TASKER 101: Tutorial for beginners: 4. 3G/LTE Timed Sync

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One of most power hungry features of your phone is 3G/LTE connection. This is what will drain your battery in hours. Personally I dont mind getting THAT email or Facebook message 15 min later. With this approach you can have your phone syncing all your online accounts every 15min (or so - it is up to you) - which mean - in 24h of profile use - we will be connected for 48min!
I'm using this only when I'm outdoors and far from the charger!


Using ADBLOCK?? - So am I, sometimes...
Did you know you can exclude certain channels, whole pages or single videos from the adBlock?
Information is free, as is my personal time. I would only ask you to spare me that 30 sec of your time that takes to watch an ad before video. I don’t think it is much to ask, especially given that it takes 2 hours or more to put a single video out there.
It may be a small channel (like mine) or big, but everyone likes to be appreciated. If it is only a free burger at the end of the month, so be it. But I can then say it was funded by your appreciation.
Please consider doing so for each artist/channel/website you respect and please appreciate their time and commitment. It helps them grow, and it does not take too much of your time. If you can drop a thank you message it means even more, but that single click to add my channel to the exclusion list would do as well if your fingers are too tired from typing, whilst you are trying to find answers to your questions.
Thanks for your time!

Secure Settings plug-in:

DOWNLOAD PROFILE HERE (not recommended however - please read folder description):

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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Your tutorials are some of the best for tasker please keep them coming.


Your tutorials are extremely informative.  But I find myself rewinding a few seconds all the time.  Is it possible to provide via a web page the steps you take in written format?  You are clicking so fast, sometimes it's not easy to see what you've clicked.


how to block foreground data for specific app using tasker....kindly reply


Do czego użyłeś stworzenie specjalnie stworzonej zmiennej %ScreenON ? (profil Screen 3G Control)


Czy ten profil wraz będzie włączał Internet co 15 minut gdy wyłączę transfer danych na przykład z poziomu paska powiadomień?


All the good stuff is out of limits if the phone is not rooted.


You will also need a rooted phone because mobile data toggle does no longer work under Android 5
