 10. I’m 70. I learned continental about 20 years ago. I use it during stranded knitting but don’t like the otherwise. Thanks for your video. It’s very helpful.


I've been struggling with Continental purling because I can't keep the same tension as when I'm knitting. I think this is going to make a difference. Thank you!


I've been watching a ton (well four or five) Norwegian purl videos today. The pacing in yours was just right for it to click. I need to practice to transition from Continental. Thank you!


Wow. Just wow. I haven’t tried this yet, but you have made it look so easy! Thanks! I’m going to try it this evening.


I’ve been knitting for about 55 years. I’m just finishing off (hopefully today) a top for myself then decided I would try continental style on the next one. I’ve just found your video so it’s a great help. I knit the Scottish way, slightly different to the English way, but my joints are getting sore these days and I think continental will be the way to go.
Thank you for your fab video 😊❤


I’ve never seen this so well explained and clear. Thank you!


Congratulations, you just did a Norwegian purl


Wauw! ! ! Best explanation of Norwegian purl!
