Is Slackware Any Good?

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Is Slackware any good?

Slackware is a slacker and shouldn’t be dealt with except by removal from your computer.

I thought it was a decent Linux version.

It is maintained by one guy, probably just to keep his resume up to date, or because he doesn’t want to admit that he has nothing else to put on his resume.

Linus Torvalds put out Linux.

But Linux is well maintained, and it doesn’t need Linus to do the maintenance. For example, Slackware is updated and released when he wants to, not when it needs to be.

So you don’t like Slackware.

There’s little documentation compared to other Linux operating systems, few training resources, no master user email list for fifteen minute explanations, no standardized test schedule -

You make it sound like the founder of slackware is a slacker.

I won’t say that isn’t the origin of the name.

What else don’t you like about it?

No support for the operating system, no organized release schedule, no central repository with prior and recent versions you can mix and match -

CentOS is on a similar model as Slackware, essentially crowd-sourced Linux.

At least CentOS has a small crowd supporting it and developing it. Slackware is maintained by one guy who maintains it like a computer science project, just enough to get a passing grade.

That presumes the project is over when he’s completed the course.

And slackware dies when the guy does, if not before when his interest in the OS dies. At least CentOS has a group that can keep it going.

I’ve heard the jokes about it being more elite than the cult of Apple.

Apple’s entry is simply the price of admission, but they have Genius Bars that actually help you when you have problems. Slackware goes slack when you have any problems.

So it only looks good on your resume to say you’re good enough to debug it.
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I'll take Slackware Linux any day over the other distros. As much as distros like CENTOS, Debian, SUSE, etc teach you how to handle their release, Slackware teaches the user Linux.


lol, thi vid makes me laugh, poor quality


well, that video is complete garbage. made from people who dont wanna learn for people who dont wanna learn. before give an opinion, better get your facts straight first and gain some experience first hand.

Any General Linux book will help you with Slackware, a fact which is Not valid for Any of the other distros. but people dont wanna read just click around like in windows. That is why all other user "friendly" distros were developed while Slackware was made to work and efficiently at that!

Anyway once you find your way with slackware::
1. you gonna have a good understanding of how linux works gonna be able to work on any other distro but you wouldnt want to!

To people who know what i am talking about: happy slacking!
To people who dont know what i am talking about: happy updating to latest GUI and happy clicking!

Cheers :)


This channel advocates microsoft over everything else. "asp is better than php" and "C# is the best programming language of the universe". Pure FUD at its best.


What utterly misinformed drivel... Slackware is about quality and purity - a precision rifle can only be used by a well trained professional expert. Slackware is for the cognicenti. There are distros that are not so stable but easier to use for the less computer literate individual. Slackware does not hold your hand because it expects a certain level of expertise.


Hilarious X-D .... I'm glad that even though you know the flames are coming, you still speak your mind.




Wow that's brutal.  I'm a slacker!
