Bendy Roller Vintage Set & Brush Out | FIRST IMPRESSIONS

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I've been a committed sponge roller setter for years but I thought I'd try something new and gave bendy rollers a whirl. This video is me working out how to use them and the results of a overnight set. Let me know if you'd like me to do a full tutorial!

*W H A T Y O U N E E D*
- 20-30 Bendy Rollers depending on thickness and length of your hair
- Tail comb / Postiche Brush / Hairbrush
- Pincurl clip
- Scarf for wrapping, I use a SILKE London Hair Turban

P R O D U C T S U S E D*
- Sauvecita Grooming Spray
- Kenra Hairsprays in 9 & 25
- Davines Oi/Oil

I'm wearing a robe from Betty Blues Loungewear.

*S O C I A L   M E D I A*

*E V E N T S, W O R K S H O P S & C L A S S E S*
I tour internationally offering various classes, workshops and styling, check out my Upcoming Events & Class page to see if I'm coming to your city next!
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Thanks for the love everyone! Make sure you have a read through of the description box as I've listed everything used including where my Turban and robe is from ;-)


I love the bendy rollers for my really long hair. I can wrap my hair around and sorta spread the hair out a bit more (more than a sponge roller) so the curl is wider, so it helps my hair to dry better.


I know that you like to wear your hair in a more late 40's / 50's style (I've watched both of your sponge roller videos, the set and the brush out, which are both very well done), so I can see why you seem frustrated when you start to brush this out. But, your first portion of the brushout is giving you more of a 30s look, which also looks great, even if it's not what you're used to. You should try embracing the fuller style for fun sometime, instead of always going for your same classic 50s look (which is stellar as well). Seeing this is very helpful, as I have a shorter cut than you, and find that 20s / 30s styles work better for me. Seeing this shows me that I should be using a smaller roller for the look that I'm trying to achieve. Thanks for being game to try a new product, and for your thorough, informative explanations.


I think the end result is beautiful! Did look a bit crazy to get through the middle fluffy bit, but it came out so lovely in the end! You are just goals for everything!


You made it look lovely. Im so glad I’m not the only person who struggled with this! I can’t make it look anywhere near as good!


I've found that wrapping the front bendy roller around the one behind it helps lock it in and doesn't dent the curl :)


I love bendy rods, and my secret to getting those ends in is to wrap them in end papers first. Like, the kind you use for perms. It makes it so much easier to curl, and keeps the curl nice.


You look like the perfect 50s house wife with your hair style.... so lady in red!


would you consider adding close captioning to your videos (it's really vital for Deaf or HoH people and I find it so useful to help me concentrate and fully enjoy your videos, and the autogenerated ones do tend to struggle sometimes with your accent!)


I love the tighter curl on you too! It suits you and thanks so much for this tutorial! 🌸


You always look amazing!  I love that you really put the effort in to have this work.  I am looking forward to your tutorial.  That robe is GORGEOUS!!!


I have the same tools, I follow the same motion, but I cannot for the life of me get a smooth shiny finish as yours. Amazing


I set my hair with bendy rollers for the first time with you! didn't even watch the brush out till I was done setting :D


Oh it's lovely! You worked it out and it came out beautiful darling🤗


Better than what I've got going this very minute ..beautiful red and curls 🥰


you make it look so easy mine just ends up like a big poofy ball


Your hair is such a pretty color, I had to bleach and dye my hair to get it that color and I had to upkeep so much because my roots are mostly dark brown. Also you have such patience when it comes to putting your hair in rollers, brushing out and styling. I was never good at putting my own hair into rollers.


this set is really nice! makes me think of war-era 40’s.


lol at least the curls won't drop! it was so cute! she brushed it for days though haha


Your hair is beautiful! I love this color on you!
