Division 2- Developers CONFIRM YEAR 3 CONTENT!! Major News!

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Today we received the major news that while TU12 had originally been planned to be the final update for The Division 2— our continued support of the game has caused them to continue on with Year 3 and 4 content, the first of which will be coming later in 2021. This is super exciting! I think it suggest we'll see more than just the bare-boned Seasons, but we will have to wait for further announcements to see. Let me know your thoughts below!

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Great news. And I'm eager to see what's in store. Thanks for taking the time, Rogue! I dig the vids man


This is a step, idk the direction, but it is a step


Thanks for the video and information about the future of the game


Ubisoft on a cost cutting exercise, and extending The Division 2's lifespan keeps the money rolling in with less effort and expenditure. As long as the new content brings something genuinely fun and interesting instead of copy and paste manhunts then I'm all for it.


The devs might have teased something if you look under the south dark zone abs tidel basin you see a big space with a tower building


I never lost faith on them bro! I Fn knew it!!! Ty for the vid bro :)


IMO By the time this new content comes out it will be closer to Year 4 !!


Those crashes... I had a few then the game seemed to stabilse. But now can't play, its unplaybale. I have no idea what changed to go from playing 5 hour stretches to not being able to play past 10 minutes max.


That's still pretty ambiguous. "Content" won't necessarily mean expansions. Besides, resources and manpower is being diverted to other projects. So in my mind when they say "content" I think it would be maybe additional side missions, changes to Summit, changes to DZ, new directives, etc.


This is what I THINK: they always intended to release year 3 content, but with so many people leaving TD2 to work on other games, and even people leaving Massive/Ubisoft, they realised they couldn't make anything remotely good until March, so they came up with this statement, to try and turn something bad into something positive.
Just look at what happened with RE "event", that would be just a re-use of Kenly College, and they couldn't even make that on time.
Right now, there must be only 5 or 6 Devs still working on the game, because Ubishit doesn't give a f*** if the franchise is not making them hundreds of millions of dollars...


Ok first they have NEVER putting a hold on Division 3, it has always been targeted for 2022 with development starting in 2019 as soon as Div 2 was released. Then after WONY dropped the rest of the team went onto Div 3 with minimal staff on Div 2 for the manhunts, and the entire focus has been on creating Division 3. Remember Red Storm were pulled from Division 2 pretty early when it was known that the split DZ was a fail, and to fix would of taken up too much resources, and they have been working on Div 3 for long time so hopefully we will get a PVP and DZ experience more like the original.

As they said in the investors call, they used the word Division to indicate the franchise as a whole not just Division 2 which indicated that we would receive Year 3 content (most likely free for WONY) and then most likely Division 3 on target in 2022. The reason they are releasing Division 2 content in 15 weeks around the same time as E3 is that Division 3 is going to be announced, so they will hope to get players back into the game as well as new players to sell Div 3.

What you need to realise is that Massive is a large studio within Ubisoft and it is currently split with one team working and leading the Avatar project and the Star Wars project (which is actually not due for release until 2023 at the earliest, most likely 2024 - they said in the call Avatar will be finished then they work on Star Wars), and the rest of the studio is working on Division franchise which is Div 3 next year. Remember Massive dont develop these games themselves, they are the lead because of the snowdrop engine and they coordinate with multiple studios to make these games - there were 6 or 7 who created Div 2.


dadefuye said the content will be seasonal and low quality. Im not sure if this was his prediction or if he has insider knowledge


I am a little bit shocked about this statement. It says to me that this shi* with lau was the planed original end for this game. Story was a strength of d1 and d2. When this was planed iam very shocked. I think we'll get some kind of content in the first half of 21 but we should keep our expectations low.

Best regards from Germany 🇩🇪


Hmm, it's vague but it's something right. ;-)


When they extended the seasons till june, I was positive there was more to come(good or not) so some time after june I expect new content


Still they are owning us a proper good bye to Faye Lau. Now they have time to fix this or bring a "Directors Cut" of the poor, lackluster and painful Faye-Mission


I don't quite believe they (ubi) only kept working on it because of us, . The almost complete radio science doesn't help. They seem to want to stop games that are narrative based at some point but instead call them live service. Ghost Recon and the Division (as pointed out by others) weren't mentioned in the last quarterly report from Ubi. The new FarCry will run its initial course and that will be all until the next one. Its a shame we don't have more locations. If they had more locations as DLC I would buy them, not at $70 each though. It would multiple studios working on them like Activision does for the Call of Duty alternating each major release.


Good to know they're going to fix the PS5 issues and PC crashes. New content is good, but equally important is to get as many of the game's issues ironed out so when they do move on from it, they'll be leaving it in a solid state, like 1.8 in Division 1.


Keep your expectations low ppl. They have the bar set too low to be excited for them to do something good


Yes Yes Good Good. Let’s go! Please keep Golden bullet and reanimated lol. Best events EVER! 😬. Solid Rouge 🍻
