XDefiant is PAYING its users to PLAY their game, cause of Call of Duty… 😲

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Make sure to zip Activision’s pants up when you’re done


There’s no way you’re not getting paid by activision


Bros meat riding Activision so hard just to get little “care packages” in the mail


I'm still loving x defiant personally, and yeah the game does have some bugs but it's grossly over exaggerated, still it does need fixed and huge patches and content drops are supposed to come in season 2. #saveXDefiant


Black ops 6 blows dude. You're drunk


Ubisoft is rushing things. People are just hyped about BO6. They'll go back to hating like they always do soon enough and people will flood to Xdefiant like they did before. Because "they need to fix BO6" in some way.


“BO6 is so good” only comes from the mouth of people who were paid off. As someone who likes both games I can confidently say that XDefiant is like 100x better than the bo6 beta was. I really want both games to be amazing but both have their drawbacks tho I personally would say bo6 has more than XDefiant atm


Crazy how many people still hate on Xdefiant, it’s good fucking game and you just can’t handle that??? Disclaimer: I know that there’s a lot of people who love the game still but even so people still hate on it
Edit: Well well well, looks like some of you are… INCORRECT


thats because X defiant was over hyped while being slightly better than roblox quality


Bo6 is terrible, they just got so many players to play the beta because it’s free for game pass… 34 million + people pay for xbox game pass…


We can open a krispy kreme with all this glaze 🗣️


Xdefiant is good now it feels like a COD game from 2007 era when they were actually good so people should defiantly go back and give it another go. I didn’t like the beta much but went back recently and was very surprised in a good way.


Been playing Xdefiant from launch it's been great, updates are regular for bug fixes, weapon and faction rebalances and new maps and weapons. Your able to earn xdefiant currency from the battle pass which will fully pay for the next one so your rewarded for completing it also👌 I'm not going to lie hit reg could be better and there is currently a bug causing FPS drops from the s2 update but it is still good and they will be fixed/improved


So 'getting paid' is getting free rewards for a game that might get shut down anyways. So we're not getting paid, they're just offering currency... Let it shut down, that's false advertising


Lol that’s not true it has way more than 20k players… 😂🤦‍♂️


Pov : Me just now seeing this on the 24th 😂😒


I just got into xDefiant and got 5 or 6 buddies to try the game out as well. Its so refreshing compared to CoD and i love the way the game plays. I really hope it doesn’t go under because it almost feels like I’m too late😭


I can tell that BO6 is gonna be great!

It’s gonna be so great that Activision seems to be going after anything at all that they perceive to be a threat.


"Activision Is paying me to convince you to play bo6"


Yet people BASHED me for saying xdefiant isn’t killing cod and the only game to ever do so will be cod itself and I got like 20 comments ALL bashing me (for reference, I usually get like 2-5 comments, so to have like 20 and it’s all hate was like a “woah” moment for me) saying I’m trippin, I’m just meat riding a shitty game that has me in a trapped cycle every year, same old same old empty headed hater “repeat what they hear” shit. And sure enough, not even a year goes by, and xdefiant has 20, 000 PLAYERS ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS?!?!?! It’s almost like I told yall so🤦🏾‍♂️. And that’s not xdefiant hate btw, it has nothing to do with xdefiant believe it or not, xdefiant could be as good as possible and it still won’t dethrone cod, why? A) cuz it’s a cod multiplayer remake. The game plays LITERALLY 1to1 copy and paste like cod bo4 multiplayer specifically, and B) cod did it first and better. Well technically halo did it first but not “better”. Cod set such a major precedent for FPS games it’s insane. Name another fps title that is 4+ genres and all of em at least in some point of time was S tier gaming I’ll wait. Cod was the first and still the best to have a story mode game, a multiplayer game, and a unique 3rd game mode that is mostly zombies but not all the time, and a battle royale game all in one title that all succeeds well on their own that they each have like 5 sub communities. A bo4 inspired multiplayer only game that plays like a mobile game ported to console&pc is NOT killing a game like cod
