Minecraft Easy Villager Potato/Carrot Farm - 700+ Per Hour

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This Fully Automatic Potato,Carrot, Wheat or Beetroot Farm produces over 700 Carrots/Potatoes per Hour! It is pretty easy to build and because of the villager is fully automatic. Built in Minecraft 1.16.2 but works in 1.20+

Instagram & Twitter - @ShulkercraftYT

Designed by: @LogicalGeekBoy

Part 1
Items needed:
206 - Potato/Carrot
96 - Glass
8 - Carpet
3 - Building Block
1 - Bed
3 - Hopper
4 - Chest
1 - Trapdoor
1 - Glowstone
1 - Composter
2 - Hopper Minecart
1 - Rail
2 - Water Bucket
64 - Temporary Blocks
2 - Villager

Part 2
Items needed:
206 - Potato/Carrot
208 - Dirt
96 - Glass
56 - Building Block
8 - Slab
8 - Carpet
1 - Bed
1 - Glowstone
1 - Trapdoor
1 - Hopper
1 - Rail
2 - Minecart
1 - Composter
2 - Villager

Music used in this video:
Dylan Sitts - Words
Dusty Decks - Stone Cookies
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I love that these tutorials are done in survival and not creative.


Me seeing this video: oh this sounds cool wonder how he did it

Also me: This is just *Slavery* with extra steps


For everyone that says it isn’t working, it might be one of these two things:

1. You have to wait until the farmer villager has a full inventory before it attempts to share with the other villager. You can speed up this process by giving them 8 stacks of whichever crop you’re farming. Or

2. If you’re coming back from afk and notice that your farmer villager has disappeared, chances are that they suffocated in the block above them and died. Somehow, the villager sleep/wake mechanics seem to have changed with 1.17/1.17.1 a bit.

I noticed that after waking up, the villager wouldn’t wake up on farmland like previous versions. They would wake up on top of the beds, and end up suffocating.

At first, I tried placing glass above the bed(s), and although the farmer didn’t suffocate, he did get stuck and lose his profession. Trapdoors don’t work, either. So what’s the fix? For me, on Java edition 1.17.1, I replaced a farmland block with a full solid block (stone), and now the villager has a block to “wake up” to.

Try these solutions out and let us know if this fixes the farm for you like it did for me!

Both of these worked for me in Java edition; I’m not sure if this will work for Bedrock. Good luck!


For those of you who have trouble with the minecarts not stacking, I have found a solution: if you have this issue, you forgot to remove the rail underneath the first minecart hopper. If it is still present, both minecarts will attempt to occupy the same rail, which is why they overlap. Removing the rail allows them to stack on top of each other. This is a year late, but hope it helps others.


me : this will be easy and short to build
my brain : build 30 layers



1) Villager suffocating? Break the farmland at the foot of the farmer's bed and replace it with a solid block, like stone. There was a mechanic change that prevented villagers from waking up onto farmland, so instead they wake up on the bed and suffocate in the roof.

2) The villager isn't dropping the food into the hoppers, leaving food laying around? Make sure there are a total of 3 beds in total near the villager. This can include the farmer's bed and 2 more placed anywhere you want nearby. They don't need to have access to them at all, there simply just needs to be 3 total beds nearby.

The reason this is the case is because the farmer wants to drop the food to the other villager to start breeding, but the farmer won't start that process if there's no beds to support a baby villager nearby.

3) Farmer not even harvesting crops? If you changed the mobGriefing gamerule to FALSE, that's why. Villagers breaking, replanting, AND picking up/dropping crops falls under mobGriefing, so set it back to TRUE for your farmer to get to work.

4) If you're recreating this just to test it in a creative world, the farm WILL NOT work with the daylight cycle set to false. They have a routine. In the morning, they'll try to give the other villager carrots, then from somewhere around noon to dusk they'll harvest carrots, then sleep and repeat.


wow the editing style is so cool man :D


quick tip: if your having trouble placing the trapdoor above the minecart use a piston to push the trapdoor down



there must be at least 3 beds in the close proximity of this farm, otherwise the villagers see there isn’t a bed for a baby, and don’t try to breed. If the villager keeps dying, place a building block instead of farmland next to the bed and he should stand there instead of suffocating. Hope this helps :)


I love how shulkercraft does it in survival so it helps us understand and use their techniques and love your animations. <3


So concise my dude/s. The time lapse, the shopping lists, the schematics. Love it!


To everyone whose villagers wake up and suffocate in the roof: lower the beds by one block and place them on the same y-level as your dirt, and remove to blocks they’re standing on, since they don’t need anything under them. This should ensure that your villagers don’t die when waking up.

Edit: You can place a waterlogged stair over the glowstone so that the water doesn't flow out and destroy all the crops.


For everyone who are facing issues, i have fixed this farm
Fix 1:- Villager Suffocating to death;
Remove the dirt blocks just beside the bed and replace them with solid blocks like cobblestone, just 2 block touching bed (on floor level) will be enough.

Fix 2:- Farmer not throwing food to other villager;
Just throw few carrots or potatoes to the farmer and then he will pick it up and store in his inventory and he will then begin the process to feed his hungry friend.

Extra:- Check that in your collection system your hopper below minecart is connected to chest, i had that dirt block still there lol.


If your minecart with hoppers are not stacking and just falling into each other, remember to make sure that you removed the rail underneath the bottom minecart! I spent way too long running around and trying to find why they weren't stacking..


For those minecart hoppers that don't stack for some reason, replace it with a fence and trapdoor at the top and hopper below. The items thrown will hit the fence and drop into the hopper.


Few reasons why yours might not work :
-You have mobGriefing turn off (villagers can't harvest crops) (/gamrule mobGriefing on)
-You have doDaylightCycle turn off and time is stopped at a time when villagers aren't working (/gamerule doDaylightCycle true)
-Your villagers were hit by lightning and turned into witches. Build a roof
-Your villager's inventory is full (full of seeds and nowhere to place them for example) Maybe breed them and make the baby villager your farmer
-Your villagers are actually smart and angry from being kidnapped and won't work for you. Sorry, no fix for that


Microsoft: we tried to make villagers less like slaves
Minecraft players: these new mechanics make for a great automated slavery machine


I have noticed that the villager suffocates on the dirt block above him so a simple fix to that is place the bed one block lower. beds do not need to be placed on top of blocks and the villager will wake up on top of it and can get back to work


Me: How many shulkers did you kill?
ShulkerCraft: Yes


You could make this into an optional easy bone meal farm by placing a composter and hoppers at the bottom of layers of storage chests. A lever placed next to a hopper going into the composter locks it, so you could use it for stocking carrots/potatoes OR just convert into bone meal if you need to.