Things you SHOULD NOT do while visiting IRELAND 🇮🇪

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Planning on doing some Ireland Travel this year? Then this video is perfect for those planning their first trip. Find out from a local, things you SHOULD NOT do while travelling Ireland. The video includes things to do in Ireland, Irish hidden gems, tips on money & budget, Irish Slang & more.






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Ireland Travel Vlog - Travel Ireland - Dublin Ireland
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Best experience in Ireland: We were driving slowly on a narrow country road looking for another road. Came to cross roads and a local walker. Asked for directions, explaining we were lost. Charming gent smiled and said, “You’re not lost, you’re in Ireland. “ Then he gave us brilliant directions. 🤗


I'm an American of Irish heritage who went to an Irish pub in the USA where the entertainers were singing Irish drinking songs in English. I didn't think I'd ever heard any Irish drinking songs before, but I realized I knew most of the words before they sang them. They just kept popping into my head, seemingly out of nowhere. I found it very odd, and I mentioned it to my mother, who was slightly embarrassed to admit to me that when I was a baby she sang Irish drinking songs to me because she didn't know the words to any lullabies.


3:26 I met an Irishman in Galway because we were both walking down a street the same way on opposite sides. After a short while he walked across the street towards me and said “Hello, mind if I walk with ya?”

In the next few blocks we walked down together, I learned he was born in Ireland, had duel citizenship in the USA, and he told me tons about his favorite pubs, sights to see, and things to do!

Everyone tells you the Irish are friendly but you don’t realize how true it is until you experience it! Haha


Im Irish and it warms my heart to read all of fhe lovely stories in the comments about people visiting our little island. We have our problems but they are far outweighed by all the great things about this country. I am very proud to be Irish 🥰


I’m American of Irish descent. My father and I visited last June. In Dublin, we start talking to a very nice guy in his early 20’s having a few drinks. He recommends a pub nearby with the best Guinness pour but sees my dad and I are a bit confused. He finishes his beer and says “come on, I’ll walk you there”. Walked us 8 blocks to a great pub, basically became our tour guide for the day, and insisted on buying US a round. I’ve been to 8 countries and never has an experience like this. Beautiful countryside, even more beautiful people.


Fun mini story: years ago I took a trip to London, then Paris, then Dublin. I’m an American and just a petite, quiet woman but the customs guy in London gave me a lot of unnecessary grief. Paris customs was a bit nicer but still rather tough. The customs guy in Dublin looked at my passport, then up at me and said, “So, Kelly, are ya here for workin’ or drinkin’?” with a smile. Irish people are fantastic ❤


I'm from the countryside of Switzerland and a few years ago I got overwhelmed by everything around me and had to get a break. So I decided to just leave and go to Ireland for a week. And when I was there, I discovered that the Irish have pretty much the same mentality as we do (swearing, caring for each other, sarcasm, food etc.). But in Switzerland you need to get to know the people better to get this kind of treatment. And this experience made me open up more to strangers when I got back home. And that's why I'll be forever grateful to the lovely people I met up there... 🙏❤


I visited Ireland 10 years ago on my 50th birthday. I’m going back next month for my 60th. It was such an exciting time last time I was there. I’m very excited to visit again.


The one time I was there, I was staying at a hotel in Dublin that had a pub attached in 2010. Got back from sightseeing in time to watch the US/England match of the World Cup. I'm from the States, and proudly of Irish heritage, and sat at the bar while the person I was with was still getting ready upstairs. I ordered my first Guinness, then someone heard my accent and bought me the second, I bought the third, then the US scores and another buys me my fourth. Then they find out I was active duty military, and them also being American who moved to Ireland, bought me my fifth. Then they find out my mom's maiden name was Irish, and every time I tried to pay for a drink, I was turned away the rest of the night. The Irish are some of the best people I've ever met, and I'm always so proud that my heritage goes back to them!


