The Crookes Tube

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Garry Garbutt demonstrates the Crookes Tube, a device that lead to the discovery of the electron, x-rays and ultimately the invention of vacuum tubes that started the electronics revolution.
Crooke's Tube & Electrons
Crookes Tube Cathode Ray Tube
From Geissler Tubes to Cathode Ray Tubes (Crookes Tubes), Physics & History
Cathode Ray Tube |
The Crookes Tube
Crookes Tube - NADA Scientific
Crookes Tube, Electron Beam Demonstration - NADA Scientific
6. Crookes tube
Discovery of the Electron: Cathode Ray Tube Experiment
Low pressure Crookes Tube, Uranium glass plasma fountain by Wolfgang Linschmann
5H30.10: Crooke's Tube and Magnet
5H30.10 Crooke's Tube and Magnet
Crookes tube
Crookes Railroad Tube(clip)
Crookes Tube
Crookes Tube
Crookes tube with red mineral / synthetic ruby?
Crookes Tube demonstrating Cathode Rays
Generations of x ray tube
Electron Flow in Vacuum Discharge and the Crookes Tube
What does Crookes tube mean?
Cathode ray tube - paddlewheel (NCPQ)
Plasma Demo Kit: Crookes Tube Phosphor Screen Parts
Plasma Demo Kit: Crookes Tube Assembly