Simrad Dock to Dock Auto Routing by Navionics

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Here is a tutorial on how to access the dock to dock auto routing feature on your Simrad units. This was filmed using a Simrad NSS16 EVO 3
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Considering the time it took for the route to show up, and the two or three times you mentioned that it's a "hidden" function, this wasn't exactly a rousing endorsement for Simrad's product. Raymarine and Garmin have auto routing and guidance that are much faster, and really easy to activate. Someone at Simrad might want to work on that???


Very frustrating until I found this info. THANK YOU!!!!


Perfect! This will be a life/ time saver… thank you for putting this out.


Finally!! Thanks for the help. ive been using Navionics to AutoDock and Simrad for everything else.Much appreciated.


Great info, love it! I have the simrad nss as well. Coming from Garmin this is way more complicated and slow AF. It must be some kind of patent or similar that prohibits Simrad from doing it user friendly.


If you left at the same time you’d be there before it’s finished working it out.


Good job! Right in our neck of the woods....


Trying to get a definitive answer for a friend - He has a Simrad Go Series 7". He ordered the Navionics Plus SD card and will be updating Simrad software and registering the Navionics Plus card. There seems to be controversy whether this will do Dock-2-Dock autorouting in US waters? I can't seem to find a clear answer? Does anyone have a working Simrad Go 7 with navionics plus working in US waters?


Hey Captain! I noticed the DEPTH in the vertical bar at right was "- - -". Is that because you were not in the water? I have a new Evo3s, including a couple of phone calls to Simrad, and i cannot get my depth to appear there no matter what i do.


Still getting an unable to download system error???


I will try this. In the manual it states that dock to dock routing is not available. Thanks, will try.


How do I get that "tool bar" to show up on my chart?


How well does that integrate with autopilot?


I figured they probably had a place to enter your water draft and air draft if they were going to know the proper route to take you. Lol
I use Rand McNally gps in my semi, and it has spots to enter weight and height. So it won't take me on routes with bridges under 13' 6" or roads with weight or axle limits. Rookie truckers usually make the mistake of using google maps. 😆


The garmin is way faster at loading auto routing


How do I get my Simrad to look like the Navionics app? Installed card and switched to Navionics chip on my Simrad and it still looks the same. Been using my phone cause I can’t figure it out. Thanks!


A technical specialist from Simard advised me of the following procedure, which has more steps, but may work better for existing waypoints:
Touch screen to mark the start of route
Open menu
Select new route
Touch curser of route starting point to create a green circle around the curser
Open main menu
Open waypoints
Select existing waypoint
Show waypoint
Touch curser of destination waypoint to create a green circle around the curser
Open menu
Select dock to dock auto routing
Select entire route


I realize that this is several years old. I have fairly new NSS EVO3s, the feature is called EASY ROUTING. Completely useless feature, at least in my area. The computed route takes me over multiple shallow areas and straight through a charted sandbar, ignoring the buoys marking the channel.


Thanks for this video but with my evo 3 there's still an issue with this routing. After the route shows up in green color it is not logged in the system yet. The sidebar does not show any information about this route. To get this info for example heading, time and distance to destination and so on, i have to save the route. Than it disappears on my screen. Than i have to go back to the main menu click waypoints click routes click the recently created route click start. Then the route appears en my screen with all info in the sidebar. This can not be true ore am i wrong with some steps? It lasts longer to create a route on simrad evo 3 thsn to drive it. Does anybody have a tip to make this easier? Simrad never answered my questions. For them it's enough to have my money


Thank you very much for this video. It was very helpful. I have a new SIMRAD with a Navionics card which I registered successfully and all the maps and so on look fine but when I try dock-to-dock auto routing, it gives me an error message saying “Dock-to-Dock auto routing unsuccessful. Unknown system error”. I definitely registered the card and I updated the SIMRAD with my boat dimensions . Not sure if you’ve seen this before ? Going to check directly with SIMRAD too
