How Doctors Are Paid to Keep Us Sick | Guest: Dr. Casey Means | Ep 971

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Today, we interview Stanford-trained physician Dr. Casey Means about her upcoming book "Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health." Dr. Means' mission is to maximize human potential and reverse the epidemic of preventable chronic disease by empowering individuals with tech-enabled tools. She believes the underlying cause of chronic disease is metabolic dysfunction, and the cure to this dysfunction is available to every individual through smart and sustainable lifestyle choices. She shares her mother's tragic story as well as what the health care system gets wrong about our health. We also cover the dark truth about the money behind health care and where doctors' incentives could actually lie.



00:00 Intro
01:30 Dr. Means' mom's story / metabolic dysfunction
19:30 "Trusting the science"
23:29 Financial incentives in healthcare
30:23 Medical school education
41:00 American health revolution
49:01 Body positivity
52:35 Importance of metabolic health
56:57 How to advocate for yourself


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Being a pharmacist… and owning my own Pharmacy… I am 100% aligned with this episode. There is no intention to get people well… It’s to give them an early diagnosis and treat symptoms. I 100% back up everything that was presented to be true. The system is broken. Insurance does not encourage cooking classes, nutrition classes, all the proactive things. However, it will cover prescription medication for an eternity.


Totally agree. I workout 5 days a week, try not to eat out, cook my own meals, get my sleep in and try to stay stress free. I’m 57 and not on any meds. I’m blessed


My mom was diagnosed with cancer last year, took a chemo pill for 2 months, almost bed bound said she didn't want to live like that and stopped the pill. 9 months later she is feeling much better, last cat scan 2 weeks ago cancer is gone!!


After 35 years of employment, with all of my performance evaluations rated outstanding, I was being fired for my refusal to take a flu shot. It caused so much depression I decided to do whatever I could to improve my health. Dropping sugar and ultra processed foods along with exercise took 52 pounds and 7 daily medications away from me. All of my blood work has improved and everything this doctor said was exactly what happened in my case. I'm now healthier at 62 than when I was in my 30's. Who would have thought COVID saved my life but it did. Luckily after multiple religious exemption protests over time I road it out until they dropped the mandate and I got to keep my job. Great video Allie!


This just reminded me of something, I completely changed my habits by finding out book called 21 Former doctor secrets by Rachel Morgan. It has been censored.


My mom was in the hospital for a late stage leukemia crisis and in hospice and the attending physician wanted to do a exploratory spinal tap. He put all kinds of pressure on us children but my Mom called him in and told him no. My mom passed away at home less than a month later. The system totally takes advantage of the frail and in pain elderly. It is an outrageously shameful system. So grateful that a medical doctor is willing to take the risk to tell the truth.


I’m half way through this - am 100% behind the message, have kept myself and my husband extremely healthy for decades but in our early 60s our only son died from brain cancer and since then - despite our amazingly healthy diet and other lifestyle factors - our health had fallen apart. Please do not underestimate the role that stress, trauma and other maladies of the spirit play in keeping us metabolically healthy


I am so close to this topic, as so many of us are. My husband was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 3 months after we got married at 21 years old. He was on deaths door in so much pain. Spent a year at the hospital in Chicago that claims to be the top hospital in the nation for crohns and colitis. He was put in thousands of dollars of medications (of which we couldn’t pay for of course!) and never once asked about his diet or lifestyle. After finding that medication wasn’t helping him at all, we started doing our own research and found that he was reacting to high levels of fungus in his body! Almost 20 years later and he has been medicine free since a year of his diagnosis in 2006!


Barbara O'Neil is so good at teaching quality holistic health care


One thing I've discovered is that my parents' generation truly trusted doctors. They don't question as much. They felt uneducated so they felt like they couldn't question


It is all about profit! My first week as an intern, I was in my first staff meeting and the first thing out of the hospital director's mouth was that we needed more people in the beds and I was like 😮😮 I was immediately sickened by what she said a knew I could never be a part of the hospital system. I finished my time and was determined to help people outside the walls of the system.


Since I am my own doctor, advocating for me is easy. My doc listens very carefully to everything that I say. He also does the research necessary to confirm any and all ideas that I may come up with intended to improve my health. He is such a great guy; he has never charged me a penny, and he is available 24/7/365. He has also been very successful, defeating diabetes2, reducing my inflammation, and keeping me young and healthy at age 78. I strongly recommend that you change your "my doctor" to yourself like I have.


7 years ago, my mom was FINALLY diagnosed with NETS (intestinal cancer)... I asked her oncologist (he specialized in blood cancer) what foods should(n't) be eating and he shrugged his shoulders and said "well, no one really wants to change their diet" 😐
That told me everything


Physicians should be paid only if their patients have been healed completely. Now let's see how rich would they be... This doc is amazing. Great interview!


We don't have "Health Care" in the US, we have "Keep them sick care"


Best podcast ever! I'm a nurse practitioner that works in gastroenterology and the amount of young people we are seeing with fatty live disease is astounding. I went to a conference recently and they stated that the incidence of inflammatory bowle disorders are on the rise in countries adopting a western diet. What the dr stated about eating ourselves to death is absolutely true. It's all metabolic.


I became my own doctor when I was 17. I had a rapid decline in my physical and mental health and without my amazing grandmother taking me to a doctor appointment when my parents were out of town, I’d have never been diagnosed with celiac disease. I got a diagnosis very quickly and became a nerd about my health. I read everything available at the time, and now still quite often listen to Dr Berg, Dr Hyman, Dr Huberman, etc. I became a personal trainer and health coach in the last few years so I can hopefully help many people take this holistic approach within my scope of knowledge! I don’t see a doctor and I’m only getting stronger and healthier as I go on with my weight training, healthy diet and prioritizing sleep stress and sunshine. It’s not as complicated like she says. It takes time and commitment, but being around for my four sons and husband is really important.


As a homeschool mom, the reason I love a Classical Christian education is that it emphasizes the importance of INTEGRATION. All subjects are related to eachother and ultimately to God in the centre. Sounds like medical schools need to get back to a Classical approach.
Thank you both for this excellent interview! It was so helpful and timely for me personally.💜


fellow doctor here, she is absolutely correct in her whistleblowing. We need to protect her.


In 1972 a man called Dr. John Yudkin wrote a book called "Pure white and deadly". The book was the first of its kind, where Dr. yudkin drew the correlation between sugar consumption and heart disease, diabetes, cancer. You would think the world would be grateful for such a heads so. The food companies came after him and determined to ruin him. Not just the food industry, but also the medical profession. The food companies and the medical profession were in kahoots. They cancelled him and it was years before his work was given the due he deserved. The moral of the story is, the food companies are only interested in profit and in order to remain in profit they need people buying their products continually. So the foods are made as addictive as possible, usually by loading them with sugar. These foods are literally destroying peoples bodies from the inside out.
