Artificial You: AI and The Future Of Your Mind | Susan Schneider | Talks at Google

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Susan Schneider, NASA's Baruch Blumberg Chair of Astrobiology and director of the AI, Mind, and Society groups at the University of Connecticut, explores pressing philosophical questions about consciousness, selfhood, ethics, and humanity.

In this talk -- and her book, "Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind" -- Schneider questions whether consciousness is an inevitable byproduct of sophisticated intelligence and considers the risks and promises of creating machine minds.

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I'm leaning towards "there is no self" or if there is a self it is less important than we think it is. Consciousness is a process. We are a pattern but the pattern is not static but a constantly changing one, changing it is natural. I would view a copy of me as another me, and my copy would view me the same way. I wouldn't view my copy as less valid then myself, it would be as much me as I am me. Another me with a new body and a separate consciousness is still me. As we continue living and gathering experiences, we would slowly differentiate into two different me's. If I and my copy can interface together with a brain interface we could synchronize into a larger singular me.


I don't see why we don't pursue augmentation genetically; its just as reliable if not more so and once implemented would never need complex surgeries or production of delicate chips. There also isn't a risk of pissing yourself and forgetting your name every time you stand next to a running microwave


This is one of my favorite google talks.


You lost me when you invoked 'consciousness'.
No one, theologian, scientist, or philosopher, has a testable definition of the word.
The word means whatever they want it to mean, depending upon the circumstances.
You cannot plan the future based upon such ill-defined and flexible concepts.


"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." HAL


Are we seeking to replicate the individual or retain those qualities of the individual we desire to retain or use? Should we copy Roger Penrose's mind? What does Roger say?


Loved your talk and the forewarning of some of the areas we must keep in mind while considering going down the rabbit hole of mind augmentation.


Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience.


How do you separate the desirable from the undesirable properties, traits and behaviors of the being you replicate, we all have things we'd rather not duplicate...does that change your persona?


Would it be ethical to grow a huge bath of neurons and connect them to stimulus and feedback devices in a lab and see what develops?


I wonder why this has so many dislikes


we dont want surgery, we want improvement in the quality of life for everybody and live to be 100 in somewhat decent condition, i dont want half my brain replaced by a hard drive with a wireless wifi connection


Space Time & reference to Twelve Monkies. I suppose certain Sci Fi movie ideas will impact reality. But the underlying issue is intelligence of a nation, which intially starts from upbringing, education & lifestyles. In this case Susan is from USA, but other nations, not necessary wealthy industrialized nations may have a stable social structure connecting faith, religion with Ai.


33:00 She suggests that as we move forward, we keep AI, philosophy and neural technology (AI based components) together.
I say thats the dumbest suggestion ive heard all LIFE..


An optical Neural network is buildable


10:30 she states a disclaimer that if you enhance your intelligence by merging with technology, you will no longer be the person you were before you were inhanced.. Wow!!!
Then she says, ok, lets get started. Now that she has set the stage with her perspectives a suspitions, here we go..


Somebody will still unclog the toilet once in a while... that will be me


17:00 she is slowing down the data flood here finaly and is now speeking on behalf of human concious, which science knows basicaly nothing about. She is helping guide YOU to choose if you may want to be inhanced with technology, which she stared after your inhancement you wont be you anymore. She seems to be guessing with us on conciousness and machines, which we just dont realy KNOW.
If you get enhanced with AI, your going to regret it, I promise.. Just my opinion of coarse.


It was a nice try, but most of these concepts are false. These are not philosophical questions and most of them already have answers. Machine consciousness is not off the table.


13:30 also she says that if you go all the way and buy merge, AI will need to be concious or you would blank out.
Its cute how there are 3 options to choose from, when its realy all the same thing. Let AI in your brain and entangle with a computer and if you die, your DIVINE ENERGY will be trapped inside the machine (COMPUTER).
