Easy Fix - Bosch Dishwasher E15 Error Code - Step by Step

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I was able to fix the issue with a new supply valve from a registered Bosch parts supplier for $26. This could also be a drain hose issue that causes the same error code or a leak from a seal somewhere else.
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Thank you for making and posting this video. My Bosch dishwasher threw an E:15 error code on the long weekend. This video was one of the first things that showed up in my search. Your diagnosis of a leaking inlet water supply valve was the exact same problem that my dishwasher had. A simple phone call and a trip to a local Bosch part supply store cost me about $30. A relatively simple fix within 24 hours. This saved me probably $300 in service call. Thank you!


Less than 4 minutes video gave me knowledge to save money. If you’re not an angel then I don’t know. God bless.


Thanks so much! This gave me the courage to take our dishwasher to bits! In our case, it turned out that there was some dirt / grit in the bottom left corner of the door seal which meant water was dripping through there, hitting the metal plate with the projected time remaining on and then flowing into the base which is what triggered the flood E15 alarm. A good clean to remove the dirt fixed the seal and (so far!) it seems to have resolved the issue. Thanks so much!


Great video! You were quick and precise and didn’t waste anyone’s time!! Also, just fyi to anyone else watching, I would say 90% of these E15’s are always going to be the fill valve! Or user error! (Too much soap, loading dishes improperly, etc)


This video matches exactly what happened to my Bosch dishwasher, including that the fault was in the water inlet valve. Although I had a repairman do the repair, I think that I saved money by providing the diagnosis and the replacement part. Parts and labor combined, US$200 - which I consider a bargain (November 2024). Many, many thanks to Ken Long for providing this help!


There are other ways in which you can get and E-15. In my case, water comes down the overflow - the rectangular grey tube that connects from the bottom of the door down into the base of the cabinet at about 0:58 in the video. I have already replaced the water inlet valve and the float switch that actuates when the styrofoam float is raised. AND, the drain pump can only be shut off by flipping the breaker. There is more to E-15 than you describe.


My Bosch Dishwasher threw an E15 code. Upon inspection (pulled out from cabinet, folded up the sound deadening batting to look underneath, noticed the float (styrofoam disc in bottom center of base, which rises if water is present to trigger switch above it) was a bit disintegrated (meaning water had been working on it for a while - but I never had a leak externally). Ran a few express cycles and watched for leaks - eventually I noticed a dripping from between the the "sump" housing (the large central grey round plastic pump housing in the center of the bottom base attached to DW tub above). Was thinking of replacing the sump seal (but it looked like a bit of a pain) so I just tightened the four torx screws on the floor of the inner DW tub. Note: the two visible rearmost screws would tighten but one felt like it was almost stripped and wouldn't catch very strongly (as it's screwing into the plastic sump housing below - not a great design by Bosch). So I put some glue on the screw before putting it in - let it dry over night and tightened it up after 24 hours - it still wasn't a tight a screw down feeling as I would like but it seemed to do the trick (the righthmost screw seemed to grab and tighten well - the 2 frontmost screws were already tight as they could go.). This seems to have cured the leaking problem after running a few test cycles and looking for leaks - so all good for now. I may need to replace the seal in the future -or- drop some epoxy in the screw holes to get a stronger screw down tightness. Thanks for all the info. Oh, I replaced the float which was simple as the switch just pulls up with a tug and new foam float sets in place - unfortunately, this little piece of Styrofoam is way overpriced and was like $30 online (oh, well.).


Excellent video. I was able to pull my dishwasher apart tonight.

There was water in the tray, but no visible leaks despite testing it for a good 30 minutes.

Dried it all up, reassembled and ran the dishwasher again and it was fine. Strange!

Thank you for the great video and clear instructions.


Thank you so much for this video! I was about to replace our dishwasher, then decided to do a search and found your video. I was able to easily and quickly diagnose the issue as the same in your video. Bought $24 valve online, all fixed!!


Thank you Ken. I had the E15 with a similar model of Bosch. Followed your guide, fortunately no leaking inlet valve so hoping the cleaning on the inside seals will do the trick. Wouldn’t have had the confidence to disassemble and reassemble without your video. All the best!


Fantastic. I have a different model of Bosch but this gave me all the knowledge i needed to fix the problem in about 20 min (and part of that was finding the right screwdriver bits) Very easy to follow, though for newbies like me, I recommend taking a picture of each step of disassembly so if you get lost on how things go back together, you have references


Have a Bosch dishwasher, model number was on the side of the door. Had a 5yr extended warranty, but the dishasher failed at 5yrs 1 month. Followed your video - was able to determine it needed the same part. Ordered from Amazon, make sure the part supports your model number - installed ok. Had to pull out the dishwasher, but it all went back together ok. -- Thanks for your help.


Thank you for the video, it has helped me a lot! For those who aren't very handy and don't want to disassemble or change parts, I solved it by tilting the dishwasher to one side until stagnant water started to come out from the bottom. After that, the error didn't appear anymore, and I was able to start the dishwasher. What I will do is turn off the water between each use and see how long it lasts that way!


Your video was very good to a point. You failed to show how to access the supply valve - that you must pull the dishwasher out and access it from the rear. My advice on that is to mark the location of the feet in the front so you can put the dishwasher back in the right place.


Best video for this error code fix!! Brief concise and extremely informative. I would maybe just add a note to not unscrew the top screws which hold the control panel and emphasize just to remove the screws on the side of the door panel. This was my bad but thought I’d share in case others are too quick about removing all the screws and have the panel fall off with the front door. I also learned there is a loose connector with red wires hanging I plugged it in cause I thought it came out by accident but after an hour of trouble shooting I learned if you plug in that connector to the control panel the dishwasher will not power on ugh! So leave that loose connector unplugged


I went in Bosch web site and told me to call engineer as they said is complicated issue
Then checked your video on YouTube wow simple 5 minutes of my time as I’m happy with your video so helpful 😊


Thank you Ken! I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge which helped me quickly diagnose and fix my own dishwasher. Without your instructional video I wouldn't have attempted to fix it myself. You're awesome!


Thank you for sharing this video! I have ordered the part and will hopefully be up and running before my kids come home for winter break!


you the man! 👍🏻 For anyone with a Junker dishwasher the error code equivalent is E31 same tap icon and stuff (Junker do integrated appliances for German kitchens in Europe and seem very similar to Bosch). I also managed to get the kick plate off without removing the panel (expensive German kitchen I didn’t wanna play too much! 😰 mine weren’t Philips but T20s). Dried it out and the error code was gone….

Oh yeah, don’t put washing up liquid in your dishwasher when you run out of tabs, this basically caused the dishwasher to overflow and trigger that leak sensor or Water Protection System as they call it so basically I fixed a dishwasher that wasn’t really broken… 🙂


AWESOME VIDEO ! Exactly my problem. I would add that if you get the error, and then turn off the power, on my model, the display never came back on - it was completely dead. I started the get worried the mother board/display was hosed up. No worries, it comes back to life AFTER you dry up the water and the float resets. Thank you for your help !!!
