Salix OS - A Powerful and Simple Slackware Distro

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I've wanted to take a look at some Slackware based distros for a while now, and now that Summer has ended it's time to do just that, starting with Salix.

Salix is an interesting distro that offers all the power and stability of Slackware, but its footprint is much smaller than a full Slackware install and, here's the thing, it adds dependency management into the mix.

This is what sets Salix apart. Package management is as simple as it is on the likes of ubuntu, especially when using the gslapt gui. Add the ability to use flatpaks and slackbuilds into the mix and you soon start to see
what a great little system this really is.

I hope you enjoy the video :-)

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Good to see you back. I thought you'd come back more tanned from riding the bike on those summer roads. I haven't used Salix in a while, but i remember it being really nice.


Slackware is a real OG distro that gets way too little attention 💪🙏


Very nice video!! After seeing your Salix review, I have installed spkg and slapt-get from Salix on Slackware 15 (the two respective txz files from a and ap directories, respectively). It works perfectly on Slackware! Binary software installation in slackware has never been so easy. Thank you very much for your always excellent Slackware videos!


Welcome back, sir! Hope you enjoyed your marvelous bike during summer (Royal Enfield, wasn't it?).

Great to see new content. I remember you contemplating the future of the channel. For sure, you're free to act to your heart's content; just letting you know that your audience appreciates you.


Splendid review, mate! Helpful, too, as I'm considering switching to this distro and am glad to see the actual install process.
My only reservation is that Gslapt doesn't organize packages by category... That'd be a good addition. But I suppose other package managers can be used too.
Thanks 'n' cheers!


having flatpak installed and configured out of the box is nice. I've tried installing and setting it up on slackware and it is a chore. I like the way that salix does that. I have to say though, that one thing that I miss is IPP printing. Linix mint 21 does this out of the box so I am not sure if this is tied to systemd or not, but it would be a nice addition to salix and slackware.


Awesome video OTB... I'm not a Slacker in the terms of the video, although, I have been accused of being one a time or two in my 68 years of being on Gods green earth. 🤣
This is interesting at a New To Slack User aspect the way I see it. Like with all new OS systems you need to learn how to use it. Arch, Ubuntu, Slack they all have there way of doing things and making the system working. For some the Fun is learning and getting it working, while for others not so much the learning, they just want it to work as easy as they can with little effort. This approach Salix OS seams to be geared towards the folks that want to give Slack ago just for fun. Hell I kinda like it and I'm not a Slack user nor have I plan to (be)... It could be enough to change folks minds and give it a go...
Thanks OTB for the video!
Sorry that summer bike is over for ya. Here in Indiana it is fall, while I like the cooler weather, I do dislike the brown and dying colors of winter coming. :-(



Your videos are great, can you make a vid about how to install dwm on nixOS?


weeks and i've managed to put so pretty basic soft together. They're not great and they still have a ways to go before being


Old tech bloke, I have a video-idea: using nixOS on Arch instead of using the AUR. How viable is it? Does every package get easily installed and can you find every package? The reason behind this idea: I noticed that the AUR has a lot of broken packages and I noticed that nixOS has a lot of packages, including many which are not in the Arch-repositories.


It looks like a windows 95 bios and install process.


I don't like the way it's locked all the time.


I'm glad you're making videos when you feel like making them...for a long time now I've been seeing several channels about Linux where there isn't much to explore and they repeat topics or say things that don't even deserve two minutes of video.

I also like your style of commenting and telling us what you're up to apart from talking about linux,
I'm not going to try salix because you already made me install slackware lol
your videos were very helpful.
greetings from Argentina!


I haven't logged into my youtube account for 8 months, but because it's you, salckware and salix I'm logging in to support you.


Welcome back, hope you had a good rest


Light shines on marble head, lol🤣So Salix is more for a Slackware beginner? I really like the background it comes with.


Nice to see you back Sir! Enjoyed this one.


Nice to see you again Steve, even without the hat. 😁


Only a quarter of the way through the video so far, but I am loving this.


it used to be that way on all distros before systemd came out
