A conversation with Peter Wadhams : Arctic Sea Ice Loss

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Peter Wadhams is professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. His book, A Farewell to Ice, outlines in exquisite detail the changes in the arctic over the last four decades and the threats that these changes pose to our climate. In this mini series he shares his thoughts about our current situation and his prognosis for the future.

Links to all four conversations :

#peterwadhams #climatechange #arcticice #methaneburst #globalwarming #campfire #carboncapture #geoengineering #arcticamplification #oceanconveyorbelt
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Thank you Dave for publishing the recording, and thank you prof. Peter Wadhams for telling us what the current state of affairs is like.
I'm 66 years old and I don't have any kids, so the consequences of your message won't hurt me very hard.
Still, the message needs to be heard, and although it seems futile we should try to remedy the situation.

Prof. Peter Wadhams, you are a hero of mine !


Thanks Professor Wadhams, this interview is so helpful to understand artic problems, thanks again


thank you and Professor Wadhams for publishing this interview/talk. the rational analysis of the dire warnings seems lost in the global population that can neither cope nor act apart from protesting economic policies.


It should be noted that the arctic is "the land of the midnight sun." So in the summer, just as the ice is melting and the dark sea is exposed to the warmth of the sun, it is always a warm afternoon, and for months the sun never sets, or sets only briefly. The cool night never comes. This amplifies the heating and the melting of the ice. This is geography, and nothing we can do will change it, but remembering this fact, can change how we think about the climate and help us to explain what is happening to others.


I always "enjoy" listening to Dr. Wadhams; his explanations are very clear and thoughtful. Thank u both!


An inconvenient truth is that there is more sea ice today than when "An Inconvenient Truth" was released.


Fascinating talk. I have read Professor Wadhams book too, it was an eye opener


Think Peter Wadhams is not only one of THE most experienced in his field but is also able to explain the complex issues in a way pretty much anyone can understand.


The MoD's failure to understand the potential dangers associated with the equipment despite previous problems;

· Almost 1, 000 oxygen units that had been condemned
as "hazardous waste" were upgraded to be safe to be used. It is not
known whether the unit which exploded was one of these;

· Some of the units, which needed to be kept in secure dry storage, were left on a jetty for two weeks;

· There were "quality control" shortcomings at MPL, the manufacturers of the units.

A separate MoD investigation is trying to find out why these failings were allowed to continue and why the accident happened.

Last night Huntrod's parents accused the MoD of gross negligence.

"It is beyond belief that in this day and age our armed forces could
be managed in a way that has such incredibly scant regard for the safety
of those who enlist to serve their Queen and country, " said Alan
Huntrod and Brenda Gooch in a statement.

"We feel that if this was in any other walk of life, there would have
been a prosecution for corporate manslaughter ... It is clear that
there were no systems in place for the safe management of the devices.
This would not be acceptable on an oil platform, a chemical plant or any
other workplace and it should not be acceptable aboard a submarine.

"In our view the report sets out in clear detail overwhelming
evidence of gross negligence making the Ministry of Defence culpable for
the death of our son Anthony and Paul, his colleague." Peter Wadhams near death experience - was gross negliegence


Prof. Wadhams: Geoengineering is about the scariest thing anyone can say at this time - not only would it involve MASSIVE increases in CO2e emissions, but they're highly unlikely to work at sufficient scale (Anderson, Anderson and Hunt, M. Rees, etc.) to do any good at all, at least compared to CO2e emission rates. The only clear way to have a decent probability of saving humanity now is evidently a semi-controlled collapse (e.g., Anderson, U Manchester, etc.; Bendell, U. Cumbria IFLAS; Read, U. Cumbria IFLAS). The call for Geoengineering is calling for attempts to save our current civilization, which appears to be already lost (ibid). The only path likely to work is to save as much of the planet and knowledge as we can for some follow-on civilization. Bendell and Read point out that we have to start *actually* *talking* about this.


Im curious. I'd be interested to see if anywhere there is a collation of data on thickness and extent of arctic ice to map the thinning of the ice.
I've wondered about doing it myself, but im not exactly savvy with manipulation of such massive datasets.


I love the fact that Peter Wadhams is five (5) years younger than Mick Jagger.


With all of the abysmal factors, I had forgotten about albedo. Perhaps I shouldn't have watched this. But I want to know the truth. My sense is that temperatures are about to skyrocket, now that the heat sinks are gone.


in 2022 there is more arctic sea ice than there was 10 years ago in 2012


My contribution to stopping the global co2 pump.
Watch on utube, Solarized walk assist device - camper build
Also, Solarized walk assist device
Two styles of low cost solarized transportation that can also supply home power, charge cordless tools to build/repair, etc.
These machines can be built anywhere, highly versatile and transformable to job specific designs.
Easily arrayed with other machines to increase power, help charge remote charging sites (ie, community/highway array systems)
Billions of individuals using these low cost solarized walk assist devices would put a massive dent in the global co2 pump.


2 señores que caen bien el video esta genial me gusta


That was rather short an interview but thanks anyway JHAT.


Peter Wadhams. As a name, is it _more_ or _less_ English than Tabitha Pippit-Whistle?


Anyone scared of the amount of ice? Loss of ice? At the moment the top of Greenland has minus 53 C.
So, no melting and no problems at all!


@ 5:57 Oh, it won't come back, well, tell that to the Vikings who farmed in Greenland for 400 years !! A charming man who knows where his next grant is coming from.
