The Perfect Trophy Hunter | PS5 - PS4 & PS3 100% Profile - Delete trophies - Tips & Tricks

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Damn when I opened this video for a second I thought I could delete my games with less than 10% trophies


IMO, this is Sad in many ways, you should play the game if you like it, not because you can't get 100% on a profile, I respect someone more who has 70% and hard platinums instead of someone who has 100% and played nothing but Ratliaka games and Stacked them. My opinion. Stay safe.


thank you ! you helped get a platinum in a game that had glitched on my account, after many tries with many playthroughs, trying different things such as deleting the game, deleting the files, and starting form scratch etc etc, nothing ever worked. Considering its a rare bug and despite my countless attempts at contacting the company the could only make undelivered promises since its was rare and not on their priority list, I knew this game was doomed to be sitting on my account at 91% for a long time if not ever until I bumped into your video, again thank you, keep up the great work, subscribed.


For games that I haven’t completed and don’t feel the need to, I usually just hide them from my trophy list and even though it will still be visible to me, it won’t be for others :)


What is the point in having 1k plats if mostly all of them are shitty 10 minutes games? Bruh smh


I wish they would just let you delete trophies instead of having to go through all of this smh 🤦‍♂️


They should let us delete trophies no matter what percentage we have on the game in my opinion ... or atleast bump it up to 10% or 20%


You are a Bad Boi ! 😱 Too much work for me, if I can't Platinum a game I still get x Trophies from it, provided they are cheap PSN games I am happy 🤗 Especially on Sale 🎂


Man I'm glad I don't care about my trophy list. I Platinum the games I love and the rest stay where they end up. I don't care if my list is 100% or 2%


I use a guest account to try games that I'm not sure I'll enjoy just to avoid 1% after getting a few in the past and having to hide them, but I don't mind incompletes otherwise. If I'm not good enough to earn a trophy then so be it, life goes on.


Wenn ich das früher gewusst hätte, dann hätte ich ein paar Games auf so einem Account zuerst gestartet.Aber mir gehts eher um die Platins als um die 100%.Alles schaff ich sowieso nicht auf 100%.Aber deswegen ein Spiel nicht zu spielen ist auch schade.Deshalb so viel wie es geht an Trophys mit nehmen und gut ist es.


I just hide incomplete games too. My biggest complaint is why can't we put our trophy list in alphabetical order?!? It looks so much better when you've completed a whole series to plat and they're all together. Minor complaint, but it should be an option imo 🤷


It seems I'm not the only one who feels ashamed if a game is less than 20 percent.


That person has over 1000 platinum trophies, wow that's impressive. Hang on a second 900 of them are 10-30 minute platinums. I retract that thought, not so impressive.


Thanks for this, it was super helpful in trying to obtain a few glitched trophies. It would be nice if Sony would let us delete trophies on games with low % though.


They should just make it possible to delete games with trophies. I don’t understand not being able to.


NOT all gamers suffer from OCD. Just enjoy games, why stress about not getting 100% even for shitty games.


Thank you for showing this trick,
because many don't know that something like that exists! 👍
I'm more a fan of the real challenge, chose my games to my abilitys
before I start them and try to get the most trophies out of it.
I don't stack, because I prefer to spent my time and money
on a new game = new experience and to avoid the plague of autopop trophies.


I've never needed anything like that and my list is still 100%. Very cool trick, thanks for that, I played Devilmaycry 5 on an offline account to see if I could do it 100%, but the trick would have saved me from having to play it again 😅.


In the end completion rate doesn't matter to me, if plat is doable with in 1 to 2 playthroughs and takes less than 30 hours I'm gonna go for it. Just fluffing a profile with easy trophies is fun and all but don't regret the things you play just because it will mess up your profile. If it matters that much then yeah make a second profile with nothing but stacked easy plays, but in the end, did you enjoy yourself?
