How to Create a Virtual Memory Palace

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If you want to know how to create a virtual Memory Palace, there are quite a few issues to consider.

In this video, I share historical examples of virtual Memory Palaces, some of my own experiments... weaknesses and failures with the technique...

And even the forthcoming "Cafe Mnemonic" Virtual Memory Palace Rob and Ambro helped me create for how I am working on some Virtual Memory Palace designs myself for others to experiment with...

And that's the key word: Experiment.

If you want a historical case study of using the Virtual Memory Palace suggested by Hugh of St. Victor, see this next:

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🚀 Resources I recommend:

🏢 The Memory Palace Technique:

🎨 Mind Mapping for confidence to use these techniques:

🔥 The Truth That Every Successful Learner Needs To Know

🗣️ My TEDx Talk:

✅ Recommended playlists:

The Art of Memory:

How to Become Fluent in a Language:

How to Study Effectively:

Focus Your Mind:

Mind Palace Training Secrets:

Memory Improvement Books:

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Рекомендации по теме

I honestly prefer virtual palaces. They are not as easy, but I don’t care as much about easy. It’s fun! 😂


I have had a huge detailed imaginary city sitting on a reasonably detailed planet for decaded so this should be right down my alley!


wow already an other video!
I’m excited :)


All good points having fun helps take action.


Very interesting topic and I’m looking forward to watching this video over the weekend. I usually only comment after watching the whole video, but I’m making an exception here. Best to you all and thank you Anthony!


Just grabbed out my Lego Taj Mahal model to use... Lol.
Great video


I am still plugging along with the Freedom Journal. My current latin prayer that started in one memory palace but I decided that another one is more appropriate.


The less than 90 days is so true in all aspects of life. I am on my ?? multiple, 4th time I think? I have completed the course over a year ago, and I revisit both, the MMM course and the free MMM PDF, often! Thanks Dr Anthony!


3rd. Thanks for sharing this with us. Greetings from Oslo.


I have to ask have you tried realtor tours with a 3D virtual headset ?


Any valid observations about Justin Sung's learning program?


I have a psychological problem. I have urge to know incessantly more that becomes to much to handle even with memory palaces. How do I silence my thoughts which are recursive? I am a bit of a perfectionist since i learn something, i do feel the need to learn everything i can so that i can feel "completed"


Interesting topic. I like the advice of taking a screenshot.

About reducing cognitive load and making virtual mp more magnetic, didn’t you mention starting a sanskrit text in a video game in an arcade once? Would that be a walk around—anchoring a virtual mp to a device in a specific station of a place you’ve been to irl?

As ever, thank you for this bountiful content 🙏


Could one memorise all details which has to be memorised for an exam with memory palaces or is it just not worth it because the lecture slides or textbook content is just too much?


On the topic of dreams as memory palaces, i have a question. This morning i had a lucid dream that began in my yard and i got lucid at recognizing the oddity of the scenario. Anyway, my house structure was abnormal and i had 2 front doors facing 2 directions. When i went in the less realistic (accurate) door, i found my living room exactly as it is in real life. I haven't yet experimented with this but plan to today, but in your experience, would there be overlap issues / ghosting when using identical rooms connected to different other areas? I'm guessing it's similar to using alternate versions of a room (like making the room out of Legos or all blue) but I wanna hear your experience if you've tried anything similar. Thanks!


How do I memorize body language in the memory palace?


Every object can have 8 stations, top/bottom, front/back, left/right, in and out


Dr. I want to ask you one question. I am a medicine student in Ethiopia, but I always loss my confidence due to my failure on memory and organize my reading

How can I overcome this situation and fulfill my entire desire to be successful medical doctor.... please help me


I really like your videos, but i find these little clips distracting. I tried to listen without looking, but i think i might missed some important pictures about books or things like that


RE: 12:15 Lets say the book cost $120.00 just for arguments sake.
