Dads During Tornadoes

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They got beer in Oz or no? 🌪

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Manitowoc Minute host Charlie Berens shows you every midwest dad during a tornado. After getting the kids in the basement he finds a way to watch the tornado watch or tornado warning from the front porch. As any good Wisconsin dad he'll also find a way to talk smack about the Chicago Bears. Once in Oz, he's on an endless search for beer. #KeepErMovin
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Such a midwestern thing to stand outside looking for tornadoes while the sirens are going off


Congratulations, you've officially become such a great example of language styling that your videos are being used for our linguistics class.


At my sister’s wedding the tornado sirens started just as the recessional finished. The ushers escorted all the guests into a tiny crowded church basement where we we stuck without AC on a humid Twin Cities day for 2 hours. A tornado landed at a strip mall about a mile from the church. And where was the groom?—upstairs filming the tornado.


As a Wisconsinite I can honestly say; That I sit in the garage with a beer and watch storms.
I know when it’s gonna be a good one cause my knee notified me of the storms development two days prior lol.


THIS IS EXACTLY RIGHT - in fact it's official Midwest tornado protocol - you get the fam in the basement and then - while listening to the local weather guy saying don't watch the storm - you goes outside and watches the storm!!! 😁😂😂


"No it's not a test, those are Wednesdays at noon"

Too real. I'm from Iowa and live in Nebraska and the whole video is painfully accurate.


As a Chicagoan, that "less touchdowns than the Bears" hit me hard.


Can we just take a second to appreciate how well he was able to sync the scarecrows mouth with the words


People don't believe me when I tell them in Wisconsin we go sit in the garage with a cold one to watch the storm.


Yep!! As a Wisconsinite, I always got my kids in the basement and went outside to watch the storm with the neighbors… then the next day, you talk about how close it came to you 😂😂😂😂. True story! 😊


My dad literally used to do that when we lived in Oklahoma. He'd sit out at the fence with a beer and watch the Tornado while everyone else was in the cellar. He definitely didn't go to Oz tho, he went to prison...yeeeeah..


The ruby red crocs and cheddar brook road!! 😂😅😂

My sister and I were always begging my dad to take tornado warnings seriously. A tree fell on our house and he still wasn't in the basement with us despite our pleading for him to get down there with us. The. Lights went off and there was a loud cracking sound. Dad came down the stairs with a candle and made an sound like a ghost. It scared the bejeezus out of us and he had a huge laugh about it all. It takes a hell of a lot for him to get worked up about pretty much anything! 😂


When I talked to the guy who lived across the street from our church in St Peter, MN after the tornado he said he was outside watching until a brick flew past him, went through his wall and landed in his living room.


Yes as a Michigander this was my dad and grandpa every time as a kid, throw everyone in the basement and sit on the porch watching the storm with Marlboros and PBR.


Oh my Gosh! My dad used to make us all go to the basement while he stood on the porch to watch too! That was really cute Charlie!


My family is from Kansas, my grandpa lived his entire life in the same small town. He didn't want us to be nervous so he didn't tell us to go to the basement, but he still sat outside watching the skies just incase


I did the "get in the basement now!" during a tornado warning one time when I was a kid. We waited for the adults to follow us and NONE of them did!


I cannot believe this doesn't have 7 million views !
That was incredible !! I can't remember the last time a YouTube sketch made my jaw drop !


my dad said this was like an autobiography so well written he wanted to cry


Recently found your videos. Lived in MN, WI, and MI in the mid' 70's. A majority of my dialect is like my parents, New England (not the accent). Apparently in grade school, I added "Ope!" to my vocabulary, but not the accent. 45 years later still have a few Upper Midwest in me. DH is a diehard Bears fan (10 years in Chigago) then three years in MN. Keep us laughing! "More touchdowns than the Bears" Hilarious!!
