A&P: Never Trust SpO2 and Oxygen Delivery DO2 Video (SaO2 v PaO2 v SpO2)

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It is easy to put all of your trust in monitors . . . I mean when was the last time a computer failed us right?

SpO2 is a poor indicator of tissue oxygenation and really doesn't give the nurse the complete story.

We talk about SpO2 v SaO2 v PaO2

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Thanks again Jon,
Cool "Code Blue" intro. Sweet music at the end of the training video. As a college student before nursing school, I will never look at SpO2 values the same LOL. Dope reference of the "Disassociation Curve". I will forever attach SaO2 and PaO2 to the "Curve." Thank you for the SvO2 and Scvo2 Test reference. I didnt know about those tests.
Im gonna Play Rn Crush more oftern:)


At the beginning of your video, you mentioned how oxygen sit in the "Pulmonary Artery" after diffusing through the alveoli. I think you meant to say pulmonary CAPILLARY.


I wish you would have explained the oxygen dissociation curve more. I wanted to know how the PaO2 and SaO2 interact and impact tissue oxygenation. I understand that SpO2 can be misleading but you didn't really delve into why. Examples would be super helpful. Like talking about decreased blood volume or other instances where high SpO2 would be misleading.


Hello! thanks a lot for your videos very helpful can you teach about insulin treatment (types of insulin )and also about acidosis and alkalosis.


So if some free oxygen gets dissolved into plasma (Partial Pressure PaO2) but most gets bound to hemoglobin (arterial partial pressure SaO2).. and only the oxygen in the RBC (hemoglobin protein), can be delivered into tissue...

But even if you measured 100% oxygen saturation, this does not provide any insight into how much gets transferred into tissue, correct?

So instead of measuring how much oxygen is leftover (ScvO2), couldn't you measure CO2... since that the one that binds to the hemoglobin to extract the oxygen? For example, doesn't a VO2 max test, measure CO2 to indicate how much oxygen is getting delivered to the tissues?

Any thoughts on Patrick Mcewan's Oxygen Advantage, where he suggests deep breaths and mouth breathing is not as healthy as shallow breaths and nose breathing?


Hello, I am a slow learner, ,

What kind of ailment would cause your tissue to starve of oxygen even though your saturation would indicate normal levels indirectly on a pulse oxi, or ABG? It feels like you kind of slated around this saying not to trust spo2 instead of sao2. But what specific condition could cause this to happen?... and if the tissues were not saturated wouldn't both of these values match anyways?

I find alot of articles saying not to trust a pulseoxi meter over a direct ABG reading, but not explaining why. Are they talking mechanically or conditions that cause a misleading normal reading? PLEASE HELP. WHAT ARE CONDITIONS THAT CAUSE A NORMAL READING BUT UNOXYGENATED TISSUE. Thanks Jon.