My late wife and I had two wonderful trips to Ireland, on one we ended up at a B&B in Galway Bay, The owners of the house were going away for the weekend but gave us a key and said we could use their bikes in the garage. Such lovely people where ever we were. God Bless you all


We went in 1998 on our honeymoon. Our last night was in Six Mile. We got to the pub around 5:00.and were the first there. 3 locals trickled in, after 15 minutes they insisted we join them. When they found out we were on our honeymoon the serenaded us singing "Danny Boy". The pub filled up with 50 people from around the world and we all sang Acapella at the top of our lungs. We floated on air back to our B&B.


I really need to stop watching videos like this. Makes me want to hop on plane and never come back. Love Ireland! ❤️🇮🇪☘️


My wife and I visited Ireland a little over a year ago. There is no picture, no movie or song and no way to describe what a beautiful place it is.
The people are its greatest feature. Warm and friendly. Just beautiful.


As a native Irishman, I'd like to expand on this list with a few additional tips on what NOT to do in Ireland.
1. Murder
2. Theft
3. Assault
4. Arson
5. Drink driving

Let me know if I missed any


I would just like to comment on the reflective clothing issue. Soon after moving to rural Ireland, while in a pub, an old man gave me a reflective arm band to walk home with. I accepted but felt a little bit like I was being treated like a child. I came from an urban area and was used to ubiquitous street lighting. In rural Ireland when there is cloud cover (most of the time!) the darkness is complete. Something I had not experienced before. I have since nearly hit pedestrians a couple of times when they did not have reflective clothing while I was driving. Others reading this might be like me and not realise how important it can be. There is more street lighting now in rural areas but still beware.


My great grandfather was Irish. He died years before I was born. I always wanted to come to Ireland, but now I am to old to travel. It was refreshing to watch you and receive all this information. I really don't know what part of Ireland my grandfather and his parents came from. It is a shame not to know. I am proud of my Irish root just the same.


Hi Laura 😃 Thanks so much for making this video! I'm a South African and have lived in Ireland for 6 years. I can tell you that I now find some of these things as offensive as any Irish person. I have adapted, adopted and recultrulalised to my beloved Ireland. When I say Ireland, I mean the Irish people. It's always the people that make the place. I am so thankful by how I have been treated and received. Please, for anybody coming to visit: Bring your warmest smile, your kindest heart, your most generous hand and a blessing in each of your steps. You can not find better people to gift it to.


My dad had to give up driving in Ireland. My dad is a lifetime NYer, and OH MY GOD, did he not adapt well. First there was the obvious "Driving on the other side of the road" problem, alongside the roads being thinner than what he's used to his whole life. But THEN, there was the roundabouts. At one point, were we driving, and the GPS goes, "Enter roundabout", and *jokingly* I imitated the voice with this, "Now, exit roundabout, drive 20 yards, and enter roundabout". We come out of the roundabout, and the GPS goes, "Drive 1000 yards, and enter roundabout". He fully gave up on driving on the third day in, and me and my brother took over. As it turns out, I'm pretty good at Irish driving, cause it's a lot more like driving in rural areas of Virginia, which is where I'd been living for a while.

The other fun incident occurred one morning. I had independently taken it upon myself to buy groceries, but I was making breakfast for everyone one morning (We were staying in a small timeshare in Barna Village), when I noticed I had underestimated the milk we had left. My brother goes off to the store (Also a city kid). When he gets back, he puts the milk away, but with an odd look on his face, takes a moment, and goes, "Sean, why does the cashier of the supermarket know I'm your baby brother?"

Me: "Oh, Mary was on this morning?! Damn, shoulda gone in."

Michael: "Okay, no, we have been here under a *week*. How do you have a personal relationship with this woman?"

Me: "Well I was in there getting groceries, and she noticed I was American, and y'know, we chatted a bit, she gave me some tips for cooking Irish bacon, and I gave her my recipe for deviled eggs and sweet tea. Then she told me about a really good place for fish and chips. She's really nice."


My first trip around Ireland was a bicycle tour. I free-camped all the way. It's the easiest European nation I have found to do this. There was never any attitude of 'what are you doing here?', rather, a welcome. Of course, be sensible.
On one occasion I spotted a beautiful large rolling grass field, with a church on one side and a house the other. I thought it would be politic to ask at the house if it would be OK, and got the answer - the man who rents the field lives three miles away and you would get lost in the lanes, so why don't you camp in my field?
