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BDD makes me feel old constantly. It’s a daily struggle to get up, thinking I look ugly.

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I remember feeling that way when I was 18 and throughout my 20s. Time moved fast and now I’m 40 and would love to be 23 again. The fact is, I feel better now than I did at 23… it just takes more work to feel good, both physically and mentally. I will say time moves much faster and I have way more responsibility than I ever imagined. I have realized that too much time was spent wishing I was in another time of my life, rather than enjoying the now. That has been the biggest change in my overall mental health and self perception.


I relate to this so much with AVPD. I often avoid situations due to feeling judged for how I look or act. I constantly remind myself what others think (or how I perceive it) isn't what's most important. Being present in the situation is what's important.


I’m 26. I used to feel this way. You just need to find something in life that makes you feel a sense of purpose. That’s very intimidating I know but it can be small things, anything. Pick up a hobby, an interest, a new place to go. Find things that make life feel like you’re living it. Worries of age will melt away.


I’m 20. The title is real. But in reality we’re both young. We’re in our prime years so let’s enjoy our 20’s 🐐


First of all, I'm proud of you that you are going out, meeting your friend and going to events for your health, also for going to hospital (i'm very sorry for the horrible incident that happened to you while in hospital), please keep going this direction. And second, I just want to tell from my experience; I spent my whole 20ies going through my inner sh*t, and yes, I looked and felt like sh*it. But it was the only way, and now, slowly, it pays off. I can see more and more my beauty and my light shine through. Beauty comes from the heart, literally. The healthier your heart and your emotions are, the better you look on the outside. I'm almost 30 and feel younger (and look better) than I did when I was a teenager, but only because I knew the only way is facing all your inner nightmares. Surgery, botox, whatever, is not the answer! You are beautiful inside and outside and even you can't see it now, there are people who can see it.


You are very pretty, and do not look old at all. Also your red flower crown looks good on you, it suits your hair well ⚘


FR I'm 16 and I think I'm wasting a lot of time. Than you for sharing your experience you're one of the most relatable creator


Love the self talk! Being able to stop and recognize what is happening in the moment is such an underrated skill in dealing with these sorts of obsessive issues. Over the years I've gotten so much better at recognizing when it's my OCD telling me to do something, to the point where a lot of the time I can stop myself and sometimes will literally say out loud "No, that's not real, you don't need to do that".

It's a tricky road, but you're clearly capable of walking it!

(also love the Midsommar vibes whenever the flower headpieces come out lol)


I’m 25 and feel the same. I started noticing wrinkles around my mouth and eyes. I’m supposed to be in the prime of my life in terms of physical attractiveness and yet feel and look so ugly. I also have pretty bad acne and scarring from it so between that and the wrinkles I look old and young at the same time. I don’t think you look old at all. If I walked past you on the street I would probably guess that you were 18.


Hi sis! Even though you're still dealing with some complexes, it's visible you're happier. I would even say you're facing some situations in a sober way after the impatient stay - saying you wanna go out, do nice things for your well being and recording videos about things you like, which is very cool. Of course this is an every day effort and some days are harder than others, but I really think u can get there 💟


I know exactly what she's talking about I'm very unattractive I'm 40.. I've had so many women break my heart, it literally feels like I've had about 10 lifetimes,


I genuinely thought you were a teenager when I stumbled across your channel no joke. I cannot see what you see, honestly. I remember when you said you were in your 20s and I was confused like “I thought she was a teenager” lol.


You look really good with the flower crown!!! You have such a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes!!!!


YOU ARE NOT UGLY!!!! you sound intelligent. you look absolutely normal. beautiful, expressive, gentle face. please recognize your potential and stop focusing on irrelevant stuff like your appearance. try to start doing things you enjoy


i feel old, desperate, anxious and brok at 15


I felt old when i was 23. Now I'm 41. I still feel old. And they keep dying...


This helps me with my bdd because it shows how distorted our view of ourselves is like you def do not look 40 id say you actually look way younger than 23 id give you 18


It IS your body dysmophia. You don't look 40. If anything, you look like a teenager. But battling "mental illness" can be exhausting and leave you feeling beaten down.


Get as much sunlight as you can, it will help mentally and physically.


Dang... i thought you are 14 cause you look 14
