QA Automation Engineer jobs in Canada | Online Interview Questions | Programs on Java and Selenium

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Hello Friends,

Today I am going to share about QA Test Automation Engineer jobs in Canada and Online Interview Questions and process with Problem solving questions on Java and Selenium asked in Canadian company.

There were 4 rounds, all were over video call and should be on a laptop. They were scheduled for 1hr:
Round 1: Technical
- Program 1 : Write a program in Java to print all characters appearing immediately after a given character.
- Selenium Question : Execute steps over a Flight ticket booking website using Selenium WebDriver. I used IntelliJ and Java to execute the test.

Round 2: Technical
- Program 1: Write a program in Java to remove all duplicate integers from an array and print the result. (My program failed when all the input integers were same. Ex: {1,1,1,1,1,1,1})
- Program 2: Program of Java on a collection of integers (don’t remember the exact question)
- Explain the automation framework in detail and how you used excel to execute same test for multiple set of test data

Round 3: Managerial :
- All behavioural questions
- How you will convince your team to adapt a different testing tool used for automation?
- What you will do if you are given a task in which you don’t have any prior experience?

Round 4 : HR round
- Salary discussion and my notice period.

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Thank you for sharing your journey.

Do you mind sharing what java concept you applied to solve the program question mentioned at 0:55?

Thank you 😊


what is this vanik that you have mentioned in the video? Is it job consulting company. Could you please share the link


Great video bro, can you elaborate more about 0:55 programming question, i didn't get it, what were the outputs expected?


Hi Pankaj
You are amazing person and making good and valuable videos
Can you please tell us, is there any charges taken by hiring company ?


How much they are paying for your profile