How good is the lucky reforge?

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Just in case you wanted more math
I didn't check every single boss like I did in the defense video, but I feel like a pretty clear pattern established itself quickly.

#terraria #gaming
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i like lucky because it tickles my brain to see bigger flashing number


If Spazmatism has 28 defense, does that mean that he has 7 warding accesories equipped?


Nah you guys are all wrong, Quick is the best


the answer being "functionally identical" is actually really fun, it means you can actually just pick which FEELS better.


OK! OK! Let's reforge these accessories, let's reforge these accessories with Movement Speed!


The part at the end about essentially using your health to be more aggressive and deal more damage in a fight is why I like the Magic Cuffs/Celestial Cuffs so much when playing as mage.

It's fun to spend your health in exchange for mana without needing to use mana potions or waiting a second to regenerate mana (At least in Pre-Hardmode).

Anyways this was a great analysis!


"Wife said it was her or the dodge crit build."
"God I miss her."


I'm just the kind of person who takes menacing, warding, or lucky, whichever pops up first.


Mans out here utterly destroying over a decade of misconceptions from the community about how the game works.


I never thought of treating health like an expendable damage increaser. I should do a melee-only (or even just melee-focused) run.


I think the Calamity mod, and maybe other bullet hell-style games, may have caused people to think of Terraria bosses as a challenge to "gamer skills" and maneuvering around the boss's attacks instead of an obstacle in a sandbox that you can overcome through intelligent use of the world around you and the resources it gives. Obviously both methods will get you through the game, and you can't really have one without the other, but the creative puzzle-solving side of Terraria seems to have gotten kind of lost in favor of optimizing theoretical DPS and trying to bumrush the next boss.

Or maybe I'm just not watching enough Terraria videos. Idk


I remember that time I got into a big argument about Menacing Vs. Lucky, and a concerning amount of people kept suggesting that Lucky is better just because reaching 100% crit chance will "double" your DPS. I know almost nothing about math and even I was embarrassed at those arguments.


I did a deep dive into the damage calculations a couple years ago and found the method to optimise your damage output was to always have your damage boosts higher than your crit chance for the exact amount needed to compensaye for defense.

As an example, let's say you have a weapon that deals 100 damage and you're fighting a boss with 20 defense. To compensate for the defense of the boss, you'd need a 10% damage boost (only half of enemy defense is counted in calculations). After this boost you want to split your damage and crit 50/50, so if you have 60% increased damage, you'd want to have 50% crit.
Instead if you have a weapon that deals 50 damage and are fighting a boss with 40 defense, you'd want your damage to be exactly 40% higher than your crit chance.

As is mentioned in the video though, most bosses don't have just one solid amount of defense, and the actual difference in kill times will be minimal in all but the extreme edge cases.


That’s it

I’m going full Arcane build
+140 Mana is the future


I think Ichor is worth mentioning. It decreases armor by 15, so essentially a 7 damage increase, and is easily accessible on melee and summoner (although summoner can't crit omegalul) with flasks and still relatively easy with golden shower and ichor ammo (eg. hit with an ichor bullet then switch to bow with holy arrows). Also Betsy Wrath with it's whopping 40 armor penetration.

I don't know the exact math and don't have the time to do it rn, but I imagine that these would make a difference, particularly with melee's ease of access to it.


thank you dancepad terraria/hollow knight/lovecraft femboy


I made a fun desmos sheet once to help optomize my lucky to menacing ratio, and I can firmly state that it's a clear case of the best setup is entirely dependant on your gear and enemy, maybe ill re-build it better one day.


You know I really do appreciate channels like these that split terraria wide open like this. It’s such an interesting game and its meta is so poorly understood and highly variable that channels like these that break apart misconceptions and test the untested are so fascinating. Keep doing what your doing, champion


Finally, another like-minded person seeing health as a resource. I gained this mentality from playing Slay The Spire mostly, but it applies in a lot of games.
These are awesome videos friend


I'm absolutely not a min/max Terraria player, and the only utility this video gave was that I shouldn't reforge away from lucky (always thought straight damage was way better). But I love nerdy, mathy deep dives. A+ vid :D
