Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator Tech Demo - GDC 13

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Epic Games' latest tech demo for their latest development engine, Unreal Engine 4.

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Man, from what i understand this is rendered in real time, that's insane, it's basically CGI. Eat your heart out James Cameron.


im going to miss unreal engine 2.5 and 3 when this comes out I used to love watch corpses on games like bioshock flap around or even give you that occasional wave from time to time.


They stated at GDC that the demo is running real-time on a machine equipped with a GTX 680. Most tech demos get away with a lot mostly just from selectively rendering only the objects that will appear within the camera's field of vision, where a game has to render a massive amount more. This combined with several other tricks designed to allow for a greater level of detail mean you get something that looks like it should be pre-rendered but isn't.


Tech demos are used as a hook for other developers (as well as publishers, investors, fans, etc). It takes much less time to build a tech demo than a full game, and it's a great, concise way of saying "This is exactly what this engine is capable of".

And or the record, Epic is actually working on a game powered by Unreal Engine 4. It's called Fortnite.


If people think this looks " too dark " go check out the elemental unreal engine 4 demo very pretty and the battlefield 4 demo that's pretty vibrant to


the lightning in this engine is awesome i thought that cone tracing would not work so well but cone tracing has a lot of potential since it is a ray tracing derivative it really means a lot to be the first real game that simulates lights and reflections maybe i think bending light is possible but meh i dont know.


UE gets better and better. Awesome demo !


Just OMG, I can't believe the games will look like this in the near future


Loving the video just hope it will translate in to next gen hardware and people can get it working at 60 fps minimun if develop gamescto this standard. If so we have a bright future ahead just got my doubts weather thats going to happen though


A similar case would be the Agni's Philosophy demo from the PS4 reveal event, which looked more like what you would see from a pre-rendered FMV, but was (as stated, at least) running on actual PS4 hardware. While PS4 is certainly capable, running an actual game at that level of detail is impossible. The whole thing is just a sum of the tricks used to make it look nicer, as a way of saying "Look what we can (theoretically) do".


It has, consoles have been holding back graphical advancement for years, about time next gen comes out.


Dont want to be that guy but everything looks good and awesome and shiny sparkly when you render it


In the past seven years, Epic has made four Gears of War games. In twice that time, fourteen years, they've made four Unreal Tournament games, the last one released in 2007.

Personally, I feel like it's high time they made another Unreal Tournament game and took a break from Gears of War. The world needs another really good fast-paced multiplayer FPS.


Anybody want to fill me in on why this is so awesome? It just looks like an awesome CGI trailer.


This looks like it could be game into a really good game


Except for the fact that engines like UE4 are specifically designed to be scalable on all number of platforms, consoles included. Just because consoles are less capable doesn't make them incapable. And as far as consoles go, PS4 is very capable, about on par with you average (see; not enthusiast-level) high-end PC.

And consoles do tend to be a cheaper option. $300-600 for a single machine that plays everything built for it, versus a PC that totals anywhere from $800-1600, hardware dependent.


I see your point, but do they mention anywhere that this demo is running in real time? Real-time tech demos are indeed designed to do much less, but this one seems to be designed to do A LOT. It's pretty large scale, with tons of stuff happening at once. Does the lack of AI and non-scripted events really take off that much weight? I guess the camera does to a degree, being on a fixed rail.


Consoles are meant for gaming and that's it. Therefore consoles can emulate games much better than a pc. As @Anon Nymouse mentioned before, not anyone can own the GTX Titan nor an i7 processor. Consoles lose in frames but unreal engine is a great way to put all these platforms in a common mix. A great way for developers to create new intellectual properties. +1 on unreal 4 and +1 on consoles ;)


its not only that. a demo is rendered. a game runs in real time, running this in real time will be devastating to current tech.


0:50 that's definitely from Mission Impossible.
