Why You MAKE Stories In Your Head - Narrative Fallacy

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In today's world where we're flooded with information and love to make decisions based on facts, we often get caught in a common mental trap without even realizing it. This trap is called the narrative fallacy, a concept that highlights how we naturally tend to create stories out of events that might not be connected at all.

🧠 Our brains have been doing this for thousands of years, helping our ancestors stay safe from dangers by quickly making up stories about what might be lurking around them, like lions, based on little clues.

The example of picking red marbles from a jar is a simple way to show how easily we fall into this trap.

This habit of jumping to conclusions based on a few pieces of information doesn't just affect small decisions; it influences how we see bigger events and stories in our lives and the world.

💡 By understanding how our minds like to make up stories, we can start to question these quick conclusions we come to. We learn to ask for more proof, consider other possibilities, and accept that sometimes things happen just by chance, without a big story behind them.

#Behaviour #Business #Psychology #PersonalFinance
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